The First Psalm

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Jun 10, 2022 3:21 pm
Equinox says:
I'd like to point out that Magdalene has never given us her name and I am not sure she even remembers it herself.
That's right. She's a pain in the a**.
Magdalene hears Lilly and Althea call out to her. "I'm not going anywhere soon."

Meanwhile, she tries to find irregularities in the well walls. Anything that gives her some kind of toehold that she can set a foot on and use her tools to hoist herself up somehow.

To Zora she replies, "Some strangely colored liquid is all I can tell and it hasn't killed me yet."
Last edited Jun 10, 2022 3:21 pm
Jun 10, 2022 5:52 pm
Magdalene splashed into the bottom of the well. Certainly the liquid didn't burn or kill her. But well, she seems quite trapped down there. Drenched in the liquid, there is sour smell. Alcohol? Really bad wine perhaps?

The well is not very deep, and at the bottom there is a sack of some sort. Burlap perhaps. Drenched of course. A quick dive down could reach it.
But climbing back up again might become a bit trickier....
Climbing out of the pit would be a strenght check.
Default DR 12.
But take a +4 if you are being helped with a branch.
And a -2 if you take the bag along.
Jun 10, 2022 7:26 pm
"Laaaadies!" Magdalene sings loudly in ascending notes. "Would you have me bring this disgusting bag with who knows what inside it, or should I leave it to rot and make it easier for you to help me up? Hmmm? I await your desires."
Jun 10, 2022 7:28 pm
Lilly looks uncertainly at the other women, "what good can come of it? I'd leave it down there, wouldn't you?"
Jun 10, 2022 7:34 pm
"Whatever it is in the bag was likely discarded, just as we were. There is power in us, and there must be power in it."
Jun 10, 2022 10:36 pm
Althea comes trotting back toward the well with a suitable branch in hand.

"Bring the bag!"
Jun 11, 2022 5:43 am
Jötna moves into position to offer anchoring for anyone attempting to help the fallen lass.
Jun 11, 2022 12:18 pm
"Does anyone agree on anything in this godforsaken place? I'll bring the bag then," Magdalene shouts up the well shaft.

Grabbing onto the proffered branch she attempts to stuff the bag under one arm and climb up but slips and falls plopping into the "water" with a splash as the bag sinks under to the bottom again.
Last edited Jun 11, 2022 12:19 pm


Strength -2+4-2 - (1d20)

(1) = 1

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