RAAMtentacles says:
Sounds like an excellent setup for several houses. Maybe even a Sub-GM/Co-GM as the head of each house. Nezz as the headmaster of course.
This is indeed the route the game will take. But not me as headmaster lol. KCC has kindly stepped up to take half the players. We are still hashing out the details, but currently this is what we've come up with:
We will make one large group and do worldbuilding collaboratively. There will be 4 houses, and KCC and I will each run 2. Whichever house you want to be in decides which group you'll be in. Hopefully it works out that we have 3-4 players in each house, but we may have to do some sort of selection process if one house is more popular or something like that.
The hardest part will be logistics so it's what we are currently discussing. A few ideas so far are keeping the groups separate and just creating a thread where the GMs will post short summaries of what happened in our groups and Combine those together to create a sort of narrative story everyone can follow along with. Maybe stylized like a school newspaper? My other idea is to break it down by class schedules and hours, and we would each take two classes and any players regardless of houses could post in the thread if they are enrolled in that class. Outside of class we will play the house headmasters as posts threads would be along house lines.
I'm also open to hearing any suggestions you all have. I'll try to get some of the game stuff set up this weekend.
Last edited June 11, 2022 12:44 am