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Jun 16, 2022 6:12 pm
Thanks for the welcome everyone, this is certainly an active and very welcoming community!

Nice links BowlOfSpinach - very helpful and I'll be checking them out for sure.

In terms of games I'm interested in playing, top of the list is probably Call of Cthulhu. Without getting too 'deep', I do find the immersive and realistic yet fantastic nature of many CofC scenarios are a real escape from the concerns of my everyday life. That preference really isn't a showstopper though, it's just that if I do take on too many other games I REALLY don't want to spread myself too thin.
vagueGM says:

I have had good success with playing RPGs with autistic kids. If they are able, it could help them with social interactions (being able to roll dice and know what someone else is feeling is often an eye opener).

Feel free to reach out if you need any help.

Thanks. I have tried both of my kids with D&D but with mixed results. I've read the research around how it can be helpful though and I'm hopeful that one day they'll want to join in.
SoloBoredGamer says:
... maybe a couple of posts a day but nothing too arduous ...
vagueGM says:
Most would consider 'a couple of posts a day' as high volume, so welcome to the club.
Excellent - I should be fine then :-)
Last edited June 17, 2022 5:58 am
Jun 17, 2022 2:30 am
Jun 17, 2022 10:54 am
Welccome to the community, @SoloBoredGamer

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