Rulers of The Last Kingdoms [D&D 5e] CLOSED

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ClosedDungeons & Dragons 5thPrivate1 / dayKoldikSteelskin
You play the ruler of a massive Kingdom, however the world is ending, the power you once had over a nation is near meaningless only a few respect you, but suddenly things change you are given another chance not set back in time but given more power than has ever been seen in this world before and that power seems to be gifted with the simple wave of a hand.

This game is about what you do when gifted with a power to change the world, a power that is perhaps strong enough to keep the world from ending and answering the question of why is this power suddenly accessible to you.

Do you have what it takes to keep the world from disappearing forever or will you flee to another world leaving behind the world that is falling apart and leaving with it your powers.

World Ending Events: As the story progresses unavoidable events will happen across the entire world, events which seem to be leading up to the destruction of all living beings, what is causing these events? can you stop them and save the world?

✅ Game Duration and Post Frequency. I tend to expect posts to occur from each player about once every two days but if everyone is able I can easily handle a faster pace most of the time. I expect the game to last about a year.

✅ Player Experience Requirements I would like each player to be fairly familiar with the class they choose as this game will have them at level 20, I also wish players in this game to be exited to build their character and where their character came from.
I welcome those new to the Pbp format, if they are ready to take on the challenge of crafting an interesting backstory.

May 25, 2022 4:16 pm

Character Creation

Your Kingdom: I would like each character to put deep thought into what they're kingdom was like before the fall, and how they're kingdom contributed to the fall, this game is NOT me telling you a story and you reading along this game involves contribution from both sides, without it the game will prove dull and Fail I will not build your Kingdom to have you be uninterested in it.

Race: Any Sourcebook
No Animal People Allowed.

Level: This is a 20th level campaign, with characters who were suddenly bestowed this near legendary power.
Class: Any Sourcebook
No Artificers, I have minimal understanding of how they work and almost none at 20th level

Background: your background is a noble, however this part of character creation can be used to flavor things in whatever way you wish you want that means Proficiency in 2 Skills and 2 Tools or Languages.

Equipment: Money was no object for your family at least while it was still worth anything and raids haven't gotten rid of all your possessions, each character can start with any mundane equipment 10 potions of Uncommon or Common rarity and 1 Rare and 1 Legendary magic Item.

✅ How to Apply. please apply by telling me what classes or class you wish to or are most comfortable playing at 20th level and tell me your favorite d&d rule.

Looking for 3-5 players.
Last edited May 26, 2022 6:02 pm
May 25, 2022 6:55 pm
I would LOVE to play a level 20 Sorcerer or a level 20 Arcane Trickster Rogue (my concept for the character is that they delved into magical illusions and such as a means of keeping themselves entertained, since the doom of their kingdom and their world essentially stresses them out, and magic is their mental escape). Another concept I would love to try is a level 20 Monk (I would want to play essentially an old-man avatar, like avatar Roku, whose world is falling apart and they are desperately searching for a means to reverse it and save the world and the people in it, in a hopefully peaceful manner).

My favorite D&D rule is probably the sorcerer's wild magic surge for its amazing flavor and craziness that can ensue through it. Throwing a wrench in everyone's plans, and watching how the situation unfolds is intriguing to me.
May 25, 2022 7:04 pm
Oh you tempt me. I never get to level 20 with a character and would love to give it a try. I generally play clerics, sorcerers and wizards. With the cleric, I am thinking he was part of a sect devoted to keeping some ancient evil contained and they failed in their duty.
May 25, 2022 7:15 pm
KoldikSteelskin says:
Race: Any Sourcebook
No Animal People Allowed.
Does this include Dragonborns?
I'm thinking of a druid

Or this Assimar, who is rouge(soul knife) abarant sorceror. Very psysic or angelic powered
It is one who has been banging around in my head for some time, and perhaps this is her place. She tried to be a wise and kind ruler. Serving the people in the light. But the brightest light casts the deepest shadow.

Favorite rule: The advantage/disadvantage rule
Last edited May 25, 2022 8:14 pm
May 25, 2022 7:48 pm
runekyndig says:
KoldikSteelskin says:
Race: Any Sourcebook
No Animal People Allowed.
Does this include Dragonborns?
No this does not Include dragonborn, they are allowed.
May 25, 2022 8:02 pm
Ooh! This campaign calls for my idea for a divination wizard I have been wanting to play for so long.

She is a princess who had foreseen the fall of the world by her magic (even if only by accident at low level).
Only... no one really believed her. She was a doom-sayer. Just causing trouble, chaos. So, she took precautions herself. Become a bit of a doomsday prepper, along with a small cult of servants and followers.

My favorite D&D rule? Human variant! I love making level 1 characters unique by giving them a feat with a story behind it. This princess, however, feels more like a high-elf.
Last edited May 25, 2022 8:03 pm
May 25, 2022 8:03 pm
sonds like fun! I have never played to level 20, but I have played a few classes to lvl 10. Classes I would be interested in running is either Bettlemaster fighter Archer or Forge Cleric.

Favorite rule? Probably mounted combat with a fierce creature. Sadly I have not gotten to use it hardly at all
May 25, 2022 8:05 pm
*Dark Souls senses tingling*

Very cool idea. Since I never played at level 20 (or anything close to it) I would prefer to play one of the non-magical classes. I have taken a liking to the idea of playing a barbarian. The noble savage. Someone like Conan, who also became king. My kingdom would also reflect something like the setting; a medieval land of savage warlords and black sorcerers crushed into submission, with a wild variance from its shining capital to its downright barbaric borderlands.

Favorite D&D rule?
A combat round takes 6 seconds, but that doesn't stop the big bad from performing an epic monologue within that span of time.
Last edited May 25, 2022 8:07 pm
May 25, 2022 8:07 pm
Forgot to add my favorite D&D rule. I think it is the rule that let's you pick whatever skills you want from a background if you already got them from race or class. It lets you customize a character nicely.
May 25, 2022 8:15 pm
Verrain says:
Forgot to add my favorite D&D rule. I think it is the rule that let's you pick whatever skills you want from a background if you already got them from race or class. It lets you customize a character nicely.
I edited my post ;)
Favorite D&D 5e rule is the Advantage/disadvantage rule. Much easier than some modifiers, and much more satisfying rolling two dice

Upon some further though i think I would play a dragonborn druid. Honor, commitment, strength, those kind of virtues. Now he has the full force of nature at his command. While he has looked to the stars for guadince the natural world has always been a resource to be harvested. That mental shift from user to champion would be interesting to play
Last edited May 26, 2022 7:13 am
May 26, 2022 11:40 am
Looks like you got 5 already. Please make my application low priority, but I am actually thrilled to thin about the question of what does "favorite" means with regards to rules.
So I'm comfortable playing rogue or druid. However I'm not sure if that fit the theme ... I can't imagine lvl 20 druid or rogue beeing a kingdom ruler.

Now the part I enjoy musing about. However I would like to say that "it depends"
- Feats (ability to chose feat instead of ASI) are my favorite rule in longer games where PC grow from lvl 1 peasant to a lvl 10+ superhero
- "Shoving a Creature" combat rule is my favorite rule for shorter games especially if deadly combat encounter(s) is(are) part of such game.
- My favorite would have been rule that say failed ability check do not necessarily mean "no progress", but could mean "makes progress combined with a setback determined by the DM". Nevertheless I've only experienced single DM who was able to apply this rule in practice
May 26, 2022 11:49 am
I wasn't expecting quite a large response, but this is great! I'll keep this thread active for maybe a few hours after my original posting to give everyone who anted to time to respond and then I'll pick players.
May 26, 2022 1:23 pm
GreyWord says:
I can't imagine lvl 20 druid or rogue beeing a kingdom ruler.
I always think of like, elron or gilandrial from LotR being druids. they are nature loving magic users that rules kingdoms. Rasputin would be another choice for a druid like ruler.

As for a rogue... Impa from Zelda: BotW (as well as koga) both are high level ninjas ruling a village. Pretty much any ninja ruler really.
you could also base your character off of Jean Valjean from Les Misérables if he had ended up being the ruler of France.
May 26, 2022 1:36 pm
I tend to think of Conan (from the stories, not the movies) as equal parts rogue and barbarian. Well, maybe not equal, but he's definitely a rogue!
May 26, 2022 1:44 pm
A little bit of rogue, a little bit of barbarian, and a whole mountain of pure badass.

"How did you come to your crown, you and that black-faced pig beside you? Your fathers did the fighting and the suffering, and handed their crowns to you on golden platters. What you inherited without lifting a finger — except to poison a few brothers — I fought for."
May 26, 2022 2:04 pm
Actually, I want to make a list of high level rulers from each class! Lets see...

Artificer: Hiccup from How to train your dragon, or Rick from rick and morty
Barbarian: Pick any Viking ruler. Eric the Red is a good example
Bard: The only thing that comes to mind is Sheogorath from elder scrolls
Cleric: The pope. Just... the pope. any of them
Druid: Radagast the Brown (LotR) or any of those nature loving Elf lords
Fighter: Ceaser. or Russel Crow from Gladiator. Heck, think George Washington fits in here as well
Monk: Gandhi. or Any of the Sikh leaders/gurus (i.e. Guru Hargobind)
Paladin: Alistair from Dragon Age 1
Ranger: Aragorn from Lord of the Rings, or Drizzt
Rogue: Any ruler of Ninjas, the Shadow Broker (masseffect), the "I may not be your father, but I AM your daddy" guy from Guardians of the Galexy (vanu?)
Sorcerer: Professor X from Xmen, or Keliser from Mistborn
Warlock: The Lich King from WoW, any of the Demon Princes from 40k, or (Insert any modern political leader here) since they sold their soul to the devil
Wizard: Gandolf and Saruman from LotR, or Viren from Dragon Prince (but he's evil), or Balthasar Gelt from Warhammer Fantasy
May 26, 2022 3:20 pm
King David was a bard.
May 26, 2022 4:51 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
King David was a bard.
Ah! I forgot about him! I agree
May 26, 2022 5:03 pm
The Sun King, Louis XIV of France, was a skilled ballet dancer and renowned patron of the arts.
May 26, 2022 5:24 pm
King Arthur is a Paladin, obvs. Devotion? Crown? Ancients?
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