CESN says:
just I quick resume to make sure I got everything that was posted :D
Ok, so let me see if I got everything...
One of you is angry with KingHotTrash because he took the family money and wasted on opium and such.
Squadfather44 is ok with that
crazybirdman suggested that KingHotTrash found his secret so he could be making in spiral down into oblivion to protect himself. We need a reason why KingHotTrash would not just tell on crazybirdman to defend himself, but that can be sorted :D There was some previous talk about crazybirdman actually being KingHotTrash's dealer.
Then you guys decided to have KingHotTrash in crazybirdman's skeleton, which means Squadfather44 is the hater in KingHotTrash's skeleton. This may be a bit confusing but that's the idea right?
KingHotTrash sent a note to KingHotTrash,Cettish,crazybirdman
Indeed. Betrayed good ol' Roderick. My betrayal impassioned @Squadfather44's character and now he hates him/talks trash to Roderick to keep that angry pot stirring hard. Catherine is the one who advocates for Alexander. I think I might be @crazybirdman's Spine or at least, I know a secret that I may be using to pilfer his medical supplies for "proper dosing". Please correct me if I'm off of the mark.
KingHotTrash sent a note to CESN,Cettish,crazybirdman