[IC] The Delivery Quest, Part 3

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Jun 10, 2022 8:35 am
Beartrand nod

Better get something right now, who nows what will happen later ! And if we are in fight with bears we may not able to come back to this very spot.
Jun 10, 2022 3:11 pm

Yarbi notices one of the forest trees standing right next to the pond; he scampers over to it and sees it has a passage and looks inside...

"This could be another way too. I can see water in this passage under the tree and some glowing crystals in the water. But I'm too big."


Innis adds, "I've seen such crystals before. I understand they do have some value if one manages to collect a few."

She walks to the tree and attempts to go in, "Despite my current smaller form, I can't quite make it either I'm afraid."
The opening in the tree is about 1 foot high

Jun 10, 2022 5:58 pm
Looking back towards where they've left the giants and their house in the forest, Esther blows a strand of hair from her face. "I can... I can try to magic some of those right out of the ground if you all want." Her backpack gets unshouldered and she's rooting, tongue stuck out cutely. Pulling out a large old book that's covered in worn leather, the diminutive mage start flipping through its pages, spell after spell.
Thinking of something like Mage Hand or Unseen Servant here, a magical disembodied hand that could fit and pluck some crystals. This sounds Careful to me, and be warned, Esther is not very Careful. :)
Jun 10, 2022 6:10 pm
"Let me try and help you there, Esther." Ivario realizes that his crystal orb could be used as a curved mirror, blowing up the image of the crystals for Esther to see it better while she 'works her magic'.
I'm not sure if this idea is stretching... Let me know if it's not helpful or if it is, what I should roll as a create an advantage.
Jun 10, 2022 8:47 pm
Yes please try, I do not want to try myself.
Jun 11, 2022 7:02 am
@Harrigan That sounds cool. I'll make the ladder +2, like the other common spells so far, roll Careful (Overcome action (?))

@TheGenerator No, I don't think that's a stretch since it's in relatively close range and it's a part of what your orb does. So I'll set the ladder to +2. Roll Create an Advantage, I'm thinking Clever...
Jun 11, 2022 11:41 am


Creat an advantage (clever)

3 Positive, 1 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +3 (+2) = +5

Jun 11, 2022 5:09 pm
Looks like you got it. CaA is created with 2 free invokes I believe (due to 3 shifts.)
Jun 12, 2022 5:53 am
Nodding to Ivario, Esther nods as she concentrates and casts her spell...
Will use the free invoke on Ivario's Advantage if possible. If that works, bam, that's +2 on the nose for the Overcome.
Last edited June 12, 2022 5:55 am


Careful Casting of Phantom Phingers (+0)

2 Positive, 0 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: +0

Jun 12, 2022 11:22 pm
Ivario's orb shows a magnified image of one of the under water crystals. With the help of the orb as a visual guide, Esther is barely able to navigate one of the crystals gently past the underwater cave opening; the crystal then rises out of the water...

...but then the spell starts to go weak and the crystal starts to vibrate violently. The spell breaks and the crystal drops back into the pond, and starts to sink...



"Oh... I was just starting to dry off too...", Yarbi says right before diving back into the pond in order to catch the crystal before it sinks too far. After retrieving it, he carries it back to the others.

The crystal is warm to the touch and glows very brightly.


Innis, clearly impressed with the young spell casters abilities and the teamwork with the orb "Very nice! You got one! Just be sure to keep it well concealed."

"Perhaps it's best if we move on. Those giants may wander back this way, and there may be others still after me today."

Innis turns her attention to the bridge to the west...
What does everyone do next?
Jun 13, 2022 8:20 pm
Ivario smiles when the crystal is retrieved. "Ah, it looks like my ancestors smile upon us!"

"Where do we go from here, Innis? We've wandered away from the path." Ivario asks as he looks around. "I assume we don't want to go back towards he giants."
Jun 13, 2022 8:25 pm
No we do not and try to wavoid Bears as well, they are mean and naughty !
Jun 13, 2022 8:42 pm
"I have to ask, Beartrand, why do you dislike bears so much?" Ivario asks him. He keeps bringing up those bears. There has to be some kind of underlying reason. "Did your parents get attacked by bears once, maybe?"
Jun 13, 2022 8:55 pm
Beartrand becomes red.

Because bears ruined my life, and my parents told me to beware of bears, they barely bears their bearings and can attack bare handed, even bare bears do it and I'm told it is not a sight to behold. And they attack bees and steal honeys, and never ever should they be trusted, especially if you barely knows a bearded bear !

Not to be trusted on any accounts !
Last edited June 13, 2022 8:56 pm
Jun 14, 2022 5:15 am

While Yarbi dries off again, he listens to the interesting conversation about bears...


Innis says, "Not long after the bridge we'll reach my home. But we must cross very quietly; sometimes large creatures rest beneath these bridges. Normally I would have a potion to silence my movements, but we'll just have to be careful. Either that or we can try to go around the ravine by traveling north a ways."

I'm thinking a simple +0 difficulty for Sneakily moving across could work in this case. Alternatively magic might help, but it could also backfire (if get a bad roll (or fate point to re-roll)), probably +2 difficulty for 'silence spell.' Or maybe the orb can help see what's there... Going around the ravine would mean openly exploring other parts of the 'dark forest' for a short bit.
Jun 14, 2022 5:51 am
Don't want to dominate with spells, so let's let the others try a different approach here...
Jun 14, 2022 6:53 am
Bears can be pretty stealthy if they want to be, right? :)
Jun 14, 2022 6:38 pm
Yes but to pass it is the entire group that need to be stealthy not a poor bear alone !
Beartrand breath heavily

And do you have such potions at your house ? And if so where would they be and could in you state take them if you were at your home ?


sean_don4 Inactive for 14 days

Jun 16, 2022 7:08 am
Innis replies to Beartrand "Yes, there may be a couple left on the shelf in the library. The silence potions are a green liquid in glass bottles. That's assuming they weren't damaged when my cauldron brew spell backfired on me. If you manage to get inside, be sure not to touch anything else, because you may trigger one of my house protection traps. I would have you bring me back my spellbook too, but it is in a hard to find secret place and is protected by a complicated code. And that's assuming someone else hasn't already gotten to it by brute force. There's also a chance someone may be waiting there with plans to capture me..."

"Lastly, you'll need to get past Herman; he's my guard pet, a sea creature that lives in the swamp surrounding the little island where my house stands. Just find something tasty for him to eat and he may take a liking to you. It's dangerous, but it might work."

Innis then turns to Ivario and Esther "Is there any way the orb or your magic could help us track or communicate with Beartrand while on this quest?"
Jun 16, 2022 7:30 am
What does Hermann like to eat ? He is not a water bear by any chance ?
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