Gardassia: Enduring the Invasion [ EDIT ]

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Gardassia is a small country but rich in natural resources. To the North it borders the Severnan Federation, to the East the Republic of Silden, and to the South, over the Calm Sea lies the Republic of Thrak.

A few days ago, armies of the Severnan Federation started massing at the borders of Gardassia. Fighter jets and drones attacked the military infrastructure, causing a lot of damage but not destroying it completely. The President of Gardassia called for mass mobilisation of every able bodied citizen. That night, Gardassia City, the capital and your home, was attacked with the strongest campaign of carpet bombing seen in Europe since WW2.

You were the lucky ones. You were not outside when the air turned to fire. You were not in the buildings that crumbled as the drone swarms detonated their payloads. You were out in the woods, or hiding in a basement. You survived. 90% of your city didn't. As the enemy's conquering army marches towards you, all you have left is each other. Your goal is to survive. Do you have what it takes to keep fighting for life?

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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1. Name your character
Gardassia has traditionally been a melting pot of nearby civilizations, so it is common to see names with Latin, Germanic, Slavic, and even Greek ancestry. It is also not uncommon to have foreign visitors, tourists, students from any country in the world.

2. Endurance Score is 10
3. Inventory Score is 8
4. You have adequate clothes and 3 useful items (players choice but check with GM - no firearms)

5. Background: Who were you before the war? Keep it short and simple (1-2 sentences max)
6. Asset: A skill, physical trait, or other feature that can help you (1-2 sentences max)
7. Trouble: Something that makes your life more complicated (1-2 sentences max)

8. PC Connection: Read through the other accepted Player Characters and establish a connection with one of the characters. You can discuss in the OOC channels and have both players agree with it. Each PC should start with a minimum of 2 connections.
9. NPC Connection: Define an NPC with whom you have a connection, and the type of connection. GM will weave them in the narrative.


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