[IC] Chapter 1: The City has Fallen

Jun 14, 2022 7:48 am
You were the lucky ones. You were not outside when the air turned to fire. You were not in the buildings that crumbled as the drone swarms detonated their payloads. You were out in the woods, or hiding in a basement. You survived. 90% of your city didn't. As the enemy's conquering army marches towards you, all you have left is each other. Your goal is to survive. Do you have what it takes to keep fighting for life?
Describe HOW you survived the bombing of Gardassia City.
Jun 14, 2022 4:07 pm
Konstatos was working in the State University of Gardassia Central Nuclear Laboratory, down in the sub-basement, when he heard sirens sounding distantly above the ground level, fifty feet above him. The sub-basement shielded civilians from any potential radiation problems. It also shielded Konstatos from the thermobaric weaponry that was deployed against the civilians.

When the lights switched over to battery backup, Konstatos secured his equipment and shut down the fuel cell quality check process. He looked around the lab and grabbed the first three useful things he saw.
They're on the character sheet.
Then, hesitantly, he checked in with his coworkers. He hadn't really been close to them in the past year. His foreign education had made him a suspect in the gathering political storm. Now, everyone knew the Severnans were invading. Konstatos' co-workers just looked at him silently when he asked whether they should go see what had happened, whether they could help.
Jun 14, 2022 8:35 pm
Katerina had had a terrible day. Her heel had broken, she was late for work, and she struggled through the morning hoping her regular walk in the park at lunchtime would brighten her mood. Plopping on a bench, she had received a message from her best friend Ioanna. She wanted to go out and the thought appealed. Katerina excitedly had responded that she hold meet Ioanna after work and get to her side of town. Despite having a good time, around 0:30 Katerina’s mood dropped. She wasn’t really feeling up to the rest of the evening and as Ioanna had come to her to tell her that the group were going on to another club, Katerina declined. Grabbing the keys to Ioanna’s basement studio, Katerina hurriedly walked back to rest and unwind on Ioanna’s sofa.

When the first explosions happened, Katerina, in a deep sleep, thought she was dreaming. As the building began to shake and crack like thunder, all she could do was sit panicked in the dark until after the end of the torment. Frozen to her spot on the floor she could hear practically nothing but the occasional thump of heavy things hitting the floor - she would later discover this was rubble from the nearby buildings.

It took a long time for her to brave pushing open the door past the debris and putting her head outside to see the carnage that awaited her.
Jun 14, 2022 8:42 pm
The sirens were what tore her from her unsettling dreams. First the sirens, then the shaking.
Maeve awoke in her own bed. Drowsy she glanced at the radio clock beside the opened bottle of red label scotch on the nightstand. 2 a.m. She had barely slept for three hours.

Lena. Lena had told her to go home. Told her to sleep. It had been a rough couple of days and Maeve had been spent. Lena said, she would take care of the bar.
Maeve subconsciously reached for the small silver medal around her neck.
Another siren.

The woman got up and looked out of the small bedroom window that usually was a natural light source to the subterranean apartement. She grabbed a pair of jeans, shirt, jacket. Maeve put on her boots. What was happening?

She had to get to Lena.

As she was about to leave, she thought of the tape. She had promised. Mave went back into the small kitchen. Another window showing a stretch of dark pavement. She bent down to reach the drawer....when she saw the balls of fire from the corner of her eye and suddenly ...

...the world ended.
Jun 14, 2022 8:50 pm
Dan was buried deeply in ledger sheets for one of his troublesome clients. The pressure to cook the books was a constant occurrence and double-checking the supporting documents was always a chore because this particular client often altered the documents. He was thus engrossed when he felt a compression wave. It felt like a thwump! He was so focused on analyzing numbers that he only looked up from the screen. Then he heard louder bangs and explosions and pushing his chair back alarmed he immediately booked it to the basement where all the archives were stored.

It was cool and comfortable down there but his anxiety was getting the better of him. Smoothing his dark brown, medium-length hair, he started to pace as he punched his wife's number into the phone. He knew there was unrest in the city....
Last edited Jun 14, 2022 8:51 pm


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 15, 2022 5:12 am
As Konstantos carefully makes his way to the surface, he starts realizing the level of devastation of the bombing. The overstrructure of the building simply does not exist any more. He thought he would come out into the University campus, but there's not a single building left standing. As he opens the latch and walks to the surface he notices a small fist sized drone hovering high above. He barely makes it a few steps away of the hatch when the 'Bunker Buster' hits behind him. A bomb especially made to destroy underground installations. Where his lab was moments ago, now remains a collapsed sinkhole. Konstantos is thrown a few meters away and regains consciousness some time later, finding himself wandering the streets in shock. Turning a corner he sees a familiar face...
This first post will be a little 'railroady' for each one of you, so we can get you together as soon as possible.


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 15, 2022 5:18 am
Katerina pushes the door open and stands in awe for a few minutes trying to not break down in a panic attack. Her city is no more. She was lucky that her building didn't outright collapse, but it looks like it may not stay up for much longer. She sleepwalks into the street, dazed and in shock. She snaps out of it when she sees a familiar face walking towards her. It's the scientist Konstantos.


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 15, 2022 5:22 am
Maeve woke up on the ground. It felt like every bone in her body ached, but nothing was broken. Her apartment building was a pile of rubble, and she must have been thrown out by the explosions. She got up and hobbled towards her bar, to find Lena. A couple blocks before reaching the bar, she saw two of her regulars, Konstantos and Katerina engaged in conversation.


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 15, 2022 5:27 am
Dan frantically tried to get phone signal or get internet on his phone, but to no avail. He grabbed a few things and carefully made his way up to the ground floor. He had to push hard to get the basement door open, as most of the building above had collapsed. Making it outside he realized the level of destruction. Walking out the door he saw a couple vaguely familiar faces.
Everyone you're now at the same place.
Jun 15, 2022 5:28 pm
"Dammit!" Dan tapped at the screen of his phone a few times as if it would help matters. His anxiety was at an all-time high as he rushed up from the basement frantically fighting with the basement door on the way up which clued him into the fact that the building itself was probably badly damaged.

Maybe it's the basement blocking the signal, Oh god I hope they are alright.

As he felt his way up the now darkened stairway his hands gliding along the cheaply papered wall, he kept seeing his family in his mind's eye and that terrified him.

Once safely at the top of the stairs, a thick haze floating around the hallway made it difficult to see anything clearly but he could just make out the double glass door exit ahead. Dense smoke blocked his view of the outside but only for a second as it slowly cleared, perhaps displaced by a puff of wind. He tentatively stepped outside, sniffed the air and scanned the area as far as he could given the clouds of dust and smoke and piles of rubble.

"Maeve? That you? What's going on? Does your cell phone work? Dan taps his phone again already knowing it would be futile and sees Katarina and Konstantinos together a few yards away. "Come on, there's Katerina and Konstantos."
Jun 15, 2022 9:49 pm
Her head swam with the overwhelming destruction of it all. None of this was real, a dream. But the biting chill of reality forced Katerina on through the maelstrom. Oddly framed in the orange wash glow of the night was Konstantos, a strange beacon of normality.

Dr Amapis?
Whe…wha… Katerina stammered, it a spurge of gibberish. She had wanted to ask what had happened. She had even thought of asking if they were dead. All manner of questions that would have been right to ask but for which there was no reason Konstantos would know the answer. Instead she managed Why?

Voices from behind Katerina had stirred further from her stupor. She whispered under her breath Maeve,..Mr Hicksman
Jun 15, 2022 10:13 pm
"Uh," Konstantos says uncertainly. "Katerina?" he looks around in the hellish glare of the burning wreckage. "We should probably get away from here," he says, "or ... maybe bombs don't fall twice?" He laughs anxiously.
Jun 16, 2022 7:45 am
Maeve followed to the small group of familiar people. She nodded in greeting. For a few moments, she just stood there. She put the crowbar she had grabbed somewhere on the way down, leaned it against her boot. Then she reached in her pocket and took out a cigarette. After a few drags she absent-mindedly wiped away some of the blood over her left brow with her hand.

"Sure. I need to get to the bar." It wasn't far. Maeve needed to see whether ....there was anything to see. She needed to know. Nothing else mattered right now.

The woman lifted the prybar, turned in the familiar direction and started walking again.
Jun 16, 2022 2:38 pm
The bar was just a few blocks away, on what would have been an easy stroll in the warm summer night, if not for the debris, moans of the wounded, and gas fires coming from several destroyed buildings. Indeed, the bar itself is on fire, the building has partially collapsed, and there seem to be some people there trying to pull survivors out of the rubble.

Before you can approach the scene, you hear a whirring sound becoming louder, and a small drone the size of a backpack blocks your path to the bar.

Attancion sitizens, disperze away, haigh concentzrazion of sitizens detected - countermeasures imminent - DISPERZE DISPERZE in a highly accented Severnan accent

The drone is hovering about 3 meters (10ft) off the ground and is slowly moving around various small groups of survivors asking them to disperse.
What do you do?
Jun 16, 2022 2:48 pm
"I have to find my family. The cell towers must be shot, maybe literally. Oh my god this isn't real. Can't be happening." Muttering away, shaking his head in disbelief he follows the others for lack of anything better to do. His family would be on the other side of town if they were still ......

No! He wouldn't give credence to that thought by forming the words.... and he'd never get to them the way things looked at the moment.
Jun 16, 2022 3:40 pm
Konstantos touches the hammer tucked through his canvas belt. He's still wearing his lab coveralls, he hadn't taken time to put on regular clothes. Now the working clothes are all he has, perhaps. He stares at the drone, trying to decide what to do. "Let's leave," he blurts out anxiously. "We don't want to find out what this drone does."
Jun 16, 2022 3:50 pm
Katerina had pulled out her phone. Desperately she tried to message Ioanna. Where the hell was she?

I live on the other side of the city. Maybe it’s safe there? It would be a long walk but the promise of a hot shower and a warm bed after this evening would be to tempting to give up. After all, what ever had happened was probably just around here.
Jun 17, 2022 6:46 am
Severnans. Damn. So that's what was happening.
Later they'd have to think about their next steps.
Now people could still be saved.
tibbius says:
"Let's leave," he blurts out anxiously. "We don't want to find out what this drone does."
"Leave then." Maeve said and walked towards what was left of her establishment. She could still taste dust and soot on the air, smell the burning ... things. As she got to the rubble, the woman tried to assess who could be helped. Maybe Lena had gotten away in time? Maybe somebody had seen her?

She heard the bzz bzzz a little distance away. She grabbed the crowbar a little tighter.
Jun 17, 2022 12:09 pm
"Katerina, good idea," Konstantos says with a woeful glance toward Maeve. "Let's go!"


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 17, 2022 2:25 pm
bzz...bzzz...bzzz... As Maeve approaches the burning building, the drone zips past her and stops right in front of her, about 3 meters (10ft) above ground and hovering menacingly. Disperze immediate! Severní Army Orders! Suraender weipons now!. You see a little red laser dot pointing directly at you, doing a little dance on your clothes as it specifically targets you Maeve.
What do you do Maeve? You are in direct danger so you will probably have to roll something... Let me know how you want to approach it, so we can figure out the roll.

The others have kept their distance, so they can choose to help, do something else, or remain impartial.
Jun 17, 2022 2:46 pm
"I'm coming with you, Katerina. Maybe you're right. Maybe the other side of the city is ok."

Dan was also thinking that maybe there would be a working cell tower along their route. Or even a few, and maybe, just maybe this really was an isolated event. But the drone seemed to suggest otherwise and that sent chills down his spine.

Rubbing his hand over his hair, he noticed particles of ash flutter down gently to the ground. It was surreal, all of this was, and he realized his head must be covered in ash and dust. He hadn't noticed.

"Come on," he said to Konstantos, "Let's follow Katerina." Maeve he didn't care about. Self-preservation had kicked in. That and the thoughts of saving his family.
Last edited Jun 17, 2022 2:46 pm
Jun 17, 2022 9:40 pm
"Yeah. Sure. You said it yourself, the cell towers are shot. No reception. No information. Does this sound like it is a local thing to you?"

Maeve sighs, then hesitates for a moment, then moves backward close to the group of acquaintances. Although everything in her screams to just run towards the flames, she moves and hopes the red dot will disappear as she gains distance. Desperately she looks at the wreckage all around her.

"The Severnians have been gathereing troops at the borders. The president told us this might happen. What do you think this is then, hey? We're at f*** ing war!" The distraught woman tastes a bitterness in her mouth again. She looks at the others, standing there wide eyed - ready to flee. What about the people they were leaving behind, without even trying to help? What about Lena?

"Look. You don't know me very well. But you know Lena. She might be alive in there, as might be others. She is a good person. So are you.
You don't know me very well, but let me tell you - I don't ask for help - ever.
But now - I'm asking."

Her voice gets smaller, breaks at times. She feels like everything is dissolving around her.
"What if it was your family? Please help me help those people over there. Help me save them - maybe save Lena. I need to know if she's alright, or if ..."

She looks at the floor. gathers air twice then continues in a calmer fashion:
"I can help you. I'll come with you, fight alongside you, help you get to your families - but now - please help me get to mine. We have to stick together, if we want to survive this." Maeve looks at each of them. "The time will come - you'll be the one who needs help - please don't just turn a blind eye now. We can attack this thing, we can distract it or hide and wait it out. But if you walk away now, you might save your skin, but you doom everybody else and you hand over the key to these murderers."
Last edited Jun 17, 2022 9:49 pm


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 18, 2022 5:28 am
As Maeve appears to move away of the commotion, the drone zooms away to another part of the square where a small fight has broken out. The drone zooms in and breaks up the fight with threats.

Then it turns around and looks at your group which appears to be the largest in the square right now. You can see the drone starting to move fast towards you, with the red laser pointer wildly shaking as it moves. It appears to be trying to lock onto Maeve's crowbar.


You have only a few seconds to act before it gets there.
As each one tells me what you do, please also roll 2d6+as much Endurance you want to spend, towards the task. Also mention if you have some specific item or skill that would help or hinder you.
Jun 18, 2022 8:33 am
I will help you Maeve but be calm. Let’s just all move to different parts of the street either alone or as pairs. Then we can slowly walk to your bar. It only gets our attention when we are in a group. Katerina whispered carefully under her voice.

Katerina addressed the drone. Ye-yes sir. We are going. With that she began to move over to the side of the street as calmly as she could, wincing at every footstep has the click of her heel she felt drew her more attention.


Roll as requested. I will spend 3 endurance. - (2d6+3)

(14) + 3 = 8

Jun 18, 2022 1:58 pm
"Ah fuck," Konstantos says abruptly, and he wrenches out his hammer and hurls it at the drone.


3 Endurance + hammer - (2d6+4)

(24) + 4 = 10

Jun 18, 2022 9:26 pm
Dan only has a flashlight which may prove to be very important later, bandages, and some canned food. He grabs a can and flings it at the drone. Being the athlete of sorts that he is who stays in shape at the gym, his reflexes kick in as he prays that his aim is strong and true.


asset is gym routine and strength - (2d6+5)

(55) + 5 = 15


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 19, 2022 6:09 am
As the drone was approaching trying to target Maeve's crowbar, it gets blindsided by Konstanto's hammer throw and it instinctively shoots.
I will determine if the roll hits by chance. 1 hits Maeve, 2 hits a bystander, 3+ misses


Drone shooting (Luck) - (1d6)

(1) = 1


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jun 19, 2022 6:19 am
The shot echoes through the square and you see Maeve dropping the crowbar and dropping limp on the cobblestones
Maeve, this is a Risk roll (2d6)+Endurance you want to spend. The target score is 12. if you fall this roll you die so I suggest spending as much as you can
As the drone stabilizes itself, it gets a powerful hit on the rotor from a can, and drops to the ground.

Countermezures initiate! it starts blinking red. Five, four, three...
Everyone in the area except Maeve tell me what you do. Katerina is already a little bit further away as per her previous move, so she can roll with advantage if she's trying to run away or jump for cover.
Jun 19, 2022 9:05 am
alright then. could I have attacked as well? was I too late or out of initiative?
Last edited Jun 19, 2022 9:06 am


staying alive - (2d6+10)

(64) + 10 = 20

Jun 19, 2022 9:17 am
Going for cover


Heading for cover. Spend 5 endurance - (3d6+5)

(623) + 5 = 16

Jun 19, 2022 3:49 pm
Maeve quickly scrambles to her knees after getting shot. Thankfully it was a glancing shot, just scraping the side of her skull, that knocked her over momentarily and will leave her dazed for the next few hours.
Maeve will roll anything that has to do with acting quickly or balance at disadvantage for the next few hours
Katerina jumps into a crater from the previous bombing and manages to lay completely flat.
I'll wait to see what the other two will do, and Maeve may act quickly but with disadvantage
Jun 19, 2022 7:12 pm
Maeve remembers getting her wisdom tooth pulled out. The feeling immediately afterwards has been somewhat similar to what she's feeling right now. Like the world has been packed in cotton or put inside of a snow globe. The world is muted. The world moves slowly.
Maeve blinks.
A part of her shocked brain signals for her to get away frantically, but it does not quite reach the rest. She looks at the beeping, blinking thing. What has just happened? Has she been shot? Has this been the plan? What about...
Away, she has to get away.
Confusedly and awkwardly she tries to bring distance between her and the bleepy blinky murdery thing. Maeve snickers. There is a warm wetness on her cheek. She has to get away before she falls apart. Cover. She has to find cover before...


Getting out of dodge with disadv. - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jun 19, 2022 7:40 pm
corrected roll


wrong idea about disadv. thus roll again - (3d6)

(515) = 11

Jun 19, 2022 8:06 pm
Maeve stumbles around trying to find cover. She jumps inside a bomb crater only to land on top of Katerina, and leaving much of her legs and back exposed.
Jun 19, 2022 8:30 pm
Katerina felt the slump of an injured Maeve drop on top of her. Seeing that she had not quite made it, Katerina attempted to pull Maeve further in to the hole with her and shield her from that mechanical monster.


She can’t die, her drinks are too good! - (2d6+5)

(54) + 5 = 14

Jun 20, 2022 11:55 am
Seeing the bomb crater is full of Meave and Katerina, Konstantos runs away from the drone and dives for cover behind some rubble. He knows these things often are designed to spray up a cone of shrapnel when they're disabled, in order to dissuade people tinkering with them. At a horizontal distance and behind a ruined wall, he should be safe.


knowing how to get to safety - (3d6h2)

(665) = 12

getting to safety (if knowledgeable is n/a) - (2d6+2)

(13) + 2 = 6

Jun 20, 2022 1:56 pm
At first, Dan is thrilled to see that his shot actually hit home but when he sees the red blinking lights his fight or flight response kicks in, and being the athlete he is he can move unexpectedly fast. At least that's what he is hoping when he sprints towards anything that could potentially shield him from whatever the drone plans to do from its new position on the ground. Maybe it has a self-destruct explosive device on board.
Ack! Missed by 1
Last edited Jun 20, 2022 1:57 pm


Gym asset (5 more endurance points = 0 left) - (2d6+5)

(15) + 5 = 11

Jun 20, 2022 8:24 pm
Katerina, Maeve, and even Konstantos make it to safe cover while the drone self destructs in a cloud of sharpnel. Dan almost makes it, but as he jumps behind cover he feels a burn in his right thigh followed by something wet, warm and sticky. Checking the wound he sees that a piece of sharpnel went straight through the side of his leg, leaving him a Bleeding Wound on his right thigh.
Bleeding Wound. Unless the wound is dressed with fresh bandages every day, your Endurance total is reduced by 5. The condition can be removed by stitching the wound (requires first aid kit or similar).
As the drone self destructs, you see a flare go up on the sky, bright red, and slowly start descending down to the square...
You're free to act right now, what do you do?
Jun 21, 2022 2:34 am
"Aghh! help! I think I'm hit with something. Debris from the drone. Help!"

Dan crawls out from cover and limps over to the group as he clutches his bleeding leg, gritting his teeth in obvious pain. "I need help. Who knows first aid?
Jun 21, 2022 3:04 am
"I know a bit about first aid," Konstantos says - but his voice sounds doubtful. He looks at Dan's leg in the flickering orange light of the burning buildings. "Do you feel anything jammed into your leg? It's looking like a nasty gash, but if you don't have anything embedded in it, we can wrap it to stop the bleeding. Not too tight, not a torniquet, just a pad with pressure." He looks around. "Do any of us have any spare cloth?"
What is the season?
Jun 21, 2022 6:10 am
It's spring / early summer.

If you try to craft bandages I'll have you roll against target 8 (easy) to make sure you make proper and clean bandages. If you use an item (I think someone has bandages) then it will just work.
Jun 21, 2022 6:31 am
Maeve blinks a few times before she realizes she is still there, still whole. And also...she is pretty much hanging on to poor Katerina for dear life. She loosens her hug and looks at the young woman. "Thanks. I owe you." Her glance is sincere. She will not let Katerina come to harm if she can help it.

Maeve pushes herself up, then looks at the men. "There used to be a first aid kit in the bar. Let's be quick about it. You're right we shouldn't linger." She looks at the sky, where the flare had signalled to the enemy, then at what's left of the building. The groggy woman walks towards it.
Maeve will see if she can find Lena - or her remains, the first aid box and survivors who can still be helped.
Jun 21, 2022 6:43 am
Maeve walks towards the bar and the people around it who have stopped their efforts and are looking at the small crew that just destroyed one of these damned invader drones. In their eyes she can see fear and desperation, but also now a flicker of hope.

She starts looking through the survivors, asking about Lena. Nobody has seen her - some people said she was out running some errand when the bombing started. Maybe she found shelter somewhere else...
I will roll to see if Lena is around (1: Dead, 2: Serious Inj. 3: Missing 4: Unconscious 5-6: Good)

You can roll a Scavenge roll with Advantage since you're familiar with the bar and looking for a specific thing (med kit).
Since the bar is actively burning, it will be a hard roll at 12. You may spend Endurance as usual, you may ask someone to help you.
[ +- ] Scavenge roll rules
[ +- ] Help rules


Lena - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jun 21, 2022 11:34 am
unfortunately I haven't got endurance left to spend


looking for medkit/first aid/supplies - (3d6H2)

(613) = 9

Jun 21, 2022 12:16 pm
Maeve rushes into the burning building looking for the medkit but can't stay inside for long enough to find it, mostly due to the thick smoke. However, on the way out she manages to grab a bottle of moonshine, a local bottom shelf brand that boasts high alcohol content.
You didn't pass 12, but since you passed 8 (easy) I gave you a common item for the bar. You can use this moonshine to sterilize fabric to make bandages (whoever uses this for this reason will roll with advantage) or as per the 'regain Endurance' rules. If used to regain Endurance, whoever uses it will gain a temporary 'Drunk' condition.
Jun 21, 2022 1:57 pm
Konstantos goes into the bar looking for the medkit, but his tiredness and the smoke don't let him navigate well in the bar area. He doesn't find the medkit, but manages to grab a packet of crisps flavored with Gardassian salt. They will last for a long time without spoiling.
@tibbius You rolled in the OOC thread but I'm answering here to keep the story consistent.
Jun 21, 2022 3:08 pm
tibbius says:
"I know a bit about first aid," Konstantos says - but his voice sounds doubtful. He looks at Dan's leg in the flickering orange light of the burning buildings. "Do you feel anything jammed into your leg? It's looking like a nasty gash, but if you don't have anything embedded in it, we can wrap it to stop the bleeding. Not too tight, not a torniquet, just a pad with pressure.
"Yeah, I think, let me see." Beads of sweat are now rolling down Dan's forehead. He might be going into shock. He examines his leg, keeping the weight off of it as much as he can. "No, I think it passed through and I think I might be going into shock. I'm freezing."

He hears Mauve mention something about a first aid kit in the bar and tries to limp in that direction. "Someone help me get to the bar, will ya?"
Jun 21, 2022 3:20 pm
"Got something to sterilize your wound and the bandages with." Maeve feels defeated as she walks towards Dan. Maybe it is good there is no trace of her partner. At least there's still hope. Hope. A concept just out of reach in this moment.

"Is there a medic among you?" she asks the bystanders.
Jun 21, 2022 8:18 pm
Dan and Katerina can still act in this first turn and then we can see if reinforcements will arrive and take further actions as you want ...
Jun 22, 2022 8:37 am
Katerina was feeling numb. This was the worst kind of dream. So many people hurt, so much destruction. The tears had already begun to stream down her cheeks. With no little naivety she returned to Dan and Maeve with little to offer in help.

I’ve got some painkillers
Jun 22, 2022 1:21 pm
"Whew, I am really glad to hear that Maeve. I am not ready to bleed out and die just yet. I have a family to find. And I'll take any painkillers on offer too, Katerina. If you can help me get to someplace out of all this commotion and smoke we can at least patch me up and plan the next moves."

Dan groans as he tries to move his leg.
Since Dan is injured and has no weapons I don't think there is an action he can take other than getting to safety?
Last edited Jun 22, 2022 1:21 pm
Jun 22, 2022 2:38 pm
Dan you could use the painkillers to gain back some Endurance. Or you could try and make bandages using the alcohol and some t-shirt. Alternatively, you can just try to get out of the area before reinforcements arrive...
Katerina do you want to do something? You could for example try to dress Dan's wounds using the alcohol and some t-shirt. You could retrieve the dropped objects in the square (Maeve's crowbar and Dan's can of food). You could look at the drone debris for clues. You can talk to the survivors for something. Etc. Let me know what your action is for this round. If you want to do nothing, that's also fine... If you have food or drink you can use it to regain Endurance.
Jun 22, 2022 11:52 pm
"I'll take those painkillers, thanks. But I think we need to hustle away from here and to someplace with some semblance of safety if such a thing exists right now. Hopefully, I can move quickly enough and not hold everybody back. But I don't feel so great so I need to get someplace where this injury can be treated and maybe get some antibiotics from a drugstore somewhere before infection sets in."

His head was now pounding, and he was sweating profusely. He was clearly struggling but still trying to put on a brave face. He was just an accountant for chrissakes. What the hell was happening?

"Wrap my leg would ya Katerina, before I bleed out?"
Jun 23, 2022 4:27 am
Dan will regain 1d6 Endurance and the pain killers are gone. Dan has bandages as an item, if Katerina wants to use that properly, it will work on a roll of 8
Jun 23, 2022 4:36 pm
"Ahh much better." The painkillers have started kicking in and now all Dan can feel is a dull, thudding, much milder pain, kind of like a fullness in his leg that hurts a little.


Endurance gain - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jun 24, 2022 7:55 am
You see that the inside of the bar building is starting to collapse into itself and the fire is growing larger. Many of the bystanders have started to scatter into nearby alleys and roads, especially after the drone was destroyed and the flare went up. They seem to feel there is trouble coming this way soon. Far away into the night you hear the occasional explosion, gunshots, and machine gun fire. It is a difficult night in Gardassia City, and many will not make it to the dawn alive.

What do you do?

Spend one more round exploring
Move on now


Severnan Reinforcements? [6+] - (1d6+0)

(4) = 4

Jun 25, 2022 12:21 am
Katerina was frantic with looking. This was a nightmare and the sounds of terror through the night we’re getting to her. Approaching the now destroyed drone with care, she bent over it to take a closer look. If she could find anything, maybe Konstantos would know of it.


Check the drone - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Jun 25, 2022 12:56 am
"Katerina," Konstantos says anxiously, touching the younger woman's elbow tentatively, "we must get out of here. Danger will come for that flare." He looks past her at the device she's examining. He knows a bit about technology, and specifically recalls some things about the research that his buddy Anton was doing at Universtat Severnapol.


knowing is half the battle - (3d6H2)

(636) = 12

Jun 25, 2022 3:14 am
Katerina looked through the drone debris, the drone had been thoroughly destroyed by the self destruct mechanism. Nothing useful was left. However, on her way back to the others she stumbled upon the spot where the flare landed. A small mechanical device seemed to still be in tact underneath the little flare parachute. Showing the device to Konstantos he identified it as a satellite based homing beacon. This is the thing that will possibly attract more of the drones.
Now everyone has acted this round, you can decide where you want to move towards and what to do with the homing beacon.
Jun 25, 2022 3:33 am
"I may only be an accountant," Dan says as he limps along, "but it seems to me that we should get as far away from the beacon as we can, or plant it somewhere nowhere near us, and quick!"
Jun 25, 2022 11:53 am
"I very much agree," Konstantos agrees. "Should we ... where ... does your family - I mean ... " his demeanor demonstrates panic setting in.
Jun 26, 2022 10:04 am
Maeve finds that following any rational train of thought is hard. She feels her thoughts racing while at the same time she feels stuck and every new idea feels incomplete, not fully formed or thought through. What is happening? Usually she is able to stay composed, even if everything around her falls apart. Standing here right now, however, surrounded by desperation and debris, Maeve feels ... overwhelmed.

She looks left and right, looks at the little crew of survivors. Safety first - proper strategy later.
Maeve walks towards Dan, puts his arm around her shoulder and supports him in a way that will prevent further strain on his injured leg. Being tall is definitely an advantage. "Let's scram. The military camp will be a natural target, I think. They might have a place for the survivors, but there will be fighting and who knows if we can leave again... Best head for the hills and find shelter there, or the burbs. Maybe we can find an old school radio and see what's what." To Dan she says: "Where are your folks? We could hide and rest up a bit on the way. Let's get going while we still can."
Last edited Jun 26, 2022 10:05 am
Jun 26, 2022 1:30 pm
"My family....." Dan drifts off for a moment, a spacy look in his eyes. "Just over the rise there."

He waves in the general direction of there, which of course no one can see due to the particles of debris and dust hanging like clouds across the landscape.

"Hills yes. That makes sense. Thanks."

Dan hitches an arm around Maeve's waist and limps along. The pain is better but he is still feverish and in need of better care.
Jun 26, 2022 8:40 pm
Konstantos walks with Katerina - he hopes she's coming!, following Maeve. "Hills sound good," he says. His voice shakes.

Abruptly, he darts back to grab his hammer - he sees it lying on the ground, over there.
Last edited Jun 26, 2022 8:41 pm
Jun 27, 2022 9:26 pm
Please one of you roll 2d6 with advantage to look for shelter.
Jun 27, 2022 9:33 pm


Looking for shelter - (3d6H2)

(262) = 8

Jun 28, 2022 4:57 am
You leave the square with the now completely burned down bar and start looking at the nearby buildings for any that is still structurally mostly sound. You find a small 5 story concrete building that has half collapsed and has no facade, but it seems a bunch of survivors are taking shelter in. You find a corner for your little group behind some rubble, at least you're not in the street, but you're not fully holed up and safe.

After about an hour you see on the street a group of men wearing mismatched olive drab clothes and makeshift red armbands rushing towards the square where you used to be. In front of them is another one of these drones you shot down.
Jun 28, 2022 10:07 am
Konstantos notices that the men aren't in the official battle uniforms of Severnan military. He mentions this quietly to the others. "What do you think that's about?"
Jun 28, 2022 1:38 pm
"Could be some kind of resistance maybe. Let's wait and see what they do. Might help us figure out who they are or at least what side they are on. The drone could prove useful if they happen to be on our side. Everyone agreed?"

Dan sits down slowly and stiffly, grunting at the pain in his leg.
Jun 28, 2022 2:37 pm
As long as neither of you decide to throw things at them, I am sure we will be fine. But let’s be careful.

I found some food. We should eat and rest a little. I have some water to share as well.
I am sorry I was late with posting. Can I still have picked up Maeve’s tool and the canned food?
Jun 28, 2022 5:12 pm
LauraChiGio says:
As long as neither of you decide to throw things at them, I am sure we will be fine. But let’s be careful.

I found some food. We should eat and rest a little. I have some water to share as well.
I am sorry I was late with posting. Can I still have picked up Maeve’s tool and the canned food?
Yes you picked the food and crowbar.
Jun 28, 2022 6:53 pm
The men with the drone reach the nearby square (where you fought before). You don't have view of the area from your hiding place, but you can hear shouts and commotion coming from there.
You can try to investigate, or you can stay hidden and 'lick your wounds' spend food and drink to gain Endurance, try to take care of wounds etc. Feel free to split as well...
Jun 29, 2022 6:49 pm
Maeve wraps her arms around herself more tightly and snuggles into the fabric of her jacket's collar some more. She sits on the floor, back against the wall. She feels spent. Their situttion feels hopeless at this moment. Everything important is gone. And now some makeshift combatants come to raid what's left - which doesn't seem to be a lot.

Maeve nods in Dan and Kat's direction, then listens to the commotion outside. What language are they speaking? Is there anything she can make out?
Jun 29, 2022 8:09 pm
Dan smirks at Katerina's comment. "It was a reaction in the moment. What can I say? So guys? We should tend to ourselves first I think. Otherwise, we will be useless out there. We have some sort of shelter. Like Katerina said, lets eat, rest and make a solid plan."

Having an analytical and ordered mind, Dan would have liked a fully fleshed-out plan before they made a move. But in his current state and with the immediate landscape being a horror show, that would be hard to do, and all this had the added effect of making him even more anxious than he already was.
Jun 29, 2022 8:17 pm
Adrasthea says:
Maeve wraps her arms around herself more tightly and snuggles into the fabric of her jacket's collar some more. She sits on the floor, back against the wall. She feels spent. Their situttion feels hopeless at this moment. Everything important is gone. And now some makeshift combatants come to raid what's left - which doesn't seem to be a lot.

Maeve nods in Dan and Kat's direction, then listens to the commotion outside. What language are they speaking? Is there anything she can make out?
They're speaking Gardassian to each other, one of them has a very strong Severnan accent.
Jun 29, 2022 9:17 pm
do we know the significance of the red armbands?
Jun 29, 2022 9:28 pm
Adrasthea says:
do we know the significance of the red armbands?
You would not specifically, but red is generally associated with Severnan Federation, while blue with Gardassia
Jun 29, 2022 9:45 pm
Konstantos realizes that he has no food or water to refresh himself. Neither does he have his stash of weed. As these realizations rise in his mind, his hands begin to tremble and a twitch starts under his right eye. "Guys ..." he says wearily, "this sucks." He has nothing more to contribute.
Without food or water, he can't recover Endurance - he's stuck at 1 until he gets supplies.
He looks around, hoping he can at least find a sip of water from someone in this rubble.
Jun 29, 2022 9:50 pm
@tibbius are you going to try and ask other people about food / water? If so, roll with disadvantage (since you're without your weed and kinda nervous)
Jun 29, 2022 10:17 pm
That's a good idea.
"Hey," Konstantos says hesitantly, running his hand over his shaggy hair, "anyone got a bottle of water or something?"


begging with disadvantage, spend 1 Endurance - (3d6L2+1)

(162) + 1 = 4

Jun 29, 2022 11:01 pm
"I have some canned food. One got thrown, not sure what I have left. Let me look. No water though." Dan moves his injured leg by mistake and suppresses a howl.
How many cans did he have?
Jun 29, 2022 11:04 pm
Konstantos looks at the claw end of his hammer. "I guess this could work to open the cans," he says nervously, "or do they have pull tabs?"
Jun 30, 2022 8:19 am
I found some food earlier and I have this bottle of water. We must rest up as Maeve and Dan are hurt. Katerina placed the items in the center of the group. Standing up she made for the entrance.

Maybe I can find some more things - like a decent pair of shoes. Heels aren’t great for all this running. she forced a laughter to try to lighten the mood. I’ll be back soon.
Jul 2, 2022 12:45 pm
While you're resting in the ruins you notice an old man sleeping next to a bag of what appears to be canned food. Two teenagers of about 16 are sneaking up to him trying to steal his food. Do you interfere?
Jul 2, 2022 12:55 pm
Hoping that one of the cans we have had a pull-top. If so ...
Konstantos reluctantly dipped his fingers into the can and swallowed a couple of mouthfuls of white beans in tomato sauce. Then he passed the can to Katerina.
Regardless ...
Looking up, he sees the teenagers lurking on the old man. "Hey!" he says forcefully, hand on his hammer. "That stuff's not yours."
How physically dangerous do the teenagers appear?
Jul 2, 2022 1:35 pm
@tibbius you can eat the food no problem, I'll assume one way or another you can manage to open the tin.

The teens look a little rough, like they maybe lived in the streets before this. You will have to roll to intimidate them. If you can brandish anything that even looks remotely dangerous you get advantage.
Jul 2, 2022 2:10 pm
Recovering Endurance
Konstantos gets up abruptly and a little shaky, anger or withdrawal hard to say. Gripping his hammer firmly, he moves quickly toward the teens. "Leave the old fellow alone," he says with his annoyed professor voice.
Last edited Jul 2, 2022 2:11 pm


spent 1 can of food - (1d6)

(5) = 5

intimidate with hammer +3 endurance - (3d6h2+3)

(321) + 3 = 8


panalexiou Inactive forever!

Jul 2, 2022 2:22 pm
Screw you Nerd! but when they see they hammer they reluctantly back off. The old man is still asleep, completely unaware of what transpired.
Jul 2, 2022 2:43 pm
Dan ignores the commotion. He is hardly in any condition to do anything useful and rather wishes Konstantos would have done the same. Now all they have done is brought attention to themselves and their "hideout."

He feels bad for the old man but there were bigger things to feel bad about.
Jul 2, 2022 5:52 pm
The next few hours until dawn are uneventful...
If anyone is doing anything else to get back Endurance, you can do it now.
Jul 4, 2022 9:16 am

As the sun rises, the destruction of the city becomes more pronounced. Few buildings are standing, even fewer seem not ready to collapse any moment. A thick layer of dust and oily ash covers everything. The stench of death and burnt plastic reminds you of the destruction you experienced last night. It's a new day, and survival is still your main concern.
You see three men wearing makeshift red armbands approach the ruin where you and other survivors are hiding. They stop about 10m (30ft) away from the hole on the wall that serves like an entrance and shout EVERYONE come out of there. If you don't you WILL be liquidated. By orders of his Lordship Gregor Dubek, the governor of the new Federal Region of Gardassia, Severnan Federation.
What do you do?
Jul 4, 2022 6:47 pm
"Aw shit I'm out of cans." How Dan managed to make a sort of joke at a time like this totally baffled him. "Well I can't run but you guys can and maybe you should in different directions to split them up."
Jul 4, 2022 10:57 pm
Konstantos looks to see if the armband people are carrying weapons. He tries to remember whether he knows who the Gregor Dubek guy was before this stuff went down.


does Konstantos know who Gregor D was? - (3d6H2)

(245) = 9

Jul 4, 2022 11:21 pm
tibbius says:
Who the Gregor Dubek guy was.
The name sounds familiar, you remember seeing him on some political TV show or other, arguing on TV about the state of the country or something. The name has Severnan roots, so you assume he is part of the Severnan minority that has lived in the north of the country for centuries.
Jul 5, 2022 12:03 am
panalexiou says:
tibbius says:
Who the Gregor Dubek guy was.
The name sounds familiar, you remember seeing him on some political TV show or other, arguing on TV about the state of the country or something. The name has Severnan roots, so you assume he is part of the Severnan minority that has lived in the north of the country for centuries.
Jul 5, 2022 10:24 am
hi folks, sry I am on the road until fr evening. Please take my chara with you 😉
Jul 5, 2022 10:31 am
The two militia members are holding long sturdy batons, the one that appears to be their leader doesn't seem armed. He's holding a loudspeaker. In front of them on the ground is a large backpack (closed).
Jul 7, 2022 2:37 pm
The small group of wretched survivors starts trickling out of the ruined building and forming in front of the militia members. You notice the two teens from earlier are not within the crowd, but are going deeper into the ruin using a small opening half hidden behind some furniture.
Are you guys going to do something different, or will you follow the crowd outside?
Jul 7, 2022 2:54 pm
"I think if we go out there, we get sent to some kind of camp and we're screwed," Konstantos says quietly, but loud enough that we all can hear. "Should we follow where those kids are going?" He looks to see what the old man does, too.
Jul 7, 2022 3:54 pm
Grant looks closely at the armbanded people and wishes he wasn't injured. "I ... I can't. My leg, I'll hold you all back. Maybe I can be a decoy for a bit and they might go easy on me since I am injured while you get away and follow the kids."

Wishful thinking at best, he figured he didn't have much to lose at this point. He couldn't do much incapacitated as he was. Maybe he could offer free accounting services to whoever this rebel band was. It was worth a shot and maybe buy him time and an in until he had a better plan.
Jul 8, 2022 7:47 pm
I don’t think we should split up. Konstantos maybe if we can find a piece of board or something in this rubble quickly we could make a stretcher? I’m not very strong but if we can just make it to a new hiding place for a while we could try it.
Jul 8, 2022 9:30 pm
Konstantos thinks he knows a bit about what would make a good stretcher. But he also knows there's not a lot of time to do so, and he's doubtful about carrying Dan through the crevice where the teens went. "Ok," he answers, "we can make kind of a stretcher from that thick piece of drywall lying over there. If we use the two broken wall studs to carry it ... but the only way I can see to go with it is out into the street, where the armband guys are waiting."
Last edited Jul 8, 2022 9:31 pm


does K know how to make stretcher? - (3d6H2)

(453) = 9

Jul 9, 2022 2:49 am
@LauraChiGio please roll 2d6+Endurance you want to add, for your character scavenging in the ruins...

You are able to quickly make a makeshift stretcher. You are now encumbered and will roll anything movement related with disadvantage.
If you're trying to get out through the wall where the teens went, please each one roll 2d6+endurance cost.
Jul 9, 2022 2:24 pm
panalexiou says:
You are now encumbered and will roll anything movement related with disadvantage.
If you're trying to get out through the wall where the teens went, please each one roll 2d6+endurance cost.
Konstantos moves with the stretcher, with Dan on it, someone is carrying the other end and the two of us are disadvantaged as we try to clamber and carry Dan through the opening in the wall.

Konstantos can't figure it out.
Last edited Jul 9, 2022 2:25 pm


disadvantaged by stretcher, clambering, 3 endurance - (3d6L2+3)

(251) + 3 = 6

Jul 9, 2022 6:16 pm
tibbius says:
panalexiou says:
You are now encumbered and will roll anything movement related with disadvantage.
If you're trying to get out through the wall where the teens went, please each one roll 2d6+endurance cost.
Konstantos moves with the stretcher, with Dan on it, someone is carrying the other end and the two of us are disadvantaged as we try to clamber and carry Dan through the opening in the wall.

Konstantos can't figure it out.
You need a 10 to get through the wall fast enough and undetected. I will let anybody else add as much endurance as they want to your roll, and explain how they help. If you make it to an 8 you get through but you're detected by the militia guys (they will chase you)

Current roll = 6
Jul 9, 2022 7:47 pm
If I roll enough endurance Katerina will add 4, otherwise as much as she can.
Katerina pushed herself at the bottom of the stretcher and threw herself forward. They had to make it, they had to.

I don’t want to die.
It didn’t add my rolls!
Last edited Jul 9, 2022 7:48 pm


Scavenging for things - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Eating beans and drinking water during the break. - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Jul 10, 2022 2:49 am
Katerina didn't manage to find anything that useful during her scavenging run but she returns to the group just in time to give crucial help with pushing and pulling the makeshift stretcher through the opening in the wall...

As your group moves through the ruins to another building and then a back alley, you see...
luck roll 🤞


Luck - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jul 10, 2022 2:51 am
... a small group of Gardassian soldiers escorting some civilians through the rubble.

Come with us, this way to the bunker! they say pointing away from the previous area of action.
Jul 10, 2022 3:38 am
"Oh my God could we just find a place so I can rest my leg!"

Dan knew Konstantos and Katerina we're doing their best but at one point he thought he would topple out of the stretcher.
Jul 10, 2022 5:09 pm
One soldier looks at you and says: We'll stitch you up at the bunker, need to move quick before any of these damn drones spots us again...
if you guys are following them, please roll the usual 2d6 with disadvantage + however much endurance people want to add. The goal is 10 for undetected, 8 to get there but be detected.
Jul 10, 2022 5:34 pm
Time to tip-toe


Sneaky Katerina (last endurance point) - (2d6+1)

(13) + 1 = 5

Jul 10, 2022 5:39 pm
LauraChiGio says:
Time to tip-toe
Please re-roll with disadvantage since you're carrying the injured comrade.

The others can add endurance after your roll...
Jul 10, 2022 5:53 pm
I hope Dan isn’t too heavy


Sneak with disadvantage 1 endurance - (3d6l2+1)

(361) + 1 = 5

Jul 10, 2022 7:22 pm
Seeing the soldiers in their familiar uniforms helped Maeve push away some of the fog that had settled over her spirit, dampening the surroundings and all that is happening around her. She finds herself sighing in relief, though she knows there is no relief to be had just yet. Still there are others, there are people left - her people, the little group of survivors, and lots of other Gardassians clinging to life.

There is a bunker, there is help - maybe some form of resistance. She takes her place next to Katerina and Konstantos, crowbar tucked inside her jacket. "LEt's go then. Tell me if any of you want to switch for a while." Her head still hurts. Maeve licks over her cracked, dry lips. She has to help get these people to safety, has to watch out for her group.
before I roll: have I regained any of the endurance while resting? Am I still dazed? thx
Jul 10, 2022 10:18 pm
You are not dazed any more. I'm not sure if you regained anything. If you had something to spend (food, water etc) you can roll it now.
Jul 11, 2022 8:29 pm
"Oh thank God! Thrilled that he would be in friendly hands and maybe even stitched up to boot, his disposition became hopeful.

"Hey can you guys find out if my fmaily is ok? What extent is the damage in the city and can you send other soldiers out to find people?"
Jul 11, 2022 9:24 pm
Right now we need to get you in the Bunker ASAP. We don't have contact with many other units, the city seems to have been bombed pretty much all over. You will need to talk to the Colonel and see if they have recieved info about other neighborhoods. But the Colonel is pretty busy what with trying to keep all the survivors together and the troops in fighting order.
Jul 11, 2022 10:15 pm
"But my wife! My kids! Please. let me see this colonel." He was both elated at finally getting treatment and disappointed that help for his family might be hard to come by.
Jul 13, 2022 2:41 pm
The soldiers kept moving forward, away from the building when a great explosion was heard further away.

Shit! They droned a unit! one of them said.

At least it was not us... MOVE MOVE MOVE!!! the other one screamed at all of you...
You're at 5 points up to now (Katerina rolled). Everyone else can add endurance. Goal is 10. If you make it to 8 you still make it but are spotted. After this challenge we will move to the next chapter
Jul 13, 2022 2:49 pm
Konstantos is spent
Konstantos staggers and almost loses his grip on the boards that support Dan's drywall stretcher. He gasps a word - it's covered by the long-lasting sound of something big behind us gradually falling to the ground and breaking.
Jul 13, 2022 3:48 pm
@tibbius I'll give Konstantos a 'devils bargain'. If you want, you can roll a 1d6 and add the result to the current score. But if the roll is 3 or lower (50% chance) you will take an injury. 1: major, 2: minor, 3: superficial...
@Windyridge,@Adrasthea the offer extends to you too.
Jul 13, 2022 7:12 pm
Dan reflexively jumps at the explosion and cries out in pain. "God Dammit!"

Beads of sweat dot his forehead as he grips the sides of the makeshift stretcher.
He can donate 3 endurance points and then he's out of points.
Jul 13, 2022 8:20 pm
Windyridge says:
Dan reflexively jumps at the explosion and cries out in pain. "God Dammit!"

Beads of sweat dot his forehead as he grips the sides of the makeshift stretcher.
He can donate 3 endurance points and then he's out of points.
Dan pushes himself to the point of breaking, enduring every bump and jump as the stretcher bearers rush through the rubble and quickly down a door to a basement...
anybody else wants to donate Endurance or take the devil's bargain?
Jul 13, 2022 9:59 pm
if resting in the building before did not give back endurance, I am out as well.
Maeve tries her best to keep up and stay with her friends.
Jul 14, 2022 1:54 am
Konstantos spits to the left side and mutters a word his grandmother taught him ...


Devil's bargain - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jul 14, 2022 1:11 pm
Konstantos is keeping the back of the little group as they rush down the underground corridor. With the corner of his eye he catches some movement down the street from where they came. Cursing between his teeth he pushes the last of the group down the steps and closes the door behind him. A soldier nods at the survivors and urges them to keep going down. Then a small organized tunnel collapse brings the rubble down behind you. The entrance will not be recognizable as a passage any more. You have made it to safety, for now...
End of Chapter 1

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