Here's a link to some 1st level pregens for you to have a look at, tinker or outright play with. I'd prefer you to choose something basic. Pregens.
Don't worry too much about backstories and whatnot - the premise of the adventure is that you're adventures for hire, currently staying at the Tea Kettle. Whether you have met or even adventured with each other before is purely for the sake of roleplaying and won't affect the story.
You're welcome. I'm just hanging around in case my mate Anti needs a hand.
This is a tutorial game, so it might take a while to recruit people. Perhaps Anti needs to drag them in from the Introductions forum the way Bowlofspinach used to.
Seems like we have a fighter and a paladin so far. What are you thinking of playing @Koba ? No need to play something you don't feel like, mostly asking out of curiosity.
Would you mind if I took a copy of that custom character sheet for our pregen library (I'll remove the name, avatar and alignment)? It might help someone quickly create a high-elf paladin in the future.
A cool idea and a fine addition nonetheless @Koba! I'll be waiting to see your character sheet. You can either use a custom sheet template from the pregens link above or make a new D&D 5th edition character sheet from scratch.