Jun 20, 2016 5:53 pm
Jedi Misfits
The service corridors remained dark as the shadowy figure crept through, somehow not triggering the sensors which would turn on the lights. Taanab wasn’t known for its nightlife, with most of the planet shutting down during the hours of darkness, and the Imperial Museum was no exception. The shadows played tricks on the eyes of the intruder, with exhibits seeming to loom out of their niches on the wall. A stuffed bantha seemed to take on the aspect of a hunting rancor, prompting the figure to take several steps away before recovering its courage.
Silently stalking the corridors once more the figure paused in the shadow of a great monolith of carbonite, large enough to fill the hold of a light freighter. A guard droid walked by in the distance, doing the patrol that it had walked a dozen times every night. Nothing seemed amiss, not yet anyway.
Across the hall sat the exhibit that the thief had come for. In a display case sat an item which could fetch hundreds of thousands of credits on the black market. Enough to buy a ship, or a comfortable retirement. The figure approached and placed an electronic device against a control panel to the right of the exhibit. Red lights blinked, blinked, then turned green. The figure inserted a tool into the crack at the side of the transparisteel window and cut through the hinges. The window now loose, it lowered it gently to the floor, placing it down with a barely perceptible bump.
It paused, waiting to see if anything had responded to the sound. All remained silent. The figure pulled a large bag out of a pouch on its waist and opened it out, then reached into the enclosure. Its fingertips brushed the object, not quite reaching. The figure stood on tiptoes, only just getting a good grip it very carefully lifted the object up and off of its stand, then ever so carefully turned to put it into the bag.
As it turned one of the straps of the bag caught the edge of the transparisteel pane, sending it crashing to the floor. Suddenly lights started flashing and klaxons wailed. The security droid clanked back into the room, its blaster arm held high. As soon as it saw the thief it fired blue stun pulses, but the thief returned fire with its own blaster, this one set to kill. The droid adjusted its own blaster to match.
Two repulsor-droids flew in from somewhere behind the thief, catching it in a crossfire.
It didn’t stand a chance. Having sustained several blaster injuries the thief crumpled to the floor. The droids carefully replaced the item it had taken on its stand and a maintenance droid trundled up to fix the hinges on the window, before removing the body to be burned. Minutes after the firefight the scene looked exactly as it had before anything had happened.
All except the light on a panel at the side of the block of carbonite. The panel had caught a stray shot during the short battle. The light had been solid green, but was now pulsing gradually getting faster and faster. A red glow came from the centre of the carbonite block, and the metal appeared to evaporate away, until all that was left was four figures sprawled on the floor…
When Order 66 was issued, on some worlds the elimination of Jedi was left in the hands of ordinary clone troopers. In general they had to rely on a combination of surprise and sheer numbers to defeat this new and powerful enemy. Even so, sometimes is took a trooper just taking advantage of an opportunity which presented itself.
On one planet in particular the quick thinking opportunism of a clone trooper resulted in a group of Jedi being frozen in carbonite. Only those most well-versed in the Force managed to escape. The Jedi in question were a group of misfits who had never managed to fit in to the ordered and serious strictures of the Jedi Order. The Jedi weren’t known to give up on a sentient, so they assigned the whole group to Master Redarr Tanau, the most serious and studious mentor they could find, as his Padawans, working on the theory that together they could balance each other out.
They had accompanied their Master to Taanab, where he was to inspect the new food production facilities. They had happened to be in the carbonite freezer when the Order had been given. Only Master Tanau had made it out before the freezer cycled, all four students were frozen, and the block was taken as a symbol of Imperial authority.
The service corridors remained dark as the shadowy figure crept through, somehow not triggering the sensors which would turn on the lights. Taanab wasn’t known for its nightlife, with most of the planet shutting down during the hours of darkness, and the Imperial Museum was no exception. The shadows played tricks on the eyes of the intruder, with exhibits seeming to loom out of their niches on the wall. A stuffed bantha seemed to take on the aspect of a hunting rancor, prompting the figure to take several steps away before recovering its courage.
Silently stalking the corridors once more the figure paused in the shadow of a great monolith of carbonite, large enough to fill the hold of a light freighter. A guard droid walked by in the distance, doing the patrol that it had walked a dozen times every night. Nothing seemed amiss, not yet anyway.
Across the hall sat the exhibit that the thief had come for. In a display case sat an item which could fetch hundreds of thousands of credits on the black market. Enough to buy a ship, or a comfortable retirement. The figure approached and placed an electronic device against a control panel to the right of the exhibit. Red lights blinked, blinked, then turned green. The figure inserted a tool into the crack at the side of the transparisteel window and cut through the hinges. The window now loose, it lowered it gently to the floor, placing it down with a barely perceptible bump.
It paused, waiting to see if anything had responded to the sound. All remained silent. The figure pulled a large bag out of a pouch on its waist and opened it out, then reached into the enclosure. Its fingertips brushed the object, not quite reaching. The figure stood on tiptoes, only just getting a good grip it very carefully lifted the object up and off of its stand, then ever so carefully turned to put it into the bag.
As it turned one of the straps of the bag caught the edge of the transparisteel pane, sending it crashing to the floor. Suddenly lights started flashing and klaxons wailed. The security droid clanked back into the room, its blaster arm held high. As soon as it saw the thief it fired blue stun pulses, but the thief returned fire with its own blaster, this one set to kill. The droid adjusted its own blaster to match.
Two repulsor-droids flew in from somewhere behind the thief, catching it in a crossfire.
It didn’t stand a chance. Having sustained several blaster injuries the thief crumpled to the floor. The droids carefully replaced the item it had taken on its stand and a maintenance droid trundled up to fix the hinges on the window, before removing the body to be burned. Minutes after the firefight the scene looked exactly as it had before anything had happened.
All except the light on a panel at the side of the block of carbonite. The panel had caught a stray shot during the short battle. The light had been solid green, but was now pulsing gradually getting faster and faster. A red glow came from the centre of the carbonite block, and the metal appeared to evaporate away, until all that was left was four figures sprawled on the floor…
When Order 66 was issued, on some worlds the elimination of Jedi was left in the hands of ordinary clone troopers. In general they had to rely on a combination of surprise and sheer numbers to defeat this new and powerful enemy. Even so, sometimes is took a trooper just taking advantage of an opportunity which presented itself.
On one planet in particular the quick thinking opportunism of a clone trooper resulted in a group of Jedi being frozen in carbonite. Only those most well-versed in the Force managed to escape. The Jedi in question were a group of misfits who had never managed to fit in to the ordered and serious strictures of the Jedi Order. The Jedi weren’t known to give up on a sentient, so they assigned the whole group to Master Redarr Tanau, the most serious and studious mentor they could find, as his Padawans, working on the theory that together they could balance each other out.
They had accompanied their Master to Taanab, where he was to inspect the new food production facilities. They had happened to be in the carbonite freezer when the Order had been given. Only Master Tanau had made it out before the freezer cycled, all four students were frozen, and the block was taken as a symbol of Imperial authority.
Last edited Jun 21, 2016 12:48 pm