[IC} Monkeys, violins, and violence

Jun 7, 2022 5:27 pm
ATTENDU QUE, Nous reconnaissons la sapience et l'érudition potentielle du chimpanzé,

PAR CONSÉQUENT, Nous décrétons que maintenant et à l'avenir, pour l'éducation du chimpanzé, toute exécution publique de cet instrument de musique connu sous le nom de violon ou d'alto ne sera faite que par des singes, et,

DONC, les manipulations humaines du violon ou de l'alto ne peuvent être faites que pour la tutelle des singes, et,

PAR CONSÉQUENT, tous les violons ou altos appartenant à des humains doivent être immédiatement confisqués et re-licenciés en tant qu'outils pédagogiques pour singes, et,

PAR CONSÉQUENT, les Agents du Conseil sont instruits et autorisés à confisquer toute sorte de violon ou d'alto sous PEINE DE MORT OU DE MUTILATION pour DÉSOBÉISSANCE.
Thusly did the Purple Lilac read to you from a printed copy of the Decree. Halfway through, he belched and wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. On his lilac blouse there was a darker stain, of wine or possibly of blood.

"You have your instructions," he said with a slight slurring of speech, when he had finished declaring the decree. "Go forth, and pillage! eh, confiscate, to say."

Your offices are in a basement in Goutte-d'Or. The modern Council is stingy with funds for its Agents, the Richelieus. Nevertheless, you are sworn to conduct yourselves as aristocrats and to enact the Head's decrees.
What do you all do?
Jun 8, 2022 4:02 pm
Jean audibly scoffs at the Purple Lilac's belch. Mon Dieu! What an insolent pig behavior- spraying some of her special perfume Tears of the Damned Tortoise her eyes light up and she can now see exceptionally well in the dim light of the basement. Turning to the nearby agents She says: The Violons are surely to be found at the Conservatoire Royale, and the Monkeys at the Menagerie, but how to proceed with bringing them in contact?
I'm not 100% what the mission is as my french is a bit rusty. Do we need to find the violins, or monkeys? or both?
Jun 8, 2022 5:01 pm
You are to confiscate all violins from human hands, and permit their use by humans only in training monkeys to play them
Jun 8, 2022 5:20 pm
Marcel makes the sign of the cross when Jean says 'Mon Dieu' while he engages in a brief duel with the candle stick, and only then does he scoff. "What es this? Some kind of community theatre project? I do not care for this, not one bit. Why, even I have a violin and yet I must now give it to some simpering simian?" He makes the sign of the cross.

"Mai oui, clap me in chains! The violin is in my quarters, in my garderobe, gathering moths. At least the first one will be tres easy, n'est pas?" He laughs.
Jun 8, 2022 6:33 pm
Ah, and in one moment de inspiration of our beloved sovereign, the pious Monsieur Blanc has become an outlaw to be hunted down and brought to justice! she says with an ironic wave of her feathered cap. Well now Marcel, I know you have a good head on your shoulders and want to keep it there... so maybe we can at least appear to fully comply with the request of our beloved Head of the State?. Pointing towards the others of the group How do you consider to proceed on this surely pressing matter of State?
Jun 8, 2022 11:34 pm
"Bien sûr, we must take Marcel's violin. It would be the height of hypocrisy to do otherwise, Jean.

Pierre places his hands on his hips twirling on his heel toward Marcel. "I am sorry for your loss Marcel. I truly am. One must wonder what the court is coming to if only monkeys are permitted to play violins the strings of which make the most pleasurable musique."

Shaking his head with feigned disgust he adjusts his dodo feather that has come loose from its binding.

"You won't make trouble for us dear Marcel, will you? Why work harder than one must and to have such an instrument already .... why we would be impressive!"
Jun 9, 2022 2:04 pm
"Non, non, mes amis. I relinquish it gladly for the King!" He raises an empty wine glass in a mock toast to the titular tyrant. "So we have one of these vile violas seized. Where to next? Shall we patrol the streets, shall we visit every tavern and brothel in Paris?"
Jun 9, 2022 8:02 pm
The day begins in Triumph! Huzzah Jean bows towards the companions. On our way to retrieve the cursed instrument from your quarters, perchance we can investigate the taverns and inns of the neighborhood in case any perpetrator of the law is entertaining the crowds with an outlawed stringed instrument! And we may have a cup of wine to celebrate a job well done, in the name of our most Gracious King... Grabbing her sword Jean starts up the stairs and unto the busy street outside, waiting for the rest of the group to follow.
Jun 9, 2022 8:34 pm
Indeed, as you ascend to the cobbled street, almost slipping on oddments of garbage that litter the threshold at the top of the basement stairs, you hear the distinctive tune of Chevaliers du l'Table Ronde being played on what sounds like a very cheap violin. Turning your heads to either side, you discern the noise emerges from an instrument wielded by a decrepit-looking woman standing hunchbacked among the rickety wrought iron tables of a declasse patisserie, where various tradesfolk are having their breakfast of soft bread, butter, jams, and dark coffee.
Jun 10, 2022 2:21 am
"Oh no. How will it look if we take a violin from such an old hag? Mais non, I cannot do eet. It is a cheap specimen anyway. Just listen to that scratchy tone. I would have some bread and jam though."

Pierre eyes the coffee as well and licks his lips in anticipartion.
Jun 10, 2022 2:47 am
"Go, give her a kiss, Pierre and when she swoons, we can take it then in the name of le Roi."
Jun 10, 2022 2:49 am
"Bite your tongue young man! That I will not do!" Pierre wrinkles his nose in disgust and continues to eye the food.
Jun 10, 2022 11:00 am
Jean walks up to the woman and proclaims. Madame, under the command of Our Lord Sovereign the King himself, I must declare the use of the instrument Violin as illegal. Despite my sacred obligation to uphold the law immediately, my nature of generosity forbids me from robbing a poor woman from her own means of sustenance without fair recompense. To task, here is a silver piece from me for the beautiful music you produced, and I expect the gentle patrons of this cafe to also help with the fiscal recompense of their favorite artiste. . With these words, Jean takes off the woman's hat, puts a silver coin in it, and then walks around the tables staring down the patrons so they pay some money to the poor woman...
I have the Generous and the Rich tags so I assume a bit of money spent on a good deed would be easy to provide.
Jun 10, 2022 3:25 pm
Marcel, who is notoriously stingy, adopts the guise of the 'threat' and rests a hand on his pommel. He has no intention of letting the woman flee with the violin, less intention of drawing on her if she does, and certainly no intention of contributing to Jean's proposed recompense.
Jun 10, 2022 4:27 pm
Angrily, the woman snatches for her hat, but her hand is slowed by age ... With startling vigor, she swings the bow of the violin back-handed at Jean!
Let's see the worst risk here being a sore face, a setback would be general mockery ...? What are your thoughts, o @panalexiou?
Jun 10, 2022 7:01 pm
Jean, instinctively tries to dodge the swing, flapping the hat in her hand in front of the woman's face.
I'm rolling dodge assuming that's the most relevant skill, let me know if it's something else. Agreed on consequences...
Last edited June 10, 2022 7:02 pm


Dodging - (1d8)

(3) = 3

Jun 10, 2022 7:26 pm
As Jean catches the violin bow in her stylishly floppy hat, a wave of laughter erupts, spreads, and dissipates among the fifteen or twenty breakfast patrons seated around you. "Eh, Richelieus!" exclaims a youngish man with paint stains adorning his dingy and probably slept-in suit of rumpled grey wool. He gestures insolently with his cigarette. "Th'art reduced to combating old age, eh?" He utters a scornful laugh and has a sip of coffee. Around you, you hear murmurs of agreement. ...
Jun 10, 2022 7:44 pm
Jean spins on her heals and with a couple quick strides gets close to the ringleader of the troublemakers. I would reconsider those words Monsieur... she says as she puts her hand on the pommel of her rapier.
I'm trying to intimidate him
Jun 10, 2022 8:31 pm
I would figure the worst risk is that he gets aggro and thoughtlessly shoves a lady, shaming himself utterly. A setback is that he says something cutting, which I'll have to come up with if you roll a 3-4. Success, he flinches and apologizes. Sound good?
Jun 10, 2022 8:53 pm
Sounds good!


Intimidate that fool - (1d6)

(6) = 6

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