@KingHotTrash, @Cettish Gunther
"Oh yes, yes, you boys wouldn't know much about your poor grandmother, I guess. Most unlucky girl she was." he continues talking about her as Alexander probes further.
"Poor girl Very sweet" he repeats as he looks at you a bit confused.
"Her passing? Why do you ask? Oh, dreadful thing. Young Master was deeply saddened by it. Never even found the body." The man looks again at his empty basket and then through the window inside the tavern, getting clearly more agitated as you probe him further.
"I'm not sure what happened... Me and the Master arrived late that day. I remember there it was something about the war that kept us away. And the family never really spoke much about it."
You both get the feeling that there is something
very wrong with the way he talks about your grandmother. Not only does he keep referring to her as a sweet girl, he also seems to imply that Roderick is somehow young. Even more strange is the mention of
the family... If you might have not met the woman... and everyone you know of, except Roderick, is younger than you... who could he be talking about? And then what war is it talking about? There have been minor conflicts here and there, but the war? The war ended decades ago! Hell, were you even born back then? You can't help but wonder if the man lost it completely.
Gunther turns to Nathanial and whispers
"What about the woods?" the man looks over his shoulder from time to time as he continues.
"Oh you must mean the rumors about a giant wolf in the woods? Non-sense. No wolf could be that big. Youngster pranks is what it is" the man looks unsure of how to continue. It is very clear that he is aware his next words are blasphemous. However, Alexander's down to earth attitude and Nathaniel's scientific outlook seem to convince him that you are not one of those fanatical puritans.
"It's the Knights and their witch hunt. It's driving everyone insane. I tell you that's what it is." he now looks very, very nervous
"The Ree... The Reeve. He even hired some men. Hunters of these sort of... creatures. Hunters! Can you believe it? Mercenaries to kill what? A wolf of all things?" You look at each other as you both know that, if the Knights are somehow are getting involved with these rumors, they surely don't think this is a
mere wolf.
The man suddenly stops talking like he has said too much already and apologies for having to leave. It seems he will need to return to the Manor soon
(you know how Roderick is!) but he needs to finish his business in Town before that.
ok so you left the risk that Guther gets nervous... he is clearly afraid of something at the moment... and that will have some down the line. You also did not take the rewards of learning what Roderick is up to and about Gunther's meeting with the Waitress.
I know the answers I gave you are a bit unclear, but they should raise at least one or two important questions... which you can OOC about
here ;)
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KingHotTrash July 17, 2022 4:36 am
CESN July 17, 2022 8:23 am
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crazybirdman July 18, 2022 6:17 pm