Cool to see everyone coming up with ideas and classes :)
dominion451 says:
I rolled up a Sacrificial Waif named Althea, I haven't read too far into the demonology of Mork Borg but I'm loosely going with the idea that she was a Celt girl who was sacrificed to Ba'al in a druidic ritual which explains the speak with animals scroll scribed on her skin.
I love the idea.
In Mörk Borg there are always possible cults of one god or demon or another. So you can freely go any direction you like here.
[ +- ] Main Religion
The main religion is based on two two-headed basilisks (so, 4 heads in total although it should be taken abstractly).
In the great city of Galgenbeck, stands the Cathedral of the Two-Headed Basilisks, the main center of the world's religion.
SHE is the first of the basilisks, SHE was born from the insects that swarmed the world in the dawn of time.
HER heads are:
Lusi, head of Denial, and
Arkh, head of Deception.
It is said that SHE spawned many two-headed basilisks.
All gone into oblivion as they were tossed down the cliffs of Bergen Chrypt.
Many mortals still walk HER path.
HE is said to be the only surviving basilisk.
HIS heads are
Gorgh head of bitterness and envy
And, most importantly:
Verhu, the head of prophecies, the head who has predicted the end to come to the monk Anuk Schleger, the founder of the Cathedral in Galgenbeck.