7. Good Mead

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Jul 15, 2022 7:46 pm
Had the election been about ideas then Bells could have had respect for her opponent but Shanadar had consistently given testimony to his lack of integrity by the dwarf's shady practices. Had his character been true, Bells had intended on embracing a leader of the Stave's part of community as a gesture that their voices were to be heard and Good Mead only succeeded if all of Good Mead felt a part of the process and prosperous. Shanadar wasn't that dwarf.

The cavernous spaces of the main gathering room were filled to bursting on this Winter Solstice. Mayhap it had been to show support for the bard or just as likely to see if Shanadar would show his face after the shame Rayne's Huskies had given him by exposing his tricks. But belligerent as ever the dwarf could not accept a slip of a girl from the outside could ever actually beat someone embedded in the community.

By a show of hands, the town of Good Mead soon showed the dwarf the error of his thoughts by electing Bells as their new speaker. Bells' eyes teared as the first reddened hand shot up belonging to Mistress Branch. No one had been so entirely affected by the bard presence as the widow. Now cries in the night were not from children's hunger or from shivering from cold. Mistress Branch now had a future in a business that would ensure her children would continue to be provided so to the widow's enthusiastic support was visceral. Most of the rest of the hands raised that night had not felt the tangible benefits that the widow had but they trusted the promise Bells had offered. Now seeing gnarled hands, calloused hands, longer human hands along with stubby thick Dwarven hands all raised, Bells saw home.

Speaker Bells stood at the front of the crowd with every eye transfixed on her. Thank you. Thank you all, especially those I hold as close as family. Thankful eyes touched Rayne who had organized and trained the town militia so everyone was safer, Okto who had been the muscle and the heart behind getting the goat farm up and running while saving a struggling family, Anders who...where was Anders...Zin, who protected and encouraged her with the kindest acts punctuated by swoon worthy words and had helped the town by setting up the soup kitchen.Today you have given me roots, let me give you wings to fly into the future! Let's celebrate! The first keg is on the new speaker! Enough speeches had been given with tomorrow being soon enough to enact new policies so that left the night long as it was with the joyous sounds of victory ringing out.
Last edited July 15, 2022 8:00 pm
Jul 16, 2022 11:35 am
Zin watches the proceedings with joy. It just felt so… right. As Bells makes her statement about the keg, Zin turns and nods at Kartan and Mistress Branch. He then reaches under the folds of his cloak and pulls out a bell. A good number of the villagers pull out bells as well. Traditional, cow or livestock, triangles and even a few pots and spoons.
And anybody in the party, I didn’t want to speak for them!
. A cacophony of multi toned bells of all shapes and sizes rings out in celebration of the new speaker. It is discordant but has its own beauty as it speaks to the diversity of the crowd.
Last edited July 16, 2022 11:57 am
Jul 16, 2022 12:33 pm
Bravo! Put some inspiration on Bells' character sheet.

I'll leave some space until tomorrow before posting.

I guess Rayne went to the shrine?
Jul 16, 2022 4:17 pm
Bells stood with her head thrown back and her arms raised as she drank in the moment when it wasn't her alone ringing in the darkness but a whole orchestra that now accompanied her. As the jingles eventually silenced as there was free mead to drink, Bells circulated shaking hands and receiving congratulations. Passing by Raine and Okto, she gave both a hug while inquiring if all was well with the ranger. A shadow of hurt passed over her face when it seemed the answer was he was at his cave. Apparently, her moment wasn't important to Anders. Had the ranger really pretended otherwise? Obviously,
she had read more feeling behind the sharp words than what was there. However, tonight was not the night to accept rejection as Bells turned her attention to the conductor of the impromptu symphony, Zin.

Striding up and leaning close so it would be hard for others to catch the bard's words in the overall din, Now that I am speaker, I hope you will address me with the proper deference Eyes flashing with amusement but just managing to keep a straight face, Bells stood regally in her finery preening, Always appropriate is, "Yes, Speaker, how may your humble servant assist you in your most minute desires? I am sure I can expect full compliance. Maybe such bold words were inappropriate especially since Bells was only certain about the state of the elf's muscles but nothing went to a woman's head as a fancy dress and winning an election so the bard flirted.
Jul 16, 2022 4:51 pm
Zin smiles at the beautiful woman’s teasing. Not twenty minutes into your role and already drunk with power? As you wish, Speaker Bells… Zin stands and gives an exaggerated bow …although, if you keep this up, I’ll be forced to find another more beautiful foreigner with an even bigger heart of compassion that I can help to unseat you. Although I expect an elf’s life isn’t long enough for such a quest. Zin sits back down and gives Bells another warm smile … you did great. These people have no idea how lucky they are to have you leading them. Zin’s brow furrows, he coughs and he says …tomorrow, Rayne and I will make the trip out to the cave. I believe I may know how to help him with his affliction… and I want to check on the ranger… maybe something happened…
Last edited July 17, 2022 10:07 am
Jul 17, 2022 2:19 am
Rayne joined in as the bells rang out, sitting with Zin and a group of the Huskies. As the cheers died down, he walked to Bells and to give her his congratulations. "Cheers, Bells!" as he raised his mug to the bard, "I knew we had this. And I didn't even have to sleep with a troupe of bards." he pauses for a second, "have to that is. Turns out there isn't much around here to keep them busy once Shanadar turned hide and ran..." he says with a grin.

Rayne raises his mug once more and turns to Zin, "I'll see you in the morning, Zin." Rayne leaves Bells and Zin to rejoin the group of huskies. There was more mead to be drank, and a few bards to be found.
Last edited July 17, 2022 2:19 am

Olivessa Untapoor


Jul 17, 2022 5:07 pm
Okay - let's see if we can jumpstart this into Easthaven.
The Speaker's House has two front doors. The smaller leads to a pair of offices, one for the administrator and one for the bare Speaker's office. The main door leads to a spacious manor house. It's been recently cleaned, and the furnishings are tasteful but neutral and without character - like an empty canvas awaiting Bells' touch.

Olivessa hears about your plans to visit Easthaven and arrives holding her birchbark pad and a sharpened charcoal pencil.

"You mentioned visiting Easthaven, Speaker?"

Olivessa delivers a summary of Easthaven, speaking in bullet points.

"* Speaker Danneth Waylen is known to be quite informal and somewhat relaxed in his dealings. He's not one for ceremony. So to meet him, just pop by the Town Hall, perhaps take a bottle of Special Old Golden as a present?

* Captain Imdra Arlaggath is their sheriff. People often mistake her dry sense of humour for coldness. She enjoys the company of adventurers.

* Theft without bodily harm or destruction of property is legal in Easthaven. Watch out for pick-pockets.

* The White Lady Inn is well regarded, safe, and offers secure stables.

* For entertainment: The Wet Trout is a lively tavern; The White Lady Inn hosts exclusive seances in the evenings. Usually, they're very selective about who's invited, but I'm sure a Speaker would have no problem securing an invitation."

She reaches into her apron for a leather scroll case about four inches long.

"Could you deliver this to Rob Justbob's General Store? These are orders for items people have requested we bring to Good Mead. There's only one unusual item - crystal beads in a pouch of bat's fur. There's no need to pay Rob Justbob as we'll work it out on their mead account."

Her pencil hovers over her pad again.

"Is there anything specific you would like me to do whilst you're away, Speaker?
And what's the best way of contacting you in an emergency?"

Olivessa Untapoor
Jul 18, 2022 5:27 am
Bleary eyed, Bells offered the epitome of efficiency, Odessa, a small smile along with a nod that turned into a bit of a grimace. In her profession, drinks were often watered down including not as numerous in number as the toast she had drank to last night.Be back...coffee. Eventually, the Speaker returned with two steaming mugs with melting cubes of whale fat.Let's talk in your office for now.

Accommodations are very generous. Just so I know what is my responsibility, is there a caretaker to keep up the grounds and clean the house? If not, someone should be procured.

I noticed my office is completely void of furnishings. Is there a stipend to outfit it? Where would you suggest I shop?

Speaking of spending coin, the subject does lead me to my next question. What is the speaker's salary?

Drinking deep, Bells felt the coffee was beginning to clear her head. Now to the issues the affect Good Mead. Returning the ferry at Easthaven to operational is definitely a priorty. Losing two whole towns of customer base isn't acceptable. But the ferry isn't the only route, correct? Surely, there is a land road. Why is it not considered viable?

Is the mead usually transported by horse and wagon? I wouldn't think the past Speaker would be able to deliver every order of spirits, personally, so are the orders currently due able to be covered by others? I do not want reliability to be an issue.

I hope the election banked up some goodwill as well as my return with luxury items plus the hopefully reinstatement of the ferry so it will be time to spend the favor on necessary but potentially contentious reforms.

The Staves will continue to feel resentment if they do not have a clear outlined plan to full citizenship. Practice needs to be made into systematic steps and codified so everyone is clear on the process. This issue divides the community and needs to be resolved.

I don't expect either the Meaders or Staves to be pleased as both will have to compromise on their expectations but please make discreet inquiries as to how far each side is willing to bend.

How did the past Speaker stay in contact? Is there a pair of Sending Stones? If not, I can ask a friend if I can borrow his at least temporarily.
Last edited July 18, 2022 5:30 am

Olivessa Untapoor


Jul 18, 2022 6:23 am
"I shall arrange for a cleaner and caretaker, Speaker.

As for furnishings... Perhaps visit the Staves, examine their work, and commission pieces from those whose aesthetic accords with your own. Direct them to me for negotiation and payment. I shall ensure that they are paid fairly and promptly from the town funds."

Olivessa's secret smile twitches at the corners of her lips.

"There is no salary, Speaker. However, Speaker Rielsbarrow tended to charge reasonable expenses to the Good Mead trading account.

Speaker Rielsbarrow also believed that reasonable expenses included birthday presents for children and frippery. Atuar, Bati, Chuil have birthdays approaching. Ages eight, ten and three. Chuil would like a polar bear. Do not buy Chuil a polar bear. Please try and sign receipts - especially in Easthaven."

She looks at her notes.

"Bandits and raiders beset the road to the Caers. When operating, the ferry was the fastest and safest transport and carried the most goods. Caer Dineval has all but ceased communicating with the other towns; I believe their inns and taverns are closed. People say Speaker Crannoc has fallen ill.

Speaker Rielsbarrow delivered most of the mead and spirits. Pontus has taken on the route, and Bryn Shander is helping transport goods to the western towns for reasonable rates.

The luxury good that would bring the most sympathy is whale oil, Speaker. It burns with a clean, bright flame. It seems unimportant, but it allows children to learn their letters and numbers during the long, dark days. It's a point of pride with Meaders and Staves that their children are literate. The older folk appreciate being able to see their knitting and whittling too. Unfortunately, even in Bremen, supplies are limited as few people dare make the journey to the Sea of Moving Ice.

You are right, Speaker. The path to citizenship needs resolving, but also one which will always upset someone. Most reasonable people have already agreed on a process, but implementing it requires political capital that Speaker Rielsbarrow never quite achieved. A hogshead of whale oil would buy you that capital."

She arrives at the last point and chuckles to herself.

"Kendrick with a magic stone? He'd have lost it in a tenday. No, we sent runners to the taverns."

Olivessa Untapoor
Jul 18, 2022 2:12 pm
Just to button up Anders/Rayne.
Zin was amazed at the changes the ranger had made in such a short amount of time. The trail from Good Mead was not the nicest, but much more manageable and a clear, functional path. Zin didn't know how to feel about the beast that seemed to be hanging around the ranger... It somehow reminded him of Malice, that dark passenger that had been a part of the scarred elf's life for so long. Zin set fires around the perimeter of the frozen pool, heating stones that he carefully and meticulously positioned at different points of the pool to slowly melt away the ice. It seemed as the pool slowly transformed into liquid, the statue of the Oak Father smiled larger. The work being done, the pool was cold, but free of ice. Zin left Rayne to bathe in the waters and moved into the cave, finding the ranger working on the fortifications.

...Bells won, you know. She's the speaker for Good Mead now. Zin paused as the ranger seemed to not respond ...You know, Anders, I spent a lot of time alone. Even when my brother was alive... and he was the only one that would reach a hand out to me... even then, I was alone. Alone with my anger at fate and those that I perceived had it better off. I was haunted by the thought that I was the only one that cared or would look out for myself... Traveling with you and the others, I came to realize something... The only way to break the loneliness is to reach out to those around you. I realize how scary that reach is. It feels like you are hanging from a cliff face and if you let go you will surely fall... Zin stopped for a moment and took a breath for some reason. We are here for you, ranger. And I would help you if I can... I hope you know that. But, know something... a touch of anger seemed to enter Zin's voice ...your absence in sharing joys hurts those that would be your family as surely as a slap to the face. I may know little or nothing in the way of politics... but I know my friend. And I celebrated with her because it was important to her, regardless of how uncomfortable I might have felt. Zin paused for a moment. ...We leave for Easthaven soon... and with that Zin backed away from the ranger and returned to Rayne.
Cowleyc, feel free to interject anything in these comments. I just imagined Anders to not be too talkative.
Jul 18, 2022 3:07 pm
As the two companions arrive at the cave now occupied by Anders, they find the man looking ragged and wild. His bloodshot eyes dart back and forth between the two, before gesturing for them to enter. As he watches Zin create the fires, he finds a bedroll and several sticks, creating a sheet over the frozen pool to trap the heat for faster melting. As it begins to thaw, he returns to his previous project, which seems to be hiding one of the entrances with a felled tree and sturdy branches, covered by snow.

The elf speaks his truths, but doesn't receive a warm response from the ranger. "Spare me your lectures, Zin. I have not the ear for them now. I am gladdened to hear Bells took the position, but it is a minor role in a small hovel. My time has been better spent here. But if there is work in Easthaven, and not just politicking, then I will join you. I will meet you at the meadery in the morn." Though he turns away and returns to his work, the wolf-like creature lingers on a few moments longer, its eyes locked on Zin.

When Rayne and Zin are finished with the pool and the bathing, the ranger is nowhere to be found.
Last edited July 18, 2022 3:30 pm
Jul 18, 2022 3:11 pm
A polar bear? I do know of a polar bear that my frie...associate could speak. It is possible enough berries have been shared that the bear may have been tamed but in my personal encounter, the bear was quite fearsome.

Why don't we compromise? Safety is important but so is dreaming. I think an arrangement can be made that after the noon day meal, a polar bear will be seen walking through town delivering the three gifts to my house. If you can manage the presence of the children, I can manage a safe illusion of the bear. Chuil shall at least see his bear.

I shall try to be mindful to sign everything so you are able to keep an accurate account. Although you mentioned it legal to steal in Easthaven as long as there is no bodily harm.
Rubbing her hands together with a mischievous smile, Maybe that extends to visiting Speakers who "forget" to sign their bill.

I shall try to be leaving on the morrow as long as my companions are able.
Jul 18, 2022 3:51 pm
I marked Olivessa as having Zin's sending stone! Easthaven, ho!
Jul 18, 2022 4:02 pm
I am not quite sure what Okto has been up to during all this, but assuming that Zin and Rayne let him know they were going to collect Anders, Okto would have gone too since Anders and Okto have been friends for a while.

@cowleyc, would Okto have ever seen Anders looking/acting this antisocial, rugged, and strange?
Last edited July 18, 2022 4:03 pm
Jul 18, 2022 4:03 pm
@aquafina, nope. This is a whole new level of feral.
Jul 19, 2022 5:29 am
Rayne soaks in the pool, the waters calming his mind and easing the build up of many mornings dealing with the grief. As Zin returns, Rayne nods this thanks. "Thank you Zin, its been a great honor, more than you know, being part of this group over the past weeks. I know you also have a past that is hard to shake."

Rayne contemplates as the waters reflect the sky, "Something about the dale, it helps erase that past, for my own it already seems a distant memory. Perhaps it the weight it's own past, unfathomable long, putting our own meager timelines in perspective. I appreciate your friendship, Zin, and, should it not be clear by now, I hold nothing in your past against you. I know it can be hard to believe at times coming from where you have been, but we are here for you, for each other."
To Easthaven! Just wanted to help wrap up that scene.
Last edited July 19, 2022 5:30 am

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