[IC] The Delivery Quest, Part 3

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Jul 2, 2022 5:17 pm
"I know you're in there, church ambusher! Come out with your hands up and I might be merciful." Ivario shouts at the stump, kicking it again. "I won't let you take me in!"
Jul 3, 2022 3:27 pm
@YullyBear You recognize Ivario's voice. WIll you stand or stay hidden?
Jul 3, 2022 5:02 pm
Beartrand blow loudly with relief, he gets his face out of the stump and say loudly

It's me Beartrand, I was preparing for an ambush, there are bears around !
Last edited July 3, 2022 5:04 pm
Jul 3, 2022 10:22 pm
As Ivario runs up to deliver another kicks, he hears and sees Beartrand pop up out of the stump. He's got just enough to stop his next kick. "Oh Beartrand, it's you! I'm so sorry, I thought you were a church member trying to capture me." He helps him get out of the stump and join the group once more.

"Yes, we have seen the bears with lynx heads, and managed to get them distracted with the creature under the bridge." Ivario says with a smile. He is happy that the plan worked. "Did you find Innis' potion?"
Jul 4, 2022 10:18 am
Beartrand holds the sac he carefully protected with his body containing the potions.

And I met Hermann too, he was hungry I gave him some tidbits, I hope it will be enough for him not to eat us, Innis!


sean_don4 Inactive for 14 days

Jul 4, 2022 11:28 pm

"Well done! You might need those potions for later."

Innis leads the group to her house. Herman is happy to see her again.

She goes to the back library, pulls her bed aside; then, under where the bed was, she slides a number of small wooden board panels around on the floor, like a puzzle; with a click, a compartment opens revealing a book...


"It's here."


She proceeds to the cauldron, and sees the vision of the mushroom patch on the other side of the river, where everyone first found her.

"When the spell backfired. It must have opened temporary portal. The portal appears to be closed now."

She starts putting a variety of ingredients into the cauldron: an eye ball, some herbs, some liquids...

With small soft mushroom fingers, she throws the book open and slides her finger down to the correct spell.

"Well, here goes nothing..."


Change to Human Form

2 Positive, 0 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: +0 (+3) = +3

Jul 5, 2022 12:27 am
That's a 50/50 roll, so I'm going to call it "success with consequences". Perhaps Innis transforms mostly back into human, but something isn't quite right. What might you see about Innis or something in the room that's off somehow? (I can also just make up something.)
Jul 5, 2022 1:04 pm
A mushroom on her head like a hat ?
Jul 5, 2022 1:07 pm
Beartrand try to hide while he unzip his ccostume of Teddy Bear and get magically out of it, not without a

Oh my back hurts after leaving this bear.

He then folds the costume in his sac.

How long do we plan to stay in this house ?
Jul 6, 2022 6:40 am
Innis partly morphs into human form, but the top of her head is still part mushroom, like a hat...


"Hrmm... might still need some work, but much better!"

"The oracle can be found straight north of here, in the swamps. You needn't have me burden you any longer, but you all risked helping me; so, please let me know if there's anything I can do in return. You're welcome to rest here and depart when you're ready."
I'll probably fast forward us to the swamps and the oracle in one of my next posts, which will be the last scene of this game.
Jul 6, 2022 8:04 am
"Well, it's nice to see your real form, Innis." Ivario says with a smile. "You mentioned being a protection wizard. Is there any way you could give us some sort of defensive boost for our journey to come?"
Maybe we can get an aspect or a boost with 1 invoke? Is there such a thing as a group aspect? If I have to, I can roll "create an advantage" to get help from Innis?
Jul 6, 2022 3:18 pm
Yes nice to see the real thee, and this mushroom on thine head is very fitting ! Would thou hast anything against those horrible bears ?
Last edited July 6, 2022 3:23 pm


sean_don4 Inactive for 14 days

Jul 7, 2022 6:54 am

"Oh yes. That is my specialty, after all: protection spells."

Innis starts brewing another spell in her cauldron. This time a transparent glass sphere rises out of the soup and hovers over the cauldron (it's about the size of a grapefruit.)


Innis grabs the sphere and hands to Esther.

"Smash this hard into the ground and a magical shield will protect you all from ghostly spirits and the undead... and yes bears too!

Unfortunately when you do this, there's a chance the glass sphere may shatter."
No need to roll I don't think, since you all earned this by helping her. A boost is just a temporary aspect that goes away after a scene. I'm thinking this would probably be just a normal aspect (that anyone in the group can invoke later.)

Let's say the glass sphere has 2 free invokes: the first time it starts to crack and the 2nd time it shatters completely. EDIT: Each usage only last one small scene.
What does everyone do? Travel north?
[ +- ] Aspects
Jul 7, 2022 2:51 pm
Beartrand gives a big smile

That is so kind of you, I am ready to go and fetch this wizard! Let's go North already! It was so nice to meet you Innis.
Jul 7, 2022 11:01 pm
"Yes, thank you, Innis. This will come in handy!" Ivario says as he gets ready to head out again.

"I'm right behind you, Beartrand. Let's go save the village." He pats Beartrand on his shoulder.
Jul 9, 2022 5:01 am
After a long trek northward, it is starting to get late: the twilight sky can be seen between the trees, and the group observes magestic animals along the way...


As night rolls in, the forest starts getting darker, little houses can be found built into forest trees...


Eventually everyone makes it to the swamps.

A very large turtle (about the size of a rowboat) swims to the shore of the swamp and waits next to a wooden sign.


The sign reads: "Ride on back of turtle, will take you to oracle, at your own risk, beware of deadly spirits."


Spirits can be seen dancing above the surface of the murky swamp lake ahead.

I'm fast forwarding the travel stuff some. Perhaps if this setting were to ever be expanded, some of the observations could be explored more. Anyway, what does everyone do next?
Jul 9, 2022 11:19 am
Beartrabd laugh

Hahaha, spirits are not bears, and we have a protection against them. Let's hop on this charming turtle !

Then he hesitates a little

Dear sir Tutrle doest thou speak our language ?
Jul 9, 2022 4:53 pm
Ivarion looks at the spirits on the water. "This should be easy. I talk to spirits all the time!" He steps forward to the edge of the lake. "Hello spirits! How are you doing this evening?"
Jul 11, 2022 5:52 am
The turtle does not speak, but slowly extends its large head, pointing toward the sign.

The spirits all stop momentarily and look at Ivario with a cold mean stare; they start slowly floating toward the group, but stop at the edge of the swamp lake.

You notice any living plants that come into contact with the blue translucent spirits wither and die as the spirits pass by them...

@YullyBear I'm getting a kick out of the 'old English' talk :-)

@All What's next?
Jul 11, 2022 10:46 am
So thou dost understand but cannot speak, we are grateful to thee noble Turtle and accept thine terms.

He goes toward the turtle

We better activate the protection since all of them have answered the summon of "the Great Ivario" and don't seem very happy at us.
Personally I think it is too bad english language dropped the second person of the singular; although technically it is still in used in church when talking about God
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