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May 25, 2022 11:55 am
Is the the invisible servant a creature or a magical construct? Else there are classical bad creatures like demons, elementals and angels, as their worldview is so different from ours that they cause trouble if not controlled. I feel that summoned animals are more akin to this plane and their behaviour matches what we expect
Just for the record, Wilhelm is a 3rd level wizard, so this academy should be a kind to university level. Just before we go totally Hogwards ;)


History - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

May 25, 2022 12:11 pm
Just for the record, Wilhelm is a 3rd level wizard, so this academy should be a kind to university level. Just before we go totally Hogwards ;)
Yes, but all summon spells are lvl 3 and up... So i believe that it is the right time to address the topic
May 25, 2022 10:10 pm

The elf nods to Wilhelms response Not bad... Let me add a bit to your answer...first off the unseen servant, last decade it was affirmed by Irvin academy that the unseen servant is indeed an elemetal, if specific the most primitive kind of air elementals, without a whisk of self awareness and only able to act by following an order. An instrument, if you please... the elf takes a crystal from his pocket and squeezes it in his hands, it slightly glows and an illusory images projected on the wall. It is a comparison between an air elemetals and unseen servant's magical aura's, the two indeed do look alike... Though the elementals aura is really bright and we'll visible, compared to almost non existent servants aura....Now can someone tell me why the unseen servant is not a construct?

The elf quickly raises her hand and without waiting to be called out answers It is because it lacks any form, it is shapeless,when in turns constructs all have a physical body...

Good. Now onto the next topic, while devil's, fiends, monstrosities, fey and celestials do indeed have questionable moral compass, the beasts will always be a safer bet, though their potential in turn is quite limited. While some creatures can still be bound by a contract, we summoners still should be really careful when voicing our orders, so that we don't get stabbed in the back. Unfortunately a badly given order is one of the top5 mortality causes between casters... the illusion changes showing some poorly formulated orders, that can be easily used in a loophole against the summoner and a better alternative next to it. After a moment the Elf continues But at all costs wizards should be weary from coming into contact with the creatures classified as chaotic, their behavioral patterns are impossible to study, hence they are absolutely impossible to predict.! he quickly goes over some scenes and creatures bringing demise over the unfortunate summoners .... He stops at a strange image of a human - shaped dark veil looming over a woman, she looks unsuspecting....you recognize the creature, have seen it many times because it's a shadow Can someone tell me about the creature?? the teacher asks.

Almost immediately archy jumps to his feet answering. It's a shadow right? I heard that they live beyond the mirrors edge and that if they ever encounter their owners they will attempt to kill them on sight to end both of their existences, is it true? fires burn in the lads eyes as he answers...


He nods Yes you're indeed right, the good thing is that it's almost impossible for them to enter our plane, if a portal is not opened from our side and that the things are pretty specific, when it comes to their victims... Every living creatures has a shadow in a recently discovered plane that is parallel to ours, it is called the mirrors edge. Why? Because the place where the two planes are the closest turned out to be a broken piece of a glass mirror .... There was an expedition to the plane though, all that went there and returned soon dissapeared without trace. The association of arcane research believes that their shadows killed them, so that both of them could ciese their existance... then he moves on to other bad examples such as mephits, lesser devil's, monstrosities and why summoning a swarm is a closed space is a bad idea... At the end of the lecture, he sits behind the desk and tells everyone We're done for today, please hand the essay on the analysis of a certain creature, review on summoning pros and cons, in by Monday.... If you have any questions please stay behind, i will address them shortly...
May 28, 2022 8:14 am
Wilhelm stays behind. I was wondering if there was any literature that you could recommend about these different moral compasses in, let's say shadow creatures. You can put a loadstone to a compass and it will change, could one do something similar to those creatures? Not controlling them as is custom, but aligning their moral compass with ours to some extent?
Could the tattoo be such a "loadstone"?
"loadstone" is a old word for magnet



May 28, 2022 8:08 pm
The elf Looks at Wilhelm and thinks for a second before answering There are some reports about such experiments... though those have yielded minimal results with the creatures classified as Lawful. Unforunately, no such records are held about the chaotic kind.. simply no researchers have survived to document them, and those who did wish they hadn't. Ireccomend that you stay away from the topic young man, it bears no fruit. he sighs, and seeing that you are the last student present asks you to leave the classroom.

He mentioned existing records... so.. things like those exist right? if they do they should be located in the library.... right?
May 29, 2022 3:42 pm
Thank you sir. Have a good day

Wilhelm now has two objectives for today. Examine the street treasures with a ritualised detect magic and then a trip to the libary. Records must be there.



May 31, 2022 7:16 pm
With the speed of a fleeing prisoner, that just received a good opportunity to escape, Wilhelm leaves the corpus heading straight to the ritual rooms. (Think about a room that looks like modern meditation studios) there upon entrance he takes a cushion to sit on, that are put in a neat pile next to the entrance and picks a spot for himself to begin his series of ritual spells.

After almost two and a half an hours of casting Wilhelm finds out that the seven black opals (confirmed by one of the other students that joined him on a later note to ritual-cast find familiar) a hairbrush, a round stone, a funny looking twig that is naturally shaped as a loop, a needle, two candies and an unfinished Cookie are all not magical. It looks like the shadow was just collecting random things while you walked to the Academy,

While getting up you stretch your body, feeling your sore back and legs stretch a little. You collect your stuff and put the cushion back into the pile before exiting. After reaching the nearest stairway you head down onto the basement floor and enter a pair of large doors where you are greeted by a sign. Please, leave your belongings and outside-clothing such as coats, capes and shoes in a designated locker. The library does not hold responsibility for any lost or damaged belongings during your stay.

When Wilhem enters the door he is greeted by a brightly lit room it if filled from ceiling to floor with small lockers (approximately 30X20 cm) with little keys with numbers and string bands attached to them
Does Wilhelm leave his stuff?
Entering trough the other pair of the large doors located in the locker room Wilhelm is greeted by the well known smell of old books, he looks around, the never-ending rows of shelving, the tight passages in-between and the group of tables located in the middle area. Throughout the scene there can be seen a couple of students, picking out books or studying something at the tables.

The warforged librarian is quick to approach you While holding a massive binder in one Hand it asks Wilhelm about His business In a monotone robot-like voice Welcome Wilhelm, may I know what are you looking for, so I can direct you towards the right section?
Also give me another perception
Jun 3, 2022 9:02 am
Wilhelm fills the locker with his belongings, and dawns the cotton slippers and gloves, before entering the library. The only items he brings with him are a pen and his notebook, and his arcane focus crystal around his neck.

I'm looking for the records that master Honair mentioned. About altering the moral compass of summoned creatures. Records, stories, dissertations, and research notes. Including bindings or symbols that are affiliated with long-term summonings. Wilhelm thinks a bit. I think that is it to begine with.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10



Jun 4, 2022 6:03 pm
The warforged nods approvingly Yes, you were supposed to have a lecture about the topic today, it is good that you choose to study the topic.... the literature with you access level will be provided shortly. Please follow me.


The warforged turns and leads Wilhelm trough the maze of narrow hallways, and to a barrier like arch with runes that he leads you trough, then once more into the maze, you continue walking like that trough quite a while, then you notice your shadow trying to sneak up to warforged. The librarian notices the unnatural movement and halts for a bit staring at the shadow, then glances at the nearby flame lamp and exhales Im sorry for the sudden stop, thought that we had a breach...it turns out that the flames are playing tricks on me... I probably need a pair of night-vision optics installed.... then you walk past another arch, that leads even deeper into the library, the smell of old tomes is even more intense there.

While walking you recall that every single librarian in this underground maze is a warforged created by a great magician, they share a hive-mind. Since the info you to one librarian is known by all of them. (Think about moogles from final fantasy)

You stop at a couple of places, where the librarian hands you a tome or two - in the end your hands are full with 2 hefty tomes, 2 research article binders and a single scroll-case. After which you are left alone with the books in a nearby reading area. Here you go, the tomes from this level are not permitted to be carried outside the area, please keep that in mind. When you're done please leave the materials on the table and follow the orange line towards the exit.... he points at the floor. Then excuses himself and disappears into the labyrinth of recorded knowledge.

Previously you noticed that there were 5 lines connected to the exit of the library, green, yellow, orange, red and purple. You know that the green Line starts at the reading area of the library that is closest to the exit, available to non-students, a public area, if you may, the yellow one is connected to the area that contains the basic literature used by the students of the academy, the general public cannot access it....
Give me 5 int checks, tell me if Wilhelm uses a special reading/ study technique to study the books...


Wilhelm: History - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

shadow Stealth in dimlight - (1d20+6)

(10) + 6 = 16

shadow Sleight Of Hand - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

warforged Perception - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

how many books - (1d8-2)

(7) - 2 = 5

Jun 6, 2022 10:11 am
I don't recall things getting lost this much around my father. He mutters to himself. Then he checks his pockets, has something new appeared?
He starts to leaf through the books, searching for symbols matching his tattoo. That would be the easy pickings. Then there is nothing else but to start reading.


Int - Check - (1d20+3, 1d20+3, 1d20+3, 1d20+3, 1d20+3)

1d20+3 : (17) + 3 = 20

1d20+3 : (4) + 3 = 7

1d20+3 : (13) + 3 = 16

1d20+3 : (18) + 3 = 21

1d20+3 : (8) + 3 = 11

Jun 7, 2022 6:48 pm
The first tome contained a theory of possible binding rituals using the magic of old, it depicted a ritual which included the binding of an additional entity to a living vessel... the description was vague but Wilhelm did notice a similar magic pattern that was used by the student that helped him with the opals... what was he doing? summoning a familiar?

The next one was a thick guidebook on summoned creatures, but the content mainly repeated what was looked over in the lecture, as he closes the book, he sees that the author of the tome indeed was his teacher - Honair.

The first article binder was mostly contained with failed experiments on forcing good creatures to be bad and vice versa, that mostly ended up with the death of the assistants doing the experiment, it contained many pictures and schematics, though none of them were even close to yours...

On the other hand the other binder contained a bit of info on a man named Alex Magewell, the surname rings a bell - yes your father had a friend named Magewell, you can say that his citations were all over the articles that researched, well mostly speculated about the possible way to alter moral compass using an ancient method preformed by the hags of old, where the creature was given a new moral compass via branding, unfortunately those branded didn't survive for long taking their own lives, to end the suffering...there was an incomplete schematic image of the brand. Magewell must be the leading researcher.... only if you could get your hands on his work for more information...
[ +- ] The compass

The last one was a scroll that contained the basic instructions and steps needed for summon familiar spell, the scroll is useless for casting, but good enough for transcription, next to it there were a couple of crumpled papers with the compass scheme and a bit of blood, it looks like someone wanted to change familiars moral compass and wasn't lucky with the endeavour.
As you finish going trough the literature you catch yourself yawning, how long have you been here?? you dont know, for the library Is located underground, so that time and weather doesn't affect the process of studying, but you do know that you have been here long enough to feel absolutely exausted.


How many hours in library? - (1d6+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Jun 8, 2022 7:06 pm
Wilhelm packs his notes and returns the books as instructed. He follows the path out but is keeping an eye out for a librarian. He would like to request all available works of Alex Magewell for tomorrow. Not today, he is totally spent for the day.



Jun 8, 2022 8:42 pm

The librarian is quick to be found occupying the same desk next to the exit of the library. Once you state your request the warforged nods halts for a moment then speaks If there will be any books available, you will get access to them during your next visit.
After that you head outside the library and after collecting your things head outside the academy complex and into the streets. While walking you think about what awaits you back home...your mother must be furious... it is dark outside... you look around a bit anxious about the dark streets and alleys.
Passive perception please.
Jun 9, 2022 3:36 am
passive perception is 11



Jun 9, 2022 6:40 pm
While walking trough the alleys, the silent living areas and rowdy pubs, Wilhelm hurries back home. He decides to cut trough a couple of dark alleys, you have done this before and it has been alright, but this time, not quite.

On your way back the wizard, occupied by his own thoughts and ever piling questions, didn't notice how a shady group approaches him, one of the group walks upfront and grabs the lad by the scruff of his neck.
Listen here Bub, me and my friends really want some booze, but were all out of coin. You will help a poor man and his friends and buy us some drinks, right? the last part of the sentence sounded less like a suggestion and more like a threat. The man smells of sweat and alcohol, his friends have surrounded you behind his back, anticipation is evident in their eyes.
Jun 10, 2022 7:22 pm
Wilhelm gives the man a "look" and suddenly he feels his body being pushed away, it's enough to get his attention, but not enough to move him. He grabs his cane and pulls, it comes apart and they all see the glint of steel. Then he finally speaks, but the words are arcadic words of power that causes him to turn invisible.
Bonus action: Telekenitic push
Action: Cast invisibility.
[ +- ] Telekinetically shove
Out of the empty air they hear him say. Leave now, and no one gets hurt.
In another langues, the langue of the old songs, he adds. Don't cause them any serious damage. Scare them, inflict pain, but don't maime or kill.


Telekinetic - Shove Int save DC13 - (1d20+0)

(14) = 14



Jun 10, 2022 8:16 pm
The thug keeps his stance as he clasps his arms around the lad attempting to grapple him as the lad goes invisible.

The shadow looms over the man frieaking out his 4 friends they cry out in suprise...The fuck man? and something along the lines of What in tarnation?! and Look a demon! they pull their weapons readying for an encounter.

The shadow on the other hand grumbles as if masking you with reap the wolves claws and kill the whole pack... in the songs of old....clearly he as been reaped from an opportunity...
[ +- ] Map (I will make a more functional one a bit later, i forgot the webpage for it...)
STR check from Wilhelm and roll initiative.

Since your character turned invisible I am giving you the first turn, if you succeed the grapple check you can avoid the combat by simply running away...


Thug str save - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Thug grapple (Thug1) - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Thug 1 initiative - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Thug 2 initiative - (1d20)

(2) = 2

Thug 3 initiative - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Thug 4 initiative - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Jun 10, 2022 8:40 pm
Wilhelm tries to roll out of the grable, its not elegant, but they can't see him. He uses his telekinetic shoves to push one of the thugs to make them believe that he forced his way past them and is running in the opposite direction.
His Acrobatics DC 7 beats the thugs grable DC6 :D


Acrobatics - (1d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Jun 10, 2022 8:49 pm
Another thug (3) gets shoved towards the street with well worked foot work he keeps onto his feet as he calls out Hey I think that the damned demon ran this way! While he does the the shadow sinks into the wall leaving the men confused, with a then the same one calls out to others Come on! We must stop him, I bet the clergy will pay handsomely for catching a demon worshipping scum!, it looks like that one, was the courageous one of the group. As you run you can hear footsteps leaving in the opposite direction.


thug str save - (1d20+2)

(18) + 2 = 20

Jun 10, 2022 8:59 pm
In the commotion, and their surprising outcries Wilhelm slippers away.


Stealth (assume advantage due to invisiblity) - (2d20H1+2)

(1118) + 2 = 20

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