Rulers of The Last Kingdoms [D&D 5e] CLOSED

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May 26, 2022 5:37 pm
I hate to break up this wonderful conversation so by all means keep having it but It's come to the moment where I must select my players.

Thank you everyone for your applications, I have selected 5 of you as rulers of the nations should you fall other nations may or may not take your place.

Welcome Your Highnesses @HeroAmongMen @Verrain @Cettish @elihaun and @Khulod may all follow in your footsteps.

I have selected the 5 of you, and I'll keep the rest who have expressed interest on a waiting list.
May 26, 2022 5:53 pm
elihaun says:
GreyWord says:
I can't imagine lvl 20 druid or rogue beeing a kingdom ruler.
I always think of like, elron or gilandrial from LotR being druids. they are nature loving magic users that rules kingdoms. Rasputin would be another choice for a druid like ruler.

As for a rogue... Impa from Zelda: BotW (as well as koga) both are high level ninjas ruling a village. Pretty much any ninja ruler really.
you could also base your character off of Jean Valjean from Les Misérables if he had ended up being the ruler of France.
There are tons of stories, and real life examples, where the spymaster steps into a power vacuum to rule. They may be rulers tasked with saving the world but nothing says they have to be heroes does it?
May 26, 2022 5:58 pm
Hot button topic so I won't go there, but rogues ruling nations... yeah.

Okay I went there. Let's go no further.
May 26, 2022 5:59 pm
Congrats to the new kings and queens! Have a fun game, folks!
May 26, 2022 6:17 pm
Thanks for the invite! :)
May 26, 2022 6:41 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
King Arthur is a Paladin, obvs. Devotion? Crown? Ancients?
Depends on the reading since the legend went through changes where Saxon, Roman, Welsh and Chistian beliefs had their own interpretations of the legend over the ages. The Holy Grail was at first pagan but later adopted in Chistianity as the vessel for the blood of Christ. The Lady of the Lake similarly started as pagan figure of legend, but later was remodeled into Mary. So while the pagan version can easily be adopted into an Oath of the Ancients paladin, the later rewritten versions would probably be Oath of Devotion, because that's the oath that adheres to the ideals of Chivalry that Arthur's court later was modeled to be exemplary in. Although Oath of the Crown also fits, but I think the whole Chivalry thing really nails a Devotion paladin.

Edit: oooh I'm picked! Yay!
Last edited May 26, 2022 6:44 pm

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