She hands you a waterskin.
Once we have secure this place, we will move everything to Blackstaff Tower. Then it hit Dean, he figured out who she was, or at least, who she is working for; The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors. Their headquarters are in the Blaskstaff tower in the Crastle Ward (
see the map)
[ +- ] The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors
Expect to be questioned at the gate, or when you register with a magister, regarding your ability to cast arcane magic. Wizards, sorcerers, and other arcane spellcasters who intend to stay in Waterdeep for any length of time are required to register with the city, and will be strongly encouraged to join the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, headed by the Blackstaff.
Members of the Watchful Order are expected to render service to the city when called upon, acting as temporary members of the City Watch or City Guard. Their expertise often helps investigators determine whether magic was used to commit a crime in the city. Members can also expect to be tapped for assistance during and after fires, natural events that cause multiple casualties, or other nonmagical disasters.
Members of the Watchful Order form a more or less sociable association in the city, working together to keep an eye on any spellcasters who opt not to join their guild. Any havoc caused by a spellcaster in Waterdeep risks drawing the wrath of the Lords of Waterdeep — so it behooves the Watchful Order to watch all its members.
It makes sense really. These guys are the ones who investigate magical shenanigans, and this issue with the healing potion falls within their perview.
She looks at Dean in disbelief.
There are two major guild that could have done this to you.
Xanathar Guild is a guild of criminals. Before membership is granted, however, an applicant must pass a test that always involves the perpetration of a serious crime. Possibilities include murdering a guild member who has failed Xanathar in some fashion, kidnapping a Waterdavian citizen, collecting a ransom, robbing a hire-coach, or looting a warehouse.
And then The Zhentarim. It is a shadow organization that trades mercenaries and goods (including weapons) for profit. It has long sought to gain political influence in Waterdeep, but the strength of the city's Masked Lords, nobility, and professional guilds makes that difficult.
These guys are Zhentarim

The Woman