[Old School Hack - Hacked] The Shifting City

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ClosedOld School HackPublic1 / daytibbius
Setting and Themes: https://dank-dungeons.itch.io/the-shifting-city.
A city that's brick and mortar move between dimensions.
Where markets sell the rarest goods from a thousand worlds.
Where a hundred thieves guilds and a hundred oligarchs backstab each other for control.
This game will be a bit heisty, a bit intriguey, and a bit swords & sorcery. But it's light magic.

Your characters will be people who stepped through a doorway, or walked round a corner, or wandered through a deserted park, and came out ... in Sarapesh. Maybe they're still hoping for a way back home. Or maybe they've settled into the Shifting City, and are looking to make their fortunes here. Either way, they've fallen together as a group ... and recently, they learned of a Library that holds unrivaled wealth of knowledge. They've been hired to extract one particular tome for their mysterious employer. And now ... after evading various safeguards ... now one of them has just begun to twiddle the combination lock that fastens the chains that hold that tome to its lectern.

Rules: http://www.oldschoolhack.net/osh-docs/OldSchoolHack_v1beta.pdf. But ... hacked ... as follows ... to make forum play faster.
[ +- ] Old School Hack, Combat Hacked

May 23, 2022 3:28 pm
- Note: I tried to start a game of this using Tiny D6, but people didn't so much like the rules, and also my RL interrupted for a bit. And also, TBH, the opening was not as compelling as I might have hoped. Now, I'm back - and want to try different rules - beginning in media res.

Setting and Themes: https://dank-dungeons.itch.io/the-shifting-city.
A city that's brick and mortar move between dimensions.
Where markets sell the rarest goods from a thousand worlds.
Where a hundred thieves guilds and a hundred oligarchs backstab each other for control.
This game will be a bit heisty, a bit intriguey, and a bit swords & sorcery. But it's light magic.

Your characters will be people who stepped through a doorway, or walked round a corner, or wandered through a deserted park, and came out ... in Sarapesh. Maybe they're still hoping for a way back home. Or maybe they've settled into the Shifting City, and are looking to make their fortunes here. Either way, they've fallen together as a group ... and recently, they learned of a Library that holds unrivaled wealth of knowledge. They've been hired to extract one particular tome for their mysterious employer. And now ... after evading various safeguards ... now one of them has just begun to twiddle the combination lock that fastens the chains that hold that tome to its lectern.

Rules: http://www.oldschoolhack.net/osh-docs/OldSchoolHack_v1beta.pdf. But ... hacked ... as follows ... to make forum play faster.
#Old School Hack, Combat Hacked
##Armor Classes
none: 0
light: 1
heavy: 2
v. heavy: 4
power: 6
##Hitting People
This is not how to succeed in life.
Each opponent rolls 2d10 and adds their Armor Class. One die is a Face Die.
* Using a weapon in its preferred arena gives +2.
* Being a fighter gives +1.
* Using a light weapon lets you roll 3d10, drop the lowest.
* Some talents give a bonus.
The higher roll inflicts damage. On a tie, both opponents inflict damage.
* Light, ranged, and reach weapons do 1 damage.
* Heavy weapons do 2 damage.
* V. heavy weapons do 2 damage, or 4 damage if you win by 5+.
* If the Face Die shows 0 (10), double damage.
Last edited May 23, 2022 3:31 pm
May 23, 2022 4:21 pm
I'm very interested. I like the way you are hacking it to better suit pbp.
May 23, 2022 4:23 pm
I'd play as well. The hack looks like it hits some cool buttons, and I'm very keen on the heist style opening.
May 23, 2022 4:38 pm
I adore Old School Hack. It was the first good thing I ever found when I looked for "simpler DnD." The character sheets and opposed tests are great. Just prefer my combat to run faster, with no "whiff" rolls.

Also (edit to add) I run by the 2400 philosophy of "roll only to avoid risks" - so if I ask for a roll, there's a risk. I often will tell you up front what that is. If I forget to, please remind me. You're free to revise a risky choice before rolling. I will copy this comment over to OOC thread once we have a third player to justify starting a forum.

Players: 2/4. I've found that 4 is about my max number of cats for a forum game. Also IRL, but that's a different story.
Last edited May 23, 2022 4:41 pm
May 23, 2022 5:57 pm
I'll bite, tibbius. I've got a pretty full plate, but I'm just wrapping one game up, I've been wanting to game with you, and I love large swaths of the OSR and urban adventure. (I also love Tiny Dungeon, but it sounds like that ship sailed. :) )

I'll throw my hat in if you'll have me.
May 23, 2022 6:11 pm
Well, and now we have three!

I will get the forums up as soon.

Be ready, be wary ... nominate yourself to fiddle with the lock, and to make a Cunning roll!
May 23, 2022 9:34 pm
I set up a character sheet. We can mess with it, and get your feedback before we make it an official template.
[ +- ] Old School Hack
May 23, 2022 10:18 pm
I need your character sheet Fu. I’ll be lurking this game for sure!
May 23, 2022 10:35 pm
Question: is there a way to embed Google Slides in this forum? I know that might seem far-fetched, but also, Keleth and Adam seem to be wizards with bbcode ...
May 23, 2022 10:35 pm
... I ask bc I did up the character sheets as editable Google Slides.
May 23, 2022 10:41 pm
No. Best you can do is embed a link to the slide in your forum or a custom character sheet.
May 23, 2022 11:00 pm
Well, I really like the character sheet you did, @Qralloq. If anyone wants to edit a Google slide version of a character sheet from the pdf, let us know which character you pick and I'll send you a link for the sheet.
May 27, 2022 10:23 am
Hello tibbius. I am new to the forum and PbP in general, but very interested to try. Is there still a spot in this game, and would you mind if I join?
May 29, 2022 1:49 am
panalexiou says:
Hello tibbius. I am new to the forum and PbP in general, but very interested to try. Is there still a spot in this game, and would you mind if I join?
Oh - hi! Sorry I missed this.

Yes, I think it would be fine for you to have a character show up. We have already a Cleric, an Elf, and a Thief. So we'd need you to pick from Fighter, Magic User, Dwarf, or Goblin.

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