[IC] The Delivery Quest, Part 3

May 16, 2022 1:23 am
Yarbi also finds a comfortable spot on the boat...

Once everyone is boarded, Regis pushes off into the murky river. He quietly and gently steers the boat with a single oar, alternating sides, following its windy and confusing path.

A whole set of new sounds can be heard in this part of the forest: new kinds of insects with a distinct chirp, as well as unrecognizable animal sounds that call amongst the darkness. The scent of muddy soil be can detected in the cool air.

At some point glowing mushrooms can be seen illuminating either side of the river...


Finally, Regis lands the boat on a dock next to an old dead tree.



"When you are ready to return, knock on this tree three times. I will expect your payment then."


Innis whispers very quietly, "Thank you again for getting me back to the dark forest. Do you have a particular destination in mind?"

"It should be safe to make camp here. And I'll do my best to guide you in the right direction in the morning."

Another trail leads from the dead tree off into the trees.

It is now the evening, nighttime.

What does everyone do?
May 16, 2022 7:42 am
Ivario's confidence seems to slowly fade away the closer they get to the dark forest. "What was that?" He says a few times, hearing noises he doesn't recognize. He hadn't expected it to be this dark.

"Should be safe?" He asks Innis. "What's the 'should' part? What could be unsafe about it?"
May 16, 2022 8:03 am
Beartrand answers gloating to Innis (indeed he is very nervous)

Doeth thou mean there is things more dangerous than rabbits in these parts?
May 16, 2022 2:37 pm

Innis senses some concern, "As safe as camping in the wilderness can be, I suppose. We'll be safe... as long as we stay by the dock."

Innis adds "There are a great many things in the dark forest, not often known to outsiders. But I suppose it's especially spooky at night. Things will lighten up in the morning. The dark forest is quite beautiful you know."

"Where was it you were headed again?"


Yarbi finds a dry spot not far from the dock and starts to unpack his bedroll, "I don't suppose we still have some of the extra food or game we brought," he says to Vincent and the others with a yawn.
May 17, 2022 5:58 am
"Maybe we... should have camped on the other side," Esther comments as she starts looking for a good place to make a camp. A place for a fire, shelter from the elements, all the things that the inexperienced girl believes will make for a comfortable night. "Food would be good," she agrees with Yarbi, then adds, "and we'll likely need to set a watch, yeah? I might have something I can do there..."

Finding a moss-covered rock that will accommodate her skinny rear end, Esther sits and pulls out her master's thick, impressive spell book -- which she then starts flipping through, reading by lantern light if necessary...
Planning to cast a spell that will create a watchful guardian, something that will alert the group if anything dangerous approaches. I'm thinking of some kind of ghostly toad or raven, hard to spot. There would be lots of chanting and gesturing so perhaps a Flashy attempt to Create An Advantage, Night Guardian?
Last edited May 17, 2022 6:01 am
May 17, 2022 6:50 am
"Alright. I guess if you say we're safe, I'll believe you." Ivario says with still a bit of worry in his voice. Maybe if he changes the subject that'll help him calm his nerves. "We're trying to get to the oracle in the north, Innis. Do you know where she is or how we get there?" Then he remembers something. "Oh, I don't think we've introduced ourselves."

"I am The Great Ivario, Mystic of the Gypsies of old. 7th generation! Teller of fortunes and Spirit-talker." To the others, it's noticeable that this is a rehearsed bit that Ivario does to try and impress people. "This here is Vincent, Protector of the Woods, Esther the Mighty Mage and Beartrand the Bear Slayer." Ivario figures he might as well give the others some impressive titles as well.

When Yarbi asks about the food, he looks in his backpack. "I have some stale bread and a bit of cheese left. I don't think it'll be enough for all of us, though." He looks around. "Maybe tomorrow I might be able to find some edible mushr..." He stops, realizing they are now traveling with a mushroom. Hopefully, Innis didn't notice. "... I mean, some berries."
Last edited May 17, 2022 6:51 am
May 17, 2022 11:53 am
"Of course, I still have the pheasant I caught this morning, along with some dried fruits and nuts."

The sounds of the forest are a mix of both familiar and strange for Vincent as well. Even though being a man of the wood, these woods, are a bit foreign to him. His eyes remain sharp and ears perked as they seek a spot for camp.

After Esther sits down on a rock Vincent inspects the immediate area to see if it would indeed be a safe place for camp.
May 18, 2022 6:26 am

Yarbi helps the others layout a dry area, divide up a ration of the bread, cheese, dried fruit, nuts and game, and prepare a small fire, before looking about ready to doze off...

Though Yarbi also observes Esther, with a baffled look on his face, wondering what she's up to as he watches her begin to chant...

In a munchkin-like voice,

"Happy to meet you all. It's not often I meet outsiders, and you all have such unique talents! I am so fortunate that you were willing to help me back to this side of the river. "

"The oracle! Well, there are others with comparable talents to be sure, but that could only mean one individual: the oracle. She lives in the Swamp of Dim Lights. Legend has it that spirits roam those swamps at night, but I've never seen any such thing myself. And I've been there on many occasion. It is north west of here and I'd be sure to lead you to the right path tomorrow morning."

"Oh and edible... berries, sound delicious, by the way."

Innis seems oddly human-like, even going so far as to nibble on some of the shared food and to lie on its side for rest.
@Harrigan When you're ready, freel free to roll Flashy to Create An Advantage, Night Guardian aspect, target Fair (+2) since it requires chanting/ritual time and has relatively limited area. If you roll well, free free to describe the type of ritual and the type of guardian you create (ghostly toad or raven sounds great.)
May 18, 2022 6:30 am
Esther's gesticulations are grand as she casts Night Guardian, and her voice rises and carries into the woods as she recites the spell.
Casting in a Flashy (+2) way, and her stunt Gesticulate adds another 2 when she's creating an advantage...


Flashy vs. Target +2

1 Positive, 3 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +1 (+4) = +5

May 19, 2022 6:53 am
Esther's protective spell is successful...

Aspect: Night Guardian
@Harrigan When you can, and if you want to, feel free to narrate how the spell manifests (e.g. a glowing ring around the camp or just a ghostly raven that appears to keep watch, etc.) Per OOC discussion, you beat the target by more than 2, so that's 'Success with Style'; so, should something happen, the group would get two free invokes -- for example, maybe get a bonus from being forewarned of a threat or negate being surprised, etc. without having to spend fate point...
On my next post, I'll fast forward us to what happens next either during overnight watch or at the next morning.
May 19, 2022 7:16 am
Intrigued by Esther's casting, Ivario watches her weaving her magic. I should learn something like that. He thinks to himself. That would definitely be good for business. He does stand back a bit, unsure of what exactly Esther is about to cast.
May 19, 2022 8:30 am
As long as I can have a good night sleep, that is enough for me.

Thank you Esther for this protection
May 19, 2022 3:01 pm
Esther's words, words in some ancient and unknown town, hang in the air as weaves the warding spell. Silver-gold sparks stream from her fingers as she gestures in all the prescribed ways, summoning a little guardian that takes flight from her outstretched hands. A ghostly owl, shimmering in the night, wings up and up from the camp, keeping watch for the group.

Dusting her hands off, Esther then closes the book and winks at Beartrand.
So that's Night Guardian with two free invokes.
Last edited May 19, 2022 3:01 pm
May 20, 2022 7:12 am

With Esther's ghostly Night Owl keeping a protective watch over the group, the night passes uneventfully. The next morning brings a clear view of the surroundings. Small pixies flutter about the river. Strange forest animals call out, off in the distance.


Innis gets prepared for the journey ahead, then leads the way

"Well, it's time for my part of the bargain. Follow me. There's a trail this way. It leads to the swamps, where the oracle lives,"

He says as he walks towards the trees, in a north and slight west direction.


Yarbi rolls up his bed and gathers his pack, ready to follow...

Aspects: Night Guardian
@Harrigan No surprise attack this time. Guessing the two free invokes would fade away at the end of the last night "scene?" I'm not sure of the official rule on duration of CaA aspects. I'll leave the freebies up for the moment, just in case there's a narrative excuse to use them.
What does everyone do? Anything besides follow Innis?
May 20, 2022 9:03 am
Beartrand wakes up, stretches, and give a small roar that sounds much like a bear. He standup, rolls up his bed find something to eat andget ready to follow the funny mushroom.

Following mushrooms in a dark forest, what a queer idea ! he thinks
May 20, 2022 5:54 pm
After a not so amazing night's sleep, Ivario gets up. He stretches and feel the ache in his back. Oof, rough night. Some walking will help me with this ache. He picks up his stuff and joins the others to continue the journey.

"So, Innis, are there more like you in this forest? Do you have parents and siblings?" He asks with genuine interest.
May 21, 2022 5:35 am
In the morning, Esther rises, packs, eats lightly and nods at her owl before it drifts away on the wind, it's job done. She raises her eyebrows at the bear roar, but seems willing to follow along where Innis leads them.
Night Guardian was a situational aspect, as all CAA aspects are. Here's what the SRD says:
"A situation aspect is temporary, intended to last only for a single scene or until it no longer makes sense (but no longer than a session, at most). Situation aspects can be attached to the environment the scene takes place in—which affects everybody in the scene—but you can also attach them to specific characters by targeting them when you create an advantage."

So yeah, I think gone when the morning comes and the scene changes.
May 21, 2022 7:03 am
After hearing Ivario's question, Innis suddendly seems a little anxious...

In munchkin voice, "Oh... um... ... Excellent question... Nice of you to ask... I did have parents... I was an only child... My parents weren't exactly like as you see me... nor any others in the forest, for that matter... Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, here we go... the trail is this way!"

Innis is clearly trying to change the subject while looking ahead for the correct path.

Before catching up to Innis, Yarbi throws open the 'sacred' map while still near the camp site, and quickly adds a few rough details to it with some ink.

Assuming everyone follow, I'll post what there is to see on the trail tomorrow (night time for me here now)...
Thanks @Harrigan for the rules info!
May 22, 2022 6:56 am
Suddendly, just as Innis is talking...

"Yikes! I can't move!"

Innis has been grabbed by a wooden hand... One of the trees has come to life! And it's holding the little mushroom-folk firmly in place!


Then a high pitch voice cries out from above, "That's the one! Get the mushroom! That's the one master wants!"

Two not particularly nice looking winged sprite creatures (about 3 feet tall) come flying down from above. They look about ready to attack Innis with sticks.

Everyone can hear Innis cry out for help. What does everyone do?
May 22, 2022 10:26 am
Beartrand quick takes the twig that hold Innis and twist it ready to snap it.

If you don't let this one go you loose your hand and I will call all the bears of the region to maw you to threads !
I send a roll just in case



2 Positive, 0 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: +0 (+3) = +3

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