[OOC] The Character Creation Workshop

May 2, 2022 1:37 pm
We can work on our characters here, discuss concepts, ask rules questions, roll dice, etc...
May 2, 2022 2:40 pm
Here's my character idea so far:
Name: The Great Ivario
High Concept: Gypsy fortune-teller
Trouble: Condemned by the church (possibly hunted?) (If we don't want there to be a church in our game, it could be replaced by something else)
Aspect: Knows many secrets (This could be either from clients or magically. What do you think is best?)
Aspect: Can set up shop to gather information from locals

Careful: +1, Clever: +2, Flashy: +3, Forceful: +1, Quick: +0, Sneaky: +2
Question; Is 'Forceful' meant as purely physical, or can it be used as for example 'Forcefully manipulating someone into doing something for you'

I thought about a few Stunt ideas. Let me know which you think is good to use.
- Because I am an experienced persuader, I get a +2 when I Cleverly create advantages when telling someone their fortune.

- Because I have a crystal ball, I get a +2 when I sneakily attack when I have them distracted with the ball.

- Because I have the powers of precognition, once per game session I can negate one source of damage.

Edit: added another aspect.
Last edited May 2, 2022 2:42 pm
May 2, 2022 6:01 pm
Ok, so following TheGenerator's formula above, here is my concept so far:

Name: Vincent of the Woods
Description: TBD, but human.

>High Concept: Skilled ranger and hunter of the woods.
>Trouble: Irrationally fears enclosed spaces; claustrophobic.
>Aspect 1: Forager of the wilds.
>Aspect 2: Uses deceased father's wooden longbow.

Careful +3
Clever +1
Flashy 0
Forceful +1
Quick +2
Sneaky +2

>Experienced Woodsman: Because I am an experienced woodsman, I get a +2 when I sneakily track a target through any wilderness.

I'm 100% open to suggestions here. Thanks!
Last edited May 3, 2022 12:02 pm
May 2, 2022 7:05 pm
Here is my first draft idea.

Name : Beartrand Barebear

- High Concept : Creature Zipper (transforms in creatures)
- Trouble : Is afraid of Bears (he tries everything to avoid looking at his hides)
- Aspect 1 : Knows his ways around any town
- Aspect 2 : Drinks a lot to forget he transforms in bears

- +1 Careful
- +2 Clever
- +0 Flashy
- +3 Forceful
- +2 Quick
- +1 Sneak

- He is capable of using magic zippers, the zipper must be sew to a vestment once he de-zips the zip he takes the appearance of the animal. Once he wants to stop he de-zip himself from the inside and must carry the hide until he has half an hour to put it again in its zip.
- Brown Bear zipper: Transform him in a Powerful Brown Bear.
- Teddy Bear zipper : Transform him in a small teddy bear of 33cm high (1foot), unable to attack and nearly unable to handle anything with his hands, but is a good climber and has a great resistance.
May 2, 2022 9:40 pm
I love that character name, YullyBear! 😂
May 2, 2022 10:01 pm
sifu_g says:

I'm 100% open to suggestions here. Thanks!
Aspect: specializes in hunting bears 😝😏
May 2, 2022 11:54 pm
Welcome everyone!

@TheGenerator Looks pretty good. I think you're just about ready.
TheGenerator says:

Trouble: Condemned by the church (possibly hunted?) (If we don't want there to be a church in our game, it could be replaced by something else)
Seems fine for now, unless anybody objects.
TheGenerator says:

Careful: +1, Clever: +2, Flashy: +3, Forceful: +1, Quick: +0, Sneaky: +2
Question; Is 'Forceful' meant as purely physical, or can it be used as for example 'Forcefully manipulating someone into doing something for you'
From the FAE rules:
"Forceful: A Forceful action isn’t subtle—it’s brute strength. Wrestling a bear. Staring down a thug. Casting a big, powerful magic spell."

The way I see it, Fate is generic, so for genres with little to no combat, or for mystery games, Forceful could even be related to talking or intimidation ("Star down", like above.)
TheGenerator says:

- Because I have the powers of precognition, once per game session I can negate one source of damage.

I think this wording is fine, though we may revise it as we learn more about how stress and recovery is supposed to work. I read it as "distract the monster and block the stress/damage." It's these so-called "Rules-changing stunts" that get a little intimidating for a beginner Fate GM such as myself :-) But I suspect it's fine for now.

Alternatively, if you wish, you could also rewrite it as a "bonus style stunt" instead, like +2 when Defending... Although the once-per-session to negate could be a fun life-saving epic moment.

Otherwise, looks good.
May 2, 2022 11:56 pm
sifu_g says:
Ok, so following @TheGenerator's formula above, here is my concept so far:
@sifu_g Looks fun. And it looks like you're just about ready! My only comment is maybe you can leave another aspect slot free for yourself (maybe having both an aspect and a stunt about the same longbow is unnecessary/redundant... (?) Since I'm still new to Fate, I'm actually not sure about that myself, but I'm welcome to be corrected.)

@All Aspects can be tricky to write, but I think it's whatever the player wants (what makes the player happy.) Nevertheless, Fate Accelerated Rules do give some advice on how to write good aspects, here... https://fate-srd.com/fate-accelerated/aspects-fate-points#composing-good-aspects
May 2, 2022 11:58 pm
YullyBear says:
Here is my first draft idea.
- Trouble : Is afraid of Bears (he tries everything to avoid looking at his hides)
That's a funny twist :-)

@YullyBear: The Magic Zipper is a creative and fun idea. It reminds me of Selkie's skin from Celtic or Norse mythology. It'd be fun to see a picture or illustration if you have one. So, Fate Accelerated has some specific rules for stunts; we'll need to translate this a bit to FAE language...
YullyBear says:

- He is capable of using magic zippers, the zipper must be sew to a vestment once he de-zips the zip he takes the appearance of the animal. Once he wants to stop he de-zip himself from the inside and must carry the hide until he has half an hour to put it again in its zip.
My thought is perhaps this part (above) would go under character description or be described in role play, rather than under stunt section.
YullyBear says:

- Brown Bear zipper: Transform him in a Powerful Brown Bear.
- Teddy Bear zipper : Transform him in a small teddy bear of 33cm high (1foot), unable to attack and nearly unable to handle anything with his hands, but is a good climber and has a great resistance.
For stunts, the rules are
Because I [describe some way that you are exceptional, have a cool bit of gear, or are otherwise awesome], once per game session I can [describe something cool you can do].
Because I [describe some way that you are exceptional, have a cool bit of gear, or are otherwise awesome], I get a +2 when I [pick one: Carefully, Cleverly, Flashily, Forcefully, Quickly, Sneakily] [pick one: attack, defend, create advantages, overcome] when [describe a circumstance]

So each specific Zipper could be something like...
- Because of my Brown Bear zipper, once per session, I can transform into Powerful Brown Bear [let's me have bear-like strength, for the duration of the scene.]

Or, it could be broken into separate "Bonus" stunts... Unfortunately, each of these would use up one of your 3 free stunt slots.

- Because I can wear my Brown Bear zipper, I get a +2 when I Forcefully Attack when in close combat.
- Because I can wear my Brown Bear zipper, I get a +2 when I Forcefully Overcome Obstacles when faced with a situation that requires great strength.

For the Teddy Bear Zipper, it could be...
- Because I can wear a Teddy Bear zipper, once per session, I can transform into a small teddy bear of 33cm high (1foot) [that lets me climb with ease or go into small spaces for the duration for the scene].
- Because I can wear a Teddy Bear zipper, I get a +2 when I Quickly Overcome Obstacles when there's a need to climb with ease or get into a small space.

What do you think?
May 2, 2022 11:59 pm
TheGenerator says:
sifu_g says:

I'm 100% open to suggestions here. Thanks!
Aspect: specializes in hunting bears 😝😏
And a bear who's afraid of bears at that :-)
May 3, 2022 12:33 am
sean_don4 says:
"Forceful: A Forceful action isn’t subtle—it’s brute strength. Wrestling a bear. Staring down a thug. Casting a big, powerful magic spell."
The way I see it, Fate is generic, so for genres with little to no combat, or for mystery games, Forceful could even be related to talking or intimidation ("Star down", like above.)
That makes sense. I think I get it.

How many stunts do we start with? I think the book says 1 stunt.
sean_don4 says:
Although the once-per-session to negate could be a fun life-saving epic moment.
I thought so too. But if we start with only 1 stunt, I will probably take one of the other ones, though :)
May 3, 2022 12:51 am
Hi @TheGenerator : I suspect you're right. I thought it was 3 free stunts, but I guess that's in Fate Core. Fate Accelerated, it looks like just 1 free to start, but I'll confirm that...

EDIT: Here is the answer: https://fate-srd.com/fate-accelerated/who-do-you-want-be#how-many-stunts
If I'm reading it right, we can start with 3 if we're all comfortable with that and don't mind slightly more powerful characters -- which is fine by me, since we're starting as a one-shot. However, you don't have to pick all 3 before we start: a player can add them as they play.

EDIT: Fate Accelerated says:
"By default, your refresh starts at three and is reduced by one for each stunt after the first three you choose— essentially, your first three stunts are free!"
May 3, 2022 3:47 am

Name: Esther the Uncareful
High Concept: An Eager and Most Uncareful Wizard's 'Prentice
Trouble: Her Reach Often Exceeds Her Grasp
Aspect: Never Without a Book
Aspect: Could Pass for a Boy, and Hates It
Aspect: Vincent Sometimes Ties Her Tongue and Flushes Her Cheeks

Careful: +0, Clever: +3, Flashy: +2, Forceful: +1, Quick: +2, Sneaky: +1

1 - When I can gesture wildly and chant loudly, I get +2 to Flashily Create an Advantage when casting spells.
2 - When I read directly from my master's stolen spell book, I get +2 when I Cleverly Attack with his powerful magics.
3 - Because I am a slip of a thing, I get +2 to Quickly Defend if there's cover (including other people and bears) to be had.

Any of that fit the bill?
May 3, 2022 3:48 am
Also, I see a bunch of pondering and questions about Fate above. Anything still unanswered I can help with?
May 3, 2022 5:08 am
Name : Beartrand Barebear
- He is capable of using magic zippers, the zipper must be sew to a vestment once he de-zips the zip he takes the appearance of the animal. Once he wants to stop he de-zip himself from the inside and must carry the hide until he has half an hour to put it again in its zip.

- High Concept : Creature Zipper (transforms in creatures)
- Trouble : Is afraid of Bears (he tries everything to avoid looking at his hides)
- Aspect 1 : Knows his ways around any town
- Aspect 2 : Drinks a lot to forget he transforms in bears

- +1 Careful
- +2 Clever
- +0 Flashy
- +3 Forceful
- +2 Quick
- +1 Sneak

- Because I can wear a Brown Bear zipper, once per session, I can transform into Powerful Brown Bear [let's me have bear-like strength, for the duration of the scene.]
- Because I can wear a Teddy Bear zipper, once per session, I can transform into a small teddy bear of 33cm high (1foot) [that lets me climb with ease or go into small spaces for the duration for the scene].
- Because I can wear the legendary Aquarius Zodiac Bear zipper, once per session, I can transform into a Zodiak Bear wearing a conch sending a strong water jet capable of ejecting enemies or flooding an area.
May 3, 2022 5:11 am
Harrigan says:
Any of that fit the bill?
Thanks @Harrigan ! Look's like we have a wizard's apprentice.

Just a heads up (and I sense you factored this in already), in this setting so far, I'll be treating spells as somewhat wild (potentially unpredictable or even dangerous), so common/safer spells might be of the illusion, cantrip, or smaller scale variety. Really big spells like raising the dead, summoning lightening, inflicting a curse on someone, moving a castle, etc, would be limited to high level witches or at least require a lot of ritualistic preparation (or a high difficulty/target on the ladder.) (e.g. raising the dead might require an ancient cauldron.) As a general rule, I'll compare how difficult it would be to do something physically (without magic) to set the ladder for how hard it could be to do magically. In any case, I think Fate works well for this, because "stunt" spells require a roll; so, naturally they could have some unexpected results. Sounds fun :-)
Harrigan says:
Also, I see a bunch of pondering and questions about Fate above. Anything still unanswered I can help with?
Thanks! I hope I managed to stumble my way through the questions so far, but anyone is welcome to ask additional questions :-)
May 3, 2022 5:23 am
YullyBear says:
Name : Beartrand Barebear
- He is capable of using magic zippers, the zipper must be sew to a vestment once he de-zips the zip he takes the appearance of the animal. Once he wants to stop he de-zip himself from the inside and must carry the hide until he has half an hour to put it again in its zip.

- High Concept : Creature Zipper (transforms in creatures)
- Trouble : Is afraid of Bears (he tries everything to avoid looking at his hides)
- Aspect 1 : Knows his ways around any town
- Aspect 2 : Drinks a lot to forget he transforms in bears

- +1 Careful
- +2 Clever
- +0 Flashy
- +3 Forceful
- +2 Quick
- +1 Sneak

- Because I can wear a Brown Bear zipper, once per session, I can transform into Powerful Brown Bear [let's me have bear-like strength, for the duration of the scene.]
- Because I can wear a Teddy Bear zipper, once per session, I can transform into a small teddy bear of 33cm high (1foot) [that lets me climb with ease or go into small spaces for the duration for the scene].
- Because I can wear the legendary Aquarius Zodiac Bear zipper, once per session, I can transform into a Zodiak Bear wearing a conch sending a strong water jet capable of ejecting enemies or flooding an area.
Thanks @YullyBear. Looks good. For that last stunt, I'm thinking it could flood at least 1 of what Fate calls a "zone." Also, curious about the "conch", do you perhaps mean like wearing a shell?
May 3, 2022 5:28 am
I think we're making good progress. Any further questions are welcome. Also welcome to jump into the in-character page (or ask questions about the hook or village in the OOC thread.)

May 3, 2022 5:36 am
Thanks @YullyBear. Looks good. For that last stunt, I'm thinking it could flood at least 1 of what Fate calls a "zone." Also, curious about the "conch", do you perhaps mean like wearing a shell?[/quote]

Yes a special kind of shell, rather big reminding of the Cornucopia.
May 3, 2022 8:24 am
sean_don4 says:

EDIT: Here is the answer: https://fate-srd.com/fate-accelerated/who-do-you-want-be#how-many-stunts
If I'm reading it right, we can start with 3 if we're all comfortable with that and don't mind slightly more powerful characters -- which is fine by me, since we're starting as a one-shot. However, you don't have to pick all 3 before we start: a player can add them as they play.

EDIT: Fate Accelerated says:
"By default, your refresh starts at three and is reduced by one for each stunt after the first three you choose— essentially, your first three stunts are free!"
I'm gonna stick with the ones I have made. But for the one about damage reduction, I'm going to wait to define it until I have a better grasp of how damage works in this game. So I'll only use the first 2 for a while.

Is money important in the game? My "set up shop" aspect could also be my source of money.

I'm going to add a 3rd aspect that's a bit quirky and might cause some fun complications. Still thinking about what exactly
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