Moving along... and including a hypothetical conclusion preview. Assuming Teddy Beartrand makes it inside...
Books and furniture are in disarray. A ring of burn marks are on the floor circling a cauldron, indicating that there had been an explosion.
In the cauldron, a pool of magical liquid is swirling: it shows an image of where you first found Innis on the other side of the river.
In the back library several glass bottles filled with liquid can be found on the shelf; a few of which are green...
Assuming everyone gets to the house eventuially, I was going to roll to see if Innis manages to turn herself back into human form or have to seek help from the Oracle. The adventurers, when traveling north would find the swamp. Preview below. What sort of creature should the Oracle be? I was thinking of making her a small snail with telekinesis abilities. (Some plot twist could ensue.)
Obviously this was not a very violent and lighthearted game, so assume no build up to a big battle -- although there's still the mystery as to where the curse came from in the first place.
Oh and the rustling noise that Yarbi is hearing could be a real bear... there had to be one eventually.
[Preview: Innis in human form]
[Preview: Swamp of Dim Lights]