The aim of this scene is introduce the players to the setting and the mystery
As players arrive to the Manor, they find it empty. As they explore they will experience strange supernatural events and trigger their curses.
They will need to learn that corpses have been disappearing from the graveyard and will see or heard the undead during the night, learning about the chainyard.
Curses to trigger:
* The Curse of the Dying Flesh: Gift if seeing the last few moments before death. The player that touches the Caretaker in the graveyard will see him being killed in a sort of ritual, and then Cettish next to a girl with a slashed throat holding a bloody knife. Presumably the player will think this is a vision of the future, but it's actually how the caretaker died. For Dr_B, he may also feel other people are familiar.
location graveyard
* The Curse of the Speech: The spirits talk to you, so you will sense them when you enter the
ballroom.. They will try to keep the player dancing. There will be a paper in a dead language the player can understand to initiate conversation about some cruel dead related to one of the Grave-reft Avenger.
location ballroom creepy candleflames turn blue when the player enters the room (Blue flame from a Candle - Said to be a warning sign that spirits are about.)
* The Curse of the Rookery: The players notice the raven all the time. Sometimes, it feels like that are watching them. Any player going out of the manor into the gardens or something (probably the last one to trigger a curse) will just find a murder of crows staring at them. And then, they warn the player about the moon and
the who hides underneath.
* The mocking visage: This is about reflections, so it could work for Cettish to watch herself kill someone during the night as a shadowy precense watched (this is lady greyrose offereing her first sacrifice to the lord of ashes)
main bedroom
* The Curse of the Gargoyle (optional): The player feels the statues in the graveyard are too real, some even seem to be following him with their eyes. At soem point, one seems to move.
Player's must:
* Figure out there is a deadline
* Find out about the missing corpses. Likely suspect of the volva.
* Maybe figure out the chain is broken already (optional)
* Hear or see undead walking around the manor.
Locations needed:
* graveyard
* ballroom
* bedroom
[ +- ] The Curse of the Dying Flesh
The smell of death always surrounds you and there is something just off about your eyes, maybe you don’t blink enough, maybe they are clouded over slightly even if you can see a little too well.
* You can heal almost any wound.
* You can mold your flesh and bones and those of others into various items/weapons.
* You can remove the rigidity of your bones and form a puddle of gelatinous goo that can fit through any crack.
* You can see the last few moments of life before death took its prize.
Marks of the Flesh:
* Covered in scars
* Dead eyes
* Skin becoming loose and pooling in places
* The stench of the dead fills the area around you.
[ +- ] The Curse of the Speech
The spirits of the dead constantly talk to you. Always… They know you can hear them and someone must listen. It never ends, but sometimes you can get something useful out of the whispers in the dark. By listening to the dead you are able to do a few different things.
* Learn the secrets of the dead by calling up a specific spirit.
* Absorb knowledge from the constant spirits around you to conjure answers, find clues, or find your way.
* Speak languages known to the spirits around you.
* Call upon spirits to defend you, gaining Bonus Reserves to deflect blows or frighten away enemies.
Marks of the Speech:
* Hears voices
* Mutters in incomprehensible tongues
* Followed by a cold spot
* Faded appearance
* Disappears and reappears involuntarily.
[ +- ] The Curse of the Rookery
Someday black birds will feast on your entrails, but until then you have power over them.Crows and ravens gather everywhere you go, watching with glittering black eyes, cackling over the secrets of the dead. They are your allies and supplicants, gifting you with the rumors and trinkets that they collect. They are always watching and screaming their animal screams. It doesn’t matter how you hide.
* Command crows to attack with piercing beaks and slashing talons.
* Ask nearby crows for favors or information. Remember to be polite. Use your Gift to gain an answer or a favor for each hit on your roll.
* You can command your crows to defend you: generate Bonus Reserves to deflect attacks with your swirling cloak of birds.
* A murder of crows is always close at hand. Dispatch them across a wide area as your own personal spy network.
Marks of the Rookery:
* Feathers for Hair
* Crow’s Feet
* Shining Black Eyes
* Croaking Voice
* Avian Demeanor
* Kleptomania
* Talon-Like Hands and Feet
* Eyes Pecked Out.
[ +- ] The Curse of the Gargoyle
You are slowly becoming a statue, but you have power over stone. Have you ever walked through a silent cemetery or museum alone and felt eyes upon you? Have you ever seen the face of a garden gnome or fountain cherub out of the corner of your eye and sworn that it moved when you turned to look directly at it? Every statue contains a scrap of the sculptor’s soul; you can awaken that small spark of life. Stone endures for countless ages. How long will you stand still and silent?
* You can animate statues: a large statue, a gang of lawn ornaments, a swarm of chess pieces, etc.
* You can watch or listen through a nearby statue or carving. You may speak through its mouth with subtle whispers or commanding roars.
* You can become like a statue: generate Bonus Reserves to represent being as hard or as heavy as stone.
Marks of the Gargoyle
* Skin like Stone
* Immobile Face
* Slow as Stone
* Blind as Stone
* Perpetual Gargoyle Sneer
* Heart of Stone
* Stone Deaf
* Stiff Joints
* Petrified Limb.
[ +- ] The Curse of the Mocking Visage
You will lose your own reality, but you control the false images in mirrors.There is another world in the reflection of a mirror, a cold image that mocks us with perfect detail, perfectly perverted into a complete opposite of the original. You can enter that world, passing through mirrors like so many doors to the same room. You are an illusion of light, a living lie.
* You can attack a foe’s reflection and injure their real body.
* You can look into a mirror and see out of another into which you have previously gazed.
* Steal someone’s reflection to wear as your own image. You look like their reflection, including being reversed.
* You can travel between any two mirrors that have ever reflected your image by passing through them like a doorway or window.
Marks of the Mocking Visage:
* Faded Reflection
* Reversed Appearance
* Trapped in the Mirror World
* Reversed Speech
* Compulsive Mimicry.
[ +- ] The manor
The Rookwood estate is riddled with overgrown outbuildings, buried ruins, forgotten cellars, old wells, sealed rooms lost to living memory behind plaster and cobwebbed shelves, and many more mysteries.
| Basement | Ground floor | Top floor
1 | | Entrance |
2 | | Hall |
3 | kitchen | ballroom | Main bed room
4L | storage | | Lady's room
4R | ruined | | Lord's roomstaff rooms
5L | | |
5R | | |
6L | storage | | Children's room
6R | ruined | | Lord's room
7L | | Regular library | Occult library
7R | | |
8L | staff rooms | guest rooms | workshop
8R | cellar | guest rooms |
9L | staff rooms | guest rooms | workshop
9R | cellar | guest rooms |
Behind | | Chapel and graveyard |
Woods | | Bog | |

weird morning song?