May 15, 2022 7:45 pm
Timeline Lady Greyrose, the youngest child of the Rookwood family was born
- 225 years ago -
Lady Greyrose was married to a 30 years older noble to seal an alliance as the minor Rookwood family tried to navigate the last days of a crumbling empire. This was a traumatic event she did not recover from of ever forgave,
- 220 years ago -
Lady Greyrose starts an affair with her maid.
- 200 years ago -
A three night lunar eclipse, eclipsing all three of Urth’s moons. During the first two nights, The Lord of Ashes came to Lady Greyrose first in dreams, and finally in the third night Lord of Ashes rose in the cemetery over which the Rookwood estate now sits. He offered Lady Greyrose prominence and money if she promised to care for the dead, grow its kingdom and to never speak of him to those outside her family. In return, she would be made head of the family, and all members would gain powers over the dead. That same night, she offered her husband has sacrifice to the Lord of Ashes. Lady Greyrose's plotting lead to the empire's demise, the Rookhood coming on top from the ruins of the old order.
- 195 years ago -
A sudden religious fervor takes over the land. Lady Greyrose's maid is tried for heresy and decapitated. The old gods and spirits were progressively rebranded as evil though some of their cults managed to survive.
Over time, the world shifted, magic is still prevalent and gallant knights roam the lands searching for those tainted with evil. Large cities have sprung up and with them the beginning of industry. Kings have become emperors, and the poor suffer more and more.
Meanwhile, the townsfolk in the city below were spared as the Lord of Ashes slipped away in the cover of darkness to begin his eventual rule over the world. 200 years have passed, the world moves on, forgetting the three nights of complete darkness with other concerns filling their lives. The Rookwood family remembers, and awaits the return of their patron and his army.
In 50 years the next complete eclipse is due and the family expects great things to happen. There is much to plan.
- 50 years ago -
Lady Greyrose, an immortal vampire, slaughters most of her descendants. Raising them as undead servants to prepare for the ceremony to welcome the Lord of Ashes. Dr_B probably remembers this. But it also marks the beginning of the dark plague and the succession war that eroded for decades.
- 30 years ago -
A new divine king ascends to the throne and the Puritan rule is enforced by the newly formed Knights of Savoy. Stability restores by restraining the noble's powers.
- 10 years ago -
A Rookwood generation goes missing maybe?
- 1 month ago -
Feeling the day when the progenitor is at her weakest, the Politician turns his back on the family and forms a cult and tries to usurp the Rookwood power (missing books from the occult library). His cult manages to brake the chains, which initially goes unnoticed. The revenant sorceror's power is unsealed.
- 3 weeks ago -
Rumors of dead walking at night begin to spread. Inspired by the rumours, the surgeon starts to pay grave robbers for corpses for the Physicians' Guild experiments on distilling life forces. The volva move in to investigate and put the dead to rest, but are distracted by the Physicians' Guild activity, though they sense the dark disturbances.
- 2 weeks ago -
Confirmed reports of undead get the attention of The Knights of Savoy. Their involvement prevents the volva from acting openly. Having caught attention of the Triskelions, who who connect them to their holy trinity, attracts the attention of The Knights of Savoy to possible witches involvement.
- 1 week ago -
The increase of dark powers awakens the bog creature who calls out. The Ceennites hear and respond to the calling. Starting to kidnap children for sacrifice, becoming bolder with time. Fear and paranoia spread and the Triskelions become more active in selling charms and protective spells.
- 4 days ago -
There's rumors of a big wolf in the wood. The Politician, not wanting to have the disapperances connected tot he undead he thinks he is responsible for and lost control of, blames the creature and hires werewolf hunters. A group of fright hounds smells the ground fear and move into area, attacking travelers.
- The players arrive - (plot)
1st night
There are noises outside Rookwood Manor from the undead wondering about. The Knights of Savoy raid a few houses and arrest two Triskelions as they start a which hunt.
2nd night
Marks of wolf claws are found in a house of a family of from where the wife and children disappears. The footprints in the mud point towards the forest and the man comes under suspicion by the hunters.
3rd night
Strange symbols drawn in blood appear on the walls of some buildings but the corpse are not found. The cult is trying out their summoning ritual and the Cennites found the corpses and feed them to the bog.
4th night
- One of the Triskelions gives away the volva and they are taken and trialed by the Knights. Their runes against undead weaken, and they can start to venture furtehr from the graveyard
-- 3 nights of eclipse --
As the first full moon rises, Hunters hired by the Politician, are ambushed by the cult and sacrificed as they step up their actions. The Progenitor returns to sacrifice the incarnate and recruit the other players.
As the second full moon rises, with the weakened protections, the dead start to walk freely even during the day and preying on the living.
As the third full moon eclipses, he bog legion (the sublime!) rises and all unread and integrated into the spirit's hive mind.
-- Aftermath --
The progenitor continues living but can't control the sublime. The Knights fight the horde of undead, the town is run over, with the dark creature spreading its influence across the land.