[OOC] Character Creation

Jun 14, 2022 7:46 am
This is the thread to discuss Character Creation and Connections.
Jun 14, 2022 9:55 am
So I’m thinking I would like to play someone like a junior office worker.

Name: Katerina Giannopolous
Background: Coming from a small urban family, Katerina left school to work as an administrative secretary for a local legal clerk. The work was tedious and dull, but it did leave Katerina plenty of time for day dreaming.
Asset: Due to her office work and secretarial skills, Katerina can read upside down.
Trouble: Katerina easily buckles up under pressures and direct confrontation makes her cry and shut down. Many an afternoon was spent crying in the bathroom because of a particularly bad verbal beat from her boss.
Useful Items: painkillers, water bottle, lighter
NPC connection: Katerina’s best friend Ioanna she has known since childhood and they were at school together. Every major event in Katerina’s life so far has been shared with her confidant. Ioanna is a talented artist and works for a local graphic design firm.
Jun 14, 2022 10:14 am
LauraChiGio says:
So I’m thinking I would like to play someone like a junior office worker.

Name: Katerina Giannopolous
Background: Coming from a small urban family, Katerina left school to work as an administrative secretary for a local legal clerk. The work was tedious and dull, but it did leave Katerina plenty of time for day dreaming.
Asset: Due to her office work and secretarial skills, Katerina can read upside down.
Trouble: Katerina easily buckles up under pressures and direct confrontation makes her cry and shut down. Many an afternoon was spent crying in the bathroom because of a particularly bad verbal beat from her boss.
Useful Items: painkillers, water bottle, lighter
NPC connection: Katerina’s best friend Ioanna she has known since childhood and they were at school together. Every major event in Katerina’s life so far has been shared with her confidant. Ioanna is a talented artist and works for a local graphic design firm.
Great! That sounds good 😊
Jun 14, 2022 1:58 pm
@tibbius I've approved your character.

So is your character Severnan? (i.e. originally from the invading nation?)
Jun 14, 2022 2:19 pm
I will have something ready by this afternoon.
Jun 14, 2022 2:22 pm
Laura can you submit Katerina as a character? It will allow you to post as her...

Tibbius and Laura since you one the first two to make characters, maybe you can think of a connection between your Characters.
Jun 14, 2022 2:31 pm
I think I have done that now panalexiou?

Is there some way I can see Tibbius sheet?

(Never mind I found it in the library).

Konstantos is a PhD in Nuclear Physics. Maybe he called Katerina’s office and we spoke only over the phone before to arrange a meeting for a new power plant in the region? Her boss might have been doing paperwork for the city.
Last edited June 14, 2022 2:49 pm
Jun 14, 2022 3:12 pm
Let's push it a little harder. What would be a connection above acquaintances?

Maybe one day Konstantos was in the office while the boss was giving Katerina some bad words, and he defended her?

Let's let tibbius weigh in.
Jun 14, 2022 3:16 pm
Btw, this is a good website for AI produced portraits of people that you can use for your characters.

Faces URL
Jun 14, 2022 3:48 pm
panalexiou says:
@tibbius I've approved your character.

So is your character Severnan? (i.e. originally from the invading nation?)
No, he's Gardassian. Just went to university in Severna.
Jun 14, 2022 3:51 pm
LauraChiGio says:
I think I have done that now panalexiou?

Is there some way I can see Tibbius sheet?

(Never mind I found it in the library).

Konstantos is a PhD in Nuclear Physics. Maybe he called Katerina’s office and we spoke only over the phone before to arrange a meeting for a new power plant in the region? Her boss might have been doing paperwork for the city.
panalexiou says:
Let's push it a little harder. What would be a connection above acquaintances?

Maybe one day Konstantos was in the office while the boss was giving Katerina some bad words, and he defended her?

Let's let tibbius weigh in.
That seems good. Maybe Katerina's boss tried to "throw her under the bus" for paperwork not being approved, but Konstatos pointed out that the boss had copied him on an old e-mail to Katerina saying that he would "get to" the paperwork.
Jun 14, 2022 5:00 pm
Dan Hicksman is an accountant who might know Katerina since he does the books for her firm. He doesn't know if his family is dead or alive (wife and two kids) but his wife is a scientist who might know Knostantos and might have helped him with some tricky calculations and formulas.

I am curious about the time period. Are there cell phones and email, windows computers? Since there are drones I am thinking fairly recentish? My apologies if I missed this info.
Jun 14, 2022 5:22 pm
The time period is today / just in the near future.
Jun 14, 2022 5:25 pm
Thank you. I didn't see cell phones as an item but it says you can make something up. Would that be allowed?
Last edited June 14, 2022 7:38 pm
Jun 14, 2022 7:29 pm
Hi guys,

I just submitted my character. She used to own a bar - so the connection is easily made, if any of you like :)
Jun 14, 2022 7:31 pm
I like both ideas for connections. Would it be too much to have both?
Jun 14, 2022 7:33 pm
Adrasthea says:
Hi guys,

I just submitted my character. She used to own a bar - so the connection is easily made, if any of you like :)
Katerina must not annoy Maeve. She will probably get yelled at and that sword looks scary. 😂
Jun 14, 2022 7:36 pm
Annoyed she might be easily, but she will use whatever she finds to protect her mates - so no worries 😁
Jun 14, 2022 7:37 pm
your a mate ... right? 🤨
Jun 14, 2022 7:41 pm
Adrasthea says:
your a mate ... right? 🤨
I am scary lady, I am…
Jun 14, 2022 7:58 pm
As many connections as you can make, the better!

I assume everyone carries a cell phone, so no need to list it. I also assume the telecom towers have been bombed to bits, so reception may be nonexistent.

You can make up any relevant item as long as it makes sense for your character.

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