May 5, 2022 4:46 am
Split games menu for accessing game details and game forum (game details is the icon).
Ordering of games is improved (with the Games Tavern at the top).
The Games Tavern tankard icon is back.
Bookmarking works better on mobile devices.
Spoilers were not displayed correctly in game descriptions.
Contact us had incorrect label for signed in users.
Other changes
Authentication cookies are now handled differently. Urls are handled consistently on staging sites.
Split games menu for accessing game details and game forum (game details is the icon).
Ordering of games is improved (with the Games Tavern at the top).
The Games Tavern tankard icon is back.
Bookmarking works better on mobile devices.
Spoilers were not displayed correctly in game descriptions.
Contact us had incorrect label for signed in users.
Other changes
Authentication cookies are now handled differently. Urls are handled consistently on staging sites.