crazybirdman says:
So if I use a die, how long is it gone/unavailable to me?
Nathan only has one Brawn die, could he use two of his Guile die to see if there is another way in, or an alternate way to open the door?
I agree with the risk/reward, I was thinking whatever is freezing the door will affect him.
Yeah you can use any combination of dice you want :D if you want to roll a 2d6, you can roll one brawl and one guile, but only the brawl will count twice on a 6. You don't need to match your approach to the roll, but it could use it to help guide how you describe it. You could decide 2 brawl is ramming the door open, or try maybe that adding one guile reflects you trying to find a way to protect yourself from the cold with some sort of tissue or towel. Weird could be a gut feeling of how to avoid getting frost bite.
You loose one die each type you get "exhaustion", so it a risk only if you fail
some rolls, but not all. To
recover them, you need to use the
skeletons and desires, so basically, increase the family drama :D