Sigma Madelline or Bust

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Jul 8, 2022 12:57 pm
With that, Bentom and Sam will start the grim duty of moving the bodies. He would take blankets if they have them and use it as a stretcher/skid to make moving the bodies easy, as well as keep us from being TOO close to the deceased. As soon as we get them to the med bay, Bentom will start investigating and looking for a cause of death, both with his ocular appendages and technological equipment. (he will look and prod)
Im not sure if this is the correct way to roll, but I think it is correct? if not, just let me know what I was supposed to do for next time!
Last edited July 8, 2022 1:00 pm


To determine Cause of Death (education +4, Medical +2) - (1d6+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

STS Tranquility


Jul 9, 2022 3:52 am
STS Tranquility

Two of the bodies were dragged from elsewhere, a tiny residue on the floor in the quarters showing from where.

Bentom's care is meticulous and thorough. Once in the infirmary, he quickly ascertains that the bodies were killed by a sharp cutting instrument, deep enough and with enough force that ribs were scored and cracked by the impact, then they bled out. One of them was struck from behind, split open from shoulder to hip in a cross cut. Likely a right handed assailant wielding the long instrument with two hands, or they're very strong.
Jul 9, 2022 9:09 am
For once, Sam doesn't feel like cracking a joke, the sight of those horrific wounds sinking in. Whoever butchered these guys might still be on the loose on board this ship.
"Shit, Doc... M-maybe we need better weapons..." he says, looking doubtful at his stun gun.

STS Tranquility


Jul 11, 2022 3:04 am
STS Tranquility
What would you like to do next? The ship is devoid of any other humans.

Reminder for the autopsy...
There is a single loop recorded from a security feed, of an intruder. The woman you see isn't wearing a space suit. Instead, the short-haired woman is wearing cargo pants, unlaced heavy boots, and a leather bomber style jacket. She holds a curved sword, the ceramic blade gleaming blackly in the light. She looks up at the sec cam, and with a stab, the feed goes dark.
Jul 11, 2022 12:34 pm
We wouldn't be lucky enough that the third body is the girl, would we? no? oh well :/

"I concur. Anything that could do...this... is something that might be able to shrug off a stunner. Sadly, the only other weapon I know of is the captain's pistol. but these bodies were left behind, so hopeful the threat has moved on. Considering their state, I don't expect the perpetuator to return for them. but until we find the others, we must be very careful" Benton will finish up, cleaning the tools and replacing everything into its correct location
Would there have ever been tales of intruders circulating on stations that we have been posted to? Maybe this is not he first time this woman has acted, or the first ship to go dark in this region?
Jul 12, 2022 8:53 am
Comparing the number of dead bodies to the crew list we found (and to the number of spacesuits we found), can we determine if there any missing crew members? - ie, is the woman in the video footage part of this ship?

STS Tranquility


Jul 12, 2022 3:03 pm
STS Tranquility
With the exception of the three bodies, the entire crew is missing. The woman from the footage is unidentified, but definitely not a member of the expedition to this system, be it from the science vessels, the cargo ship, or the station itself.
Jul 12, 2022 4:48 pm
Well, There are only 2 options then: 1, the woman was smuggled or snuck aboard before the ship left normal space, or 2, she was able to enter the ship after it was moving. Neither sounds good for us. but, if the was smuggled aboard, then she must have had a hiding space. Maybe an empty crate in the cargo hold, or an empty panel that she could hide in? I do not want to imagine that she just 'appeared' here.

"Hmm... Let us head back. I believe Mr. Shaw was going to head to the bridge. that should probably be where we head next"
Jul 15, 2022 10:27 pm
"Indeed. To the bridge... no way I am staying behind with some blade-happy maniac woman on the loose..." he walks away from the Medical sector, casting nervous glances at every corner and walking close to Bentom.

STS Tranquility


Jul 19, 2022 1:00 am
STS Tranquility
The bridge...

The bridge is busted open, the door looks like it was cut apart with a welder. Inside, you see no signs of life, at least to the casual eye.

The bridge is deserted, the displays in low power mode. The lights stubbornly remain dim, as if in night watch mode. A comm terminal to your right flashes red and then with a burst of static, sparks flash from the sides as it dies.

When you step in, the ground crunches beneath your boots. A brown crust of some material flakes and powderizes beneath your tread.

There is no one on the bridge that you can see, alive or dead.
Jul 19, 2022 1:17 am
Deacon carefully looks around the bridge as he keeps his weapon ready. As he advances further into the room, he glances over his shoulder at the others. It appears clear...we should be safe to proceed for now.
Jul 19, 2022 11:07 pm
Sam points at the strange material that crumbled under their weight, trying to find an intact fragment of the brown crust.

"What is this stuff? We didn't see anything similar, in the rest of the ship... Do you think we could take some samples, to learn more about it, Doctor Bentom? "

He looks at the ceiling to try ascertain whether the strange substance might have poured from above.

STS Tranquility


Jul 19, 2022 11:59 pm
STS Tranquility
Bentom will be able to tell that it is blood, or was. Freeze dried to terrific cold, then warmed, it cracks to a powder as soon as it's touched.
Jul 20, 2022 3:32 pm
"I do believe that is blood. It left to freeze, then returned to normal, it will behave like that. Similar to Freeze dried eggs. The important questions to ask is why is it here, and how did it freeze..." Bentom will look around. Does there seem to be any hull breaches that would have allowed the bridge to freeze over?

STS Tranquility


Jul 20, 2022 7:34 pm
STS Tranquility
There are no hull breaches, visible or otherwise, and no gathered atmo near the ship, so it wasn't vented.
Jul 20, 2022 10:14 pm
Sam looks for a different terminal that might still be alive, in search of a parametric log of the ship status, to see if he can find a drastic drop in temperature recorded, how long it lasted for, and how long ago it happened...
rolling Helm


Education 1, Helm 1 - (1d6+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

STS Tranquility


Jul 21, 2022 4:50 pm
STS Tranquility
The logs show that someone turned off the environmental controls and actively radiated heat, so that the whole ship north of engineering dropped to super freezing over the course of a week.
Jul 21, 2022 6:42 pm
Would that require special access or could anyone do it?

STS Tranquility


Jul 21, 2022 8:13 pm
STS Tranquility
If I recall correctly, the proper codes have been entered into the computer core giving all of you unrestricted access to the ships systems. With that access, you could certainly do the same thing, but without total access, the safety protocols would stop you.

Tracing the access logs, you see that the commands were given from engineering, likely after the crew had holed up in there. The engineering section (and also the crew quarters) were exempted from shutting off the heat control systems of the STS Tranquility and so would have been, for that week, the only place on the ship habitable.
Jul 21, 2022 10:07 pm
"So the crew survivors tried to barricade themselves in engineering and in the crew quarters, and tried to freeze the rest of the ship. They must have thought that that would have killed whatever threat they were facing. Looks like they were wrong?..." he muses.

Looking at the dried blood on the floor he cannot restrain a shiver.
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