OOC stuff and things

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May 13, 2022 1:52 pm
Let's have our OOC discussions here.
May 13, 2022 1:55 pm
OK, here is my question. I-So is prone on the deck of a ship which I presume means he isn't on his bike any more. So why is he rolling drive for defence? Wouldn't athletics make more sense?
May 13, 2022 1:58 pm
It would, but I let it go for the sake of expediency. He took a big hit, and I didn't want to make it worse.
May 13, 2022 2:09 pm
Verrain says:
OK, here is my question. I-So is prone on the deck of a ship which I presume means he isn't on his bike any more. So why is he rolling drive for defence? Wouldn't athletics make more sense?
Perhaps it's because I don't have as good an Idea what each of the skill mean as I do with the, Aspects in Fate Accelerated after all I've only played fate Accelerated before this, I assumed Drive wasn't about maneuvering a vehicle after all if it was I wouldn't have a +2 to it anyway, but then again I am realizing that my Understanding of "Drive" and what "Will" is are very similar.
May 13, 2022 2:11 pm
Ah yes, Drive is a skill used to pilot vehicles. I understand your confusion. I still want to let this pass, and move on in the fight.
May 13, 2022 2:13 pm
JoshuaMabry says:
Ah yes, Drive is a skill used to pilot vehicles. I understand your confusion. I still want to let this pass, and move on in the fight.
OK, I'll switch Athletics and Drive then Anyway, moving my Drove to +0 and Athletics to +2
May 13, 2022 6:01 pm
Fate points 2 (+ 1 free evocation of visible engine) is correct for me, I try to keep character sheet up to date.
May 25, 2022 1:18 pm
Just asking to make sure I understand how the game is meant to work.

Prior to Mondel's attack you described the slave barge's engines failing and the barge crashing into the earth at our feet. Then you had the Slaver roll drive to bank the barge out of the way of his attack. So, Drive really isn't the skill the Slaver should be using for defense since he has no working vehicle. Is that right?
May 25, 2022 1:23 pm
Whoops, you're absolutely correct. Let me make some changes.
May 26, 2022 10:44 am
So we got through our first combat. What do you all think of the game so far? What are you enjoying? What could I be doing better?
May 26, 2022 11:03 am
About Halfway through the combat I realized I had no Idea how much I should be spending/ holding back Fate Points because I have no Idea when/If we'll regain them in the Pbp Setting, otherwise though despite my character doing very poorly I've been enjoying the game.
May 26, 2022 11:34 am
I think after every two or three scenes I’ll consider it a new "session." You’ll refresh your fate points and achieve a milestone (that’s not what they’re called, but I forget at the moment).
May 26, 2022 11:42 am
Also remember you can receive fate points for compels, which I will try to offer fairly often.
May 26, 2022 2:04 pm
I think it went well. The only reservations I had about Fate is also the fate point economy, but that's really only a long term problem. But as you say, a new "session" restores them. So a medium term problem. Nobody cares about the middle child of problems. All good!

The only thing they went awry I think was nuances of description, where at one point we weren't sure if the barge was down or just hit the ground. That was cleared up quickly though by asking.
May 26, 2022 2:05 pm
I'll try and be clearer with my descriptions. That's something I'm currently working on in all my games.
May 27, 2022 12:18 pm
That fight was good to get familiar with the system and aside from a few hiccups went pretty well. Curious to see where we go from here.
May 27, 2022 12:23 pm
That all depends on you guys. Do you stop to tend to the wounded? Do you pursue the barge that left before the fight?
May 27, 2022 12:25 pm
I think we need to stop, attend the wounded, and learn what they can tell us about what happened.
May 27, 2022 12:29 pm
We originally had six players, but two of them never made characters. Do you all mind if I invite someone else to play?
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