nezzeraj says:
1. What was the RPG that disappointed you most?
I would say Cortex Prime. It seems like a great toolkit, but there were key elements to understanding how it works that just weren't in the book in any accessible way. By the time I figured that out I'd wasted hour after hour looking for things that should have been explained at the start, I was already soured on the whole experience.
nezzeraj says:
2. What RPG were you surprised you liked?
I'd say Lasers & Feelings. I slide toward the crunchier end of the scale, but L&F with its ridiculously simple engine really worked well, and it was fun.
nezzeraj says:
3. If you were to create an RPG, what would it be?
This is a golden age of RPGs, there are so many games already put together. I have been working on a game, a very niche experience, with @windyridge. We just wrapped up a playtest. The game starts off as a medical drama, but through hijinx, the hospital staff get stranded on a deserted island. A survival based hex crawl phase culminates when Alien Cannibal Hybrids attack! Oh no!
Adam says:
What drives you nuts in PbP games?
Too little or too much agency. Too little and your actions don't matter, so why bother? Too much and PBP derails into choice paralysis with days between noncomittal posts.
Adam says:
A genie grants you free expertise in any skill, tool, or language - what do you choose?
I would choose to be able to play guitar. It's a lifetime dream, but one I've never devoted any measure of time to.
Adam says:
If you could remove something from GP, what would it be?
You want to take away my preciouses? All of it is needed. If I had to choose, I'd reduce the number of sections of forums. There is too much overlap, which makes it hard to find something specific.
DarK_RaideR says:
Kinda the same as public healthcare, free in Canada and Europe, not a thing we think twice about, but such a big deal for Americans. Speaking of which, is that how you manage to look this good in your 50s? :P
Smoking, sunlight and making facial expressions age you the fastest. I avoid all of these like a boss.
ireneofunyes says:
Please feel free to ignore the question if it seems too personal but what do you do for a living and how do you think it affects your gaming style/preferences, if any?
I'm in actuarial sciences, so basically blending finance and statistics. I'm sure that it does affect me, but as I gamed for nearly 20 years before entering this career path, such an effect was not formative. I'd say that I'm probably more quick to be judgmental about settings that don't make obvious economic or political sense. Like if there was a
Hunger Games RPG, I would scoff, sir, I would scoff mightily.