Character creation

May 15, 2022 12:29 pm
When creating a character please keep in mind the premise of the module:

You are a young woman who recently died a tragic death. The classes are based on that idea.
You have a few memories from your past life. As your return to a state between living and undead, you will explore the forest and your character. Discovering memories (which you will make up as well), and losing them again. Evolving your tragic backstory as we play.

1) Choose a class and roll for class abilities
2) Roll your stats
3) Roll your weapon (if any)
4) Roll your amor (if any)
5) Roll your starting equipment and scroll (if you have any)
6) Roll on optional tables if you want it
7) Create 3 starting memories + your name. One would be related to the flavor text of your class.
In the module gaining and losing memories is important. Your character's backstory will evolve as we play as you start remembering things.
[ +- ] Weapon table
[ +- ] Armor table
[ +- ] Item table 1
[ +- ] Item table 2
[ +- ] Item table 3
[ +- ] Optional table: (emotional) scars
[ +- ] Optional table: marks of the grave
May 15, 2022 3:10 pm
Hey gang, I'm excited to be here, and plan on rolling for the Pyre-Borne Witch, as I said in the recruitment post.

Strength: 9 (+0)
Agility: 4 (-3)
Presence: 12 (+0)
Toughness: 15 (+2)

HP: 5
Omens: 1

Weapons: Femur (d4)
Unclean Scroll: Daemon of Capillaries
20ft light chains
Gold: 20

cowleyc sent a note to Cettish
Cheek slashed open
Home to a hive of friendly insects.
Last edited May 16, 2022 12:48 am


Strength - (3d6+2)

(313) + 2 = 9

Agility - (3d6-2)

(114) - 2 = 4

Presence - (3d6-2)

(626) - 2 = 12

Toughness - (3d6)

(546) = 15

Weapons - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Magical Gifts - (d8, d8)

Omens - (d2)

(1) = 1

Magical Gift reroll - (d8)

Emotional Scar - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Mark from the Grave - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Unclean Scroll - (1d10)

(5) = 5

Gold (x10) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

HP - (1d6+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Items - (d12, d12, d6)

d12 : (8) = 8

d12 : (1) = 1

d6 : (4) = 4

Mark of the Grave Reroll - (1d20)

(13) = 13

May 15, 2022 3:17 pm
Feel free to reroll the double on the magical gift.
May 15, 2022 4:02 pm
[ +- ] Assassinated Princess
0/11 - AGILITY Defend, balance, swim, flee
0/12 - PRESENCE Perceive, aim, charm, wield Powers
-2/6 - STRENGTH Crush, lift, strike, grapple
0/12 - TOUGHNESS Resist poison/cold/heat, survive falling
5 - Hitpoints

Weapon - Staff
Armor - None
Items - fine wine, crowbar, backpack for 7 items

Emotional scars: Hyperventilates
Mark of the Grave: Drips stagnant water

Silver = 70

What else roll: A diplomat's guide to translation. All rolls to translate, understand or communicate in other languages are DR8. Always sounds a little posh.

Starting memories
1. She remembers having a silk neckerchief. She constantly reaches for it but it is never there. She remembers the softness of it. The way her thumb and forefinger slid smoothly through the shiny material.
2. She remembers pressure around her neck. Was she choked? Perhaps that's why her neckerchief is gone and this is why she hyperventilates.
3. On most days she smells mustiness and dampness and hears dripping water.
Last edited May 16, 2022 12:39 pm


Strength - (3d6-2)

(116) - 2 = 6

Presence - (3d6+2)

(523) + 2 = 12

Toughness - (3d6-2)

(536) - 2 = 12

Agility - (3d6)

(335) = 11

Weapons - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Armor - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Omens - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Silver x 10 - (3d6)

(421) = 7

Emotional Scars - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Mark of the Grave - (1d20)

(14) = 14

HP - (1d6+12)

(5) + 12 = 17

Items tables 1, 2 and 3 - (1d12, 1d12, 1d6)

1d12 : (9) = 9

1d12 : (12) = 12

1d6 : (4) = 4

What else roll - (1d6)

(1) = 1

May 15, 2022 4:05 pm
Althea - Sacrificial Waif


Agility - (3d6)

(351) = 9

Presence - (3d6+2)

(645) + 2 = 17

Strength - (3d6-1)

(156) - 1 = 11

Toughness - (3d6-1)

(516) - 1 = 11

HP, Omens, Armor, Weapons, Silver - (1d4, 1d2, 1d2, 1d6, 2d6)

1d4 : (2) = 2

1d2 : (2) = 2

1d2 : (2) = 2

1d6 : (5) = 5

2d6 : (23) = 5

Emotional scar, Mark of the grave - (1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (13) = 13

1d20 : (15) = 15

May 15, 2022 4:09 pm

*Reroll double

**Random sacred scroll on skin
Last edited May 15, 2022 4:18 pm


1d8, 1d8

1d8 : (1) = 1

1d8 : (1) = 1


(4) = 4


(6) = 6

May 15, 2022 5:26 pm
My 80-yr old parents are in town but I’ll definitely get this done as soon as I can.
May 15, 2022 5:35 pm
ExSanguinated Doll
There's the onsite dice roller we all love. Below average on every stat except Str.
Strength 13 (+1) Crush, lift, strike, grapple
Agility 5 (-2) Defend, balance, swim, flee
Presence 8 (-1) Perceive, aim, charm, wield Powers
Toughness 8 (-1) Resist poison/cold/heat, survive falling

Hit points 8

Weapons - Bite 1d4, Wooden Stake 1d4 (to commit suicide)

Armor - None

Omens 4

Special: Bite drains blood and other vital fluids. Heal by the amount of damage done.

You may also spend an Omen to have your Bite do the following

*(DC 15) Presence. If you succeed, the victim obeys a hypnotic command you give.
*Victim swoons helplessly for as many rounds as the bite’s damage.
*Entrancing effect. +1 Presence against your victim, cumulative, forever.

Emotional scars: ---
Mark of the Grave: Pallid

Silver: 20

Items: rope (30 ft., tied around you), bottle of fine wine, signet ring
Last edited May 16, 2022 6:53 am


Bite - (d4)

(2) = 2

Strength - (3d6-1)

(455) - 1 = 13

Agility - (3d6-2)

(142) - 2 = 5

Prescence - (3d6-1)

(252) - 1 = 8

Toughness - (3d6)

(143) = 8

HP, Omens, Armor, Weapons, Silver - (1d10, 1d4, 1d6, 1d6)

1d10 : (9) = 9

1d4 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (2) = 2

Reroll armor (used wrong dice) - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Items - (1d12, 1d12, 1d6)

1d12 : (6) = 6

1d12 : (12) = 12

1d6 : (2) = 2

May 15, 2022 5:45 pm
@Windyridge the d6+toughness for hit points means d6 plus your toughness modifier, which for you is +1. You should have 6 HP ;)
May 15, 2022 6:18 pm
dominion451 says:
@Windyridge the d6+toughness for hit points means d6 plus your toughness modifier, which for you is +1. You should have 6 HP ;)
Yes, this.
You discard the 12 and only keep the modifier.
Which is 0 at 12
(it's a different table than D&D :) )
May 15, 2022 6:32 pm
For the three item tables, are those class specific?
May 15, 2022 6:43 pm
Nope. They are just random stuff you can begin with. No class has specific items to start with, except of the Princess, for who it's the class power basically.

Depending you class you roll a different die on the armor or weapon table though.
May 15, 2022 7:05 pm
How do we know what to roll (if anything) on the three item tables? None of the class descriptions list an item dice...
May 15, 2022 7:11 pm
Just roll the D12 twice and the D6 once for the tables.
There are no class connected die to these tables.
May 15, 2022 7:19 pm
Cettish says:
dominion451 says:
@Windyridge the d6+toughness for hit points means d6 plus your toughness modifier, which for you is +1. You should have 6 HP ;)
Yes, this.
You discard the 12 and only keep the modifier.
Which is 0 at 12
(it's a different table than D&D :) )
Ahh gotcha. Thanks for the heads up on both.
May 15, 2022 7:48 pm


1d12, 1d12, 1d6

1d12 : (10) = 10

1d12 : (6) = 6

1d6 : (3) = 3

Crow hp - (1d4+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

May 15, 2022 8:33 pm
Getting started with stats for my Silenced Wretch. I'll build as I go.
Strength: +0
Agility: +1
Presence -3
Toughness +1
Hit Points: 7
Omens: 3
Armor Table: no armor
Weapons Table: Shortsword, 1d4
Silver: 50
Altered by Supernatural Forces in Death: Your blood rusts what it touches. Any metal weapon that damages you is corroded, doing half damage the first time, and useless the second.
Equipment: bottle of red poison (Tough DR 12 or 10 dmg, 3 doses), sacred scroll (Unmet Fate: one creature, dead for no more than a week, is awakened with terrible memories)
Broken Body: Corpulent, ravenous drooling AND hands cakes with sores.
Last edited May 15, 2022 11:44 pm


Strength - (3d6)

(164) = 11

Agility - (3d6)

(364) = 13

Presence - (3d6-2)

(321) - 2 = 4

Toughness - (3d6+1)

(166) + 1 = 14

Altered by supernatural forces - (d8)

(5) = 5

Omens - (d4)

(3) = 3

Weapons - (d6)

(3) = 3

Silver - (d6x10)

(5) + 10 = 15

HP - (d6+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Equipment - (d6)

(1) = 1

Equipment - (d12)

(11) = 11

Equipment - (d12)

(2) = 2

Red poison - (d4)

(3) = 3

Sacred scroll - (d10)

(5) = 5

Broken bodies table - (2d20)

(149) = 23

Armor - (1d4)

(1) = 1

May 15, 2022 8:59 pm
@cettish How do I find what a "3" on the weapons roll gives me?
May 15, 2022 9:26 pm
Darkstar8 says:
@cettish How do I find what a "3" on the weapons roll gives me?
Short sword, d4 damage. Tables are in the first post on this page.
Last edited May 15, 2022 9:27 pm
May 15, 2022 10:00 pm
If my toughness roll was 12, shouldn't the mod be 0? And then HP=5?

Also I have updated my PC by editing above so it's all in one place. Please let me know if anything doesn't make sense.
May 15, 2022 10:27 pm
Sorry that was my bad, you're absolutely right about 12=0 mod
May 15, 2022 11:15 pm
No worries. Just wanted to be sure. 🙂
May 16, 2022 12:41 am
Given that it seems to lack a function other than flavor, and because windyridge rolled the same Mark of the Grave, I'm going to reroll that one. Dripping stagnant water doesn't seem to fit the burnt witch.
May 16, 2022 2:15 am
Makes sense. That's also why I haven't rolled on those optional tables yet. With my luck, it will come up with teeth knocked out.
May 16, 2022 2:23 am
Yeah I switched my emotional scar from a gash on the face to a gash on the throat since it fit my having been sacrificed far better.
May 16, 2022 3:43 am
Zora came from a family of witches, the third daughter of a third daughter. Upon her new birth, a gasp of breath from the burnt pyre, she found so few things. The chain that once held her to that damned pillar. The insects finding refuge in her ruined body. The gifts given by the flame. And some fleeting memories.

- She remembers the smell of her herb collection, earthy and spiced and overwhelming.

- She remembers the knife entering her face to silence her pleas for mercy.

- She remembers the sound of her lover's voice as he spoke forgotten words of betrayal.
May 16, 2022 5:48 am
cowleyc says:
Given that it seems to lack a function other than flavor, and because windyridge rolled the same Mark of the Grave, I'm going to reroll that one. Dripping stagnant water doesn't seem to fit the burnt witch.
I can imagine someone tossing a bucket of water over her in an attempt to save though :)

But yeah, uniqueness is more fun.
May 16, 2022 5:51 am
Windyridge says:
If my toughness roll was 12, shouldn't the mod be 0? And then HP=5?

Also I have updated my PC by editing above so it's all in one place. Please let me know if anything doesn't make sense.
I shall look into mechanical things this evening.

Everyone, please create up a PC character sheet if you haven't done so yet.
In the forum is a post with a sheet you can copy as a custom sheet.
If you don't know how, please just submit a blank custom sheet and I shall help you set it up.
May 16, 2022 6:50 am
Optional Mark of the Grave

Last edited May 16, 2022 6:51 am


Mark - (1d20)

(3) = 3

May 16, 2022 1:15 pm
My class has this: Name the monarch from whose blood you hail. You get +2 to all rolls against them, their bloodline and beings in their service.

I can just make up a monarch, there is no limitation to that?
May 16, 2022 3:18 pm
Yes, feel free to make up something. There are lots of noble families and small kingdoms
May 16, 2022 3:38 pm
Ok will do, thanks!
May 16, 2022 3:58 pm
Decided to go with an existing kingdom from the book but made up the family and managed to tie in the Mark of the Grave emotional scar of dripping water.

Magdalene comes from the kingdom of Kergus and was the older sister to Anthelia. Magdelene was next in line for the throne but her sister had her killed. Her father was King Ulfer and very heartbroken upon hearing of her demise. Mag, as he used to affectionately call her, vowed that she would murder her sister as soon as she realized she had come back from the grave. Her father's tears drip out of her gravestone and will continue to do so until she is avenged.

Mag has been submitted for your review.
Last edited May 16, 2022 3:58 pm
May 16, 2022 4:00 pm
Lila - Doomed Romantic

Name the person who hurt you most; you always know the rough direction and distance to them: William

Inescapable, because:

1: You can walk up walls on your feet and fingertips like a lizard.
Last edited May 16, 2022 4:00 pm


Strength - (3d6-1)

(532) - 1 = 9

Toughness - (3d6-1)

(362) - 1 = 10

Presence - (3d6+2)

(145) + 2 = 12

Hit Points (add Toughness to sum) - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Omens - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Agility - (3d6)

(116) = 8

Amour table - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Weapons table - (1d10)

(4) = 4

Silver (x 10) - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Inescapable (reason) - (1d8)

(1) = 1

May 16, 2022 4:51 pm
Items (d12, d12, d6)
1. A pet dead crow, affectionate. d4+2 HP.
2. A prayer-book
3. Backpack for 7 items

Starting memories

A. William. Tall, handsome, strong. The way he looked at her for the first time. How her heart beat faster
B. William. The rage. He said she was no maiden. The bitter sting of his hands. "You will bleed for me", he said. She did.
C. William. Empty eyes. Her blood on his blade.
Last edited May 16, 2022 5:12 pm


item 1 - (1d12)

(10) = 10

item 2 - (1d12)

(4) = 4

item 3 - (id6)

(4) = 4

Crow HP - (1d4+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

May 16, 2022 5:00 pm
Okay, the dark muse finally struck.

Jötna was from a servant family who served royalty (GM can choose where). Her family worked seven days a week in the kitchens, the laundry, and cleaning. The only days she got off from work were when she was told to work nights. She and every female in her family were passed around among the noble men and women as sex slaves.

1- One working night, a particularly nasty couple decided to see if they could get her nipples to become as candles. They poured hot wax in slow drips to hold the tiny wick. After their success in lighting the makeshift candles, they began their lovemaking and forgot about Jötna as the flames reached flesh. They increased the sounds of their own ecstasy to drown out her cries of pain.

2-She recalls sneaking into the larder many nights to steal butter biscuits.

3-She remembers the night her mother didn’t come home. She lay awake on her floor pad imaging the worst. That was the night she knew she must tell someone.
Character sheet submitted for review.
Last edited May 16, 2022 5:29 pm
May 16, 2022 6:52 pm
Loving to see where this all is going. It is quite dark really what you're all brewing up. But that is the nature of the game :)

Not everyone has submitted a sheet yet or completed everything.
So let's give it a bit for all to have time to finish this.

So far on the mechanics all seems fine.

Being the older sister of Anthelia is bound to be interesting :)
May 16, 2022 9:47 pm
So I see therecusant also rolled a pet crow, might I reroll my first item so we aren't walking around with an undead aviary?
May 16, 2022 10:09 pm
Sure. Its more fun to be unique
May 16, 2022 10:09 pm
I am submitting my character sheet, but she isn't finished yet.

Her name is Katalin 'Kata'

She also has an issue with The Blood Countess, Considering one of her items is a rope tied around her, I don't think this is the first time she's risen from the grave. Another item, is a signet ring. I have made her a daughter of a minor vassal noble under thrall of the Blood Countess, in a small county of Nevers. The ring depicts the head of a wolf.
May 16, 2022 10:46 pm
dominion451 says:
So I see therecusant also rolled a pet crow, might I reroll my first item so we aren't walking around with an undead aviary?
Undead aviary. 🤣
And testing my avatar.
Last edited May 16, 2022 10:47 pm
May 16, 2022 10:52 pm
I wasn't sure just how "zombie" I was supposed to go with the avatar. Plus, the closest I found (during my first dive) to a burning zombie witch was some art of Scarlet Witch as a zombie.
May 16, 2022 11:03 pm
That which is not dead may eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die.
May 17, 2022 5:01 am
Are we able to spend our starting silver? I'd love to get my hand on some torches.
May 17, 2022 5:01 am
Testing avatar. Jötna has a "Throw Momma From the Train" vibe. Anne Ramsey, forgive me. Lol
Last edited May 17, 2022 5:19 am
May 17, 2022 5:56 am
cowleyc says:
Are we able to spend our starting silver? I'd love to get my hand on some torches.
There can be opportunities to trade or find things in game.
You basically only have with what you were buried with.

Silver is kinda weird actually, but it could be in a funeral ritual to pay for the afterlife. Or your killers forgot to properly loot your corpse :)
May 17, 2022 9:40 am
Added three memories to character sheet. I believe I have everything on the sheet now.
May 17, 2022 5:47 pm
I think we have most things set up then.

I shall write an open post and post it in the coming hours (little occupied atm to do it now, but will do it soon).

If any of you have any last words before you are raised, now is the time ;)
May 17, 2022 6:25 pm
Cettish says:
If any of you have any last words before you are raised, now is the time ;)
May 17, 2022 9:26 pm
I think I will keep my dead crow after all, it's one of my three memories and ties into my backstory. So we got a lot of birds, no big deal.
May 17, 2022 9:26 pm
cowleyc says:
Cettish says:
If any of you have any last words before you are raised, now is the time ;)
That's a good word
May 17, 2022 9:46 pm
This may sound like a silly question, but our PCs are currently in Graven-Tosk in the middle of the Sarkash Forest. Our goal is to exit the forest for home. When we move through the forest, which way is home for everyone? Is home in the same direction for everyone?

I am guessing West or Northwest is where home is or was for Magdalene and Katalin, but what about our other four dead girls?
Last edited May 17, 2022 9:48 pm
May 17, 2022 10:06 pm
I think Zora came from the outskirts of the Sarkash Forest, but it never really mattered where. For the sake of story, I could see it being the northwest edge of the Forest.
May 17, 2022 10:09 pm
Magdalene is from Kergus so due west of Graven Tosk but even though she thinks she was to inherit a kingdom, she might not necessarily remember what kingdom.

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