OOC Chat

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Jun 16, 2022 9:36 am
Hello everybody and welcome!

Feel free to introduce yourself and ask questions. As mentioned in the game description, I would like you to generate 4 0-level characters. It is up to you whether you wish to roll on GP or use Purple Sorcerer's generator. In case of the generator, please set the "Style/Format" to plain text and the "How many" to 5 Characters. Then simply pick your 4 favorite victims of fate and copy into your character sheet.

Don't hesitate to generate again if all your rolls are cursed, at least one of your characters should be able to survive the funnel.

Looking forward to playing with you!
Jun 16, 2022 3:00 pm
w00t! Hello hello, I've been meaning to give DCC a shot! I hope our deaths are glorious and the survivors learn from us!
Is here okay?
0-level Occupation: Confidence artist
Strength: 12 (0)
Agility: 14 (+1)
Stamina: 11 (0)
Personality: 15 (+1)
Intelligence: 12 (0)
Luck: 18 (+3)

AC: 11; HP: 2
Weapon: Dagger +0 (1d4)
Speed: 30; Init: 1; Ref: 1; Fort: 0; Will: 1

Equipment: Backpack (2 gp)
Trade good: Quality cloak
Starting Funds: 22 cp
Lucky sign: Seventh son (Spell checks) (+3)
Languages: Common

0-level Occupation: Smuggler
Strength: 9 (0)
Agility: 14 (+1)
Stamina: 12 (0)
Personality: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Luck: 16 (+2)

AC: 11; HP: 2
Weapon: Sling +1 (1d4)
Speed: 30; Init: 1; Ref: 1; Fort: 0; Will: 1

Equipment: Holy water (1 vial) (25 gp)
Trade good: Waterproof sack
Starting Funds: 19 cp
Lucky sign: Seventh son (Spell checks) (+2)
Languages: Common, Hobgoblin, Dwarf, Minotaur

0-level Occupation: Mercenary
Strength: 12 (0)
Agility: 12 (0)
Stamina: 7 (-1)
Personality: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 12 (0)
Luck: 13 (+1)

AC: 10; HP: 2
Weapon: Longsword +0 (1d8)
Speed: 30; Init: 0; Ref: 0; Fort: -1; Will: 2

Equipment: Chain 10' (30 gp)
Trade good: Hide armor
Starting Funds: 35 cp
Lucky sign: The raging storm (Spell damage) (+1)
Languages: Common

0-level Occupation: Halfling vagrant
Strength: 9 (0)
Agility: 8 (-1)
Stamina: 17 (+2)
Personality: 17 (+2)
Intelligence: 9 (0)
Luck: 13 (+1)

AC: 9; HP: 5
Weapon: Club +0 (1d4)
Speed: 20; Init: -1; Ref: 0; Fort: 3; Will: 3

Equipment: Rope - 50' (25 cp)
Trade good: Begging bowl
Starting Funds: 23 cp
Lucky sign: Lucky sign (Saving throws) (+1)
Languages: Common, Halfling
Racial Traits: Halfling ability: Infravision
Jun 17, 2022 7:01 am
Those are some nice rolls on Luck Orobu! Also an interesting composition of characters - a con artist, smuggler, mercenary and a vagrant? Almost looks like a smuggling group to me, perhaps the Curwens had some shady dealings in the past?
Jun 17, 2022 10:50 am
Hello everyone. Thank you for the invite. I have never played before but I am looking forward to trying it out! Here are my 4 characters:
[ +- ] Characters
Jun 17, 2022 2:41 pm
Hey all, just for transparency, I'm traveling today and tomorrow. So it'll probably be Sunday in the US when I get my characters posted.
Jun 17, 2022 5:56 pm
Looks good Laura!

Esidrix no worries, I would like to start the game after the weekend, so there is still plenty of time. Thank you for the notice!
Jun 18, 2022 2:19 am
Hi everyone! Excited to join, thanks for having me. This will be my first DCC game, though I do have the rulebook and have browsed it as well as a few adventures. I was actually thinking about running a game on here in the near future and this seemed like a great way to get some experience. Looking forward to playing, will roll up my characters shortly.
Jun 18, 2022 2:25 am
Here they are!
[ +- ] Characters
Jun 18, 2022 8:19 am
Hi Everyone,

I seem to be representing the common folk of the town, a woodcutter, a ropemaker, a butcher and turnip farmer.....
Poor stats too...

Let the fun begin!
0-level Occupation: Woodcutter
Strength: 14 (+1)
Agility: 12 (0)
Stamina: 10 (0)
Personality: 12 (0)
Intelligence: 12 (0)
Luck: 13 (+1)

AC: 10; HP: 1
Weapon: Handaxe +1 (1d6+1)
Speed: 30; Init: 0; Ref: 0; Fort: 0; Will: 0

Equipment: Holy water (1 vial) (25 gp)
Trade good: Bundle of wood
Starting Funds: 43 cp
Lucky sign: Unholy house (Corruption rolls) (+1)
Languages: Common

0-level Occupation: Ropemaker
Strength: 6 (-1)
Agility: 16 (+2)
Stamina: 13 (+1)
Personality: 14 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (0)
Luck: 8 (-1)

AC: 12; HP: 3
Weapon: Knife (as dagger) -1 (1d4-1)
Speed: 30; Init: 2; Ref: 2; Fort: 1; Will: 1

Equipment: Hammer - small (5 sp)
Trade good: Rope (100�)
Starting Funds: 25 cp
Lucky sign: Four-leafed clover (Find secret doors) (-1)
Languages: Common

0-level Occupation: Butcher
Strength: 15 (+1)
Agility: 8 (-1)
Stamina: 3 (-3)
Personality: 12 (0)
Intelligence: 9 (0)
Luck: 8 (-1)

AC: 9; HP: 1
Weapon: Cleaver (as axe) +1 (1d6+1)
Speed: 30; Init: -1; Ref: -1; Fort: -4; Will: 0

Equipment: Holy symbol (25 gp)
Trade good: Side of beef
Starting Funds: 27 cp
Lucky sign: Lived through famine (Fortitude saving throws) (-1)
Languages: Common

0-level Occupation: Turnip Farmer
Strength: 13 (+1)
Agility: 12 (0)
Stamina: 4 (-2)
Personality: 9 (0)
Intelligence: 10 (0)
Luck: 8 (-1)

AC: 10; HP: 1
Weapon: Pitchfork (as spear) +1 (1d8+1)
Speed: 30; Init: -1; Ref: 0; Fort: -2; Will: 0

Equipment: Crowbar (2 gp)
Trade good: Duck
Starting Funds: 29 cp
Lucky sign: Speed of the cobra (Initiative) (-1)
Languages: Common
Jun 18, 2022 12:36 pm
Seifi excuse my question but does this mean in this game we play as all our characters?
Jun 18, 2022 3:35 pm
I do see some potential in here! Of course as mentioned above, if you really feel that your characters are absolute garbage, you can reroll them. No point in playing if you feel absolutely useless!

@LauraChiGio Yes, we are playing a 0-level funnel, that meaning the players are starting with a higher number of essentially villager-level characters, some of which will hopefully live up to the end of the story and become adventurers. Do you have the core rulebook for the game? If not, I don't mind sharing mine.
Jun 18, 2022 6:46 pm
I don’t have it sorry. Should I try get it?
Jun 18, 2022 9:38 pm
No worries Laura! From what I understand you are new to GP - and that is completely fine.

Different games on this site use different game systems. Dungeon Crawl Classics (or DCC in short) is one such system and maybe you have heard of others, such as Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) or Pathfinder.

In order to play, you usually need to know a system of rules that the game adheres to. I am sending you the book explaining this system now and I would ask you to skim through it a bit - I will try to explain some stuff on the go, but it is still nice to know the basics.

Should you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask! I am sure we will all be happy to help.
Jun 18, 2022 10:25 pm
Seifi, do you want us to make character sheets for each of the characters or will we only do that for the survivors?
Jun 18, 2022 11:02 pm
Nice to meet everyone! Brand new to DCC. Trying not to read too much, but the charts are fascinating!

I am going to be out of contact from Wednesday to the following Tuesday, but I'll be rip-roaring to go after that. And will be on often in the mean time.
Last edited June 18, 2022 11:17 pm
Jun 19, 2022 9:03 am
No reason to create a sheet for every single one of the characters, so I will ask you all to create a single character and copy the info into his sheet - plain text will suffice.

Please add names to your brave heroes, this is a good source of inspiration. As for the name of GP character, pick anything you want! Things like Brave villagers, The Fodder, The Citizens or any other will surely suffice.
Jun 19, 2022 9:08 am
@Orobu I absolutely adore those charts! Especially the ones dealing with magic - DCC has the most intriguing magic system I have ever read through!

Is it fine if I autopilot your characters in some cases? There should not be anything super-deadly in the first week of play (unless the group makes some poor decisions), so they should hopefully all survive until your return.
Jun 19, 2022 1:24 pm
Bring out your Dead, indeed :)
[ +- ] Characters
Jun 19, 2022 1:59 pm
@seifi Of course. I wouldn't want to hold up the game!
Jun 19, 2022 2:34 pm
I believe that concludes our character creation.

I wish you a good game and should you have any requests, please do not hesitate to ask for them!
Jun 20, 2022 9:19 am
Hey everyone, I'm happy the game is slowly picking up the pace! I am moving things along a little bit faster than expected - don't worry, once we get into the adventure proper, I will make sure everybody has a chance to react.

Also since it has been discussed with some of you privately, I want to make sure we are all on the same page: In Dungeon Crawl Classics you control all of your characters at the same time, usually in the same place. There is no such thing as switching characters, they are all under your control 100% of the time.
That said, if you want to create a special GP character for every single one of your "heroes" and post as them respectively, that is absolutely fine. So is creating one "summarizing" GP character with all of the character sheets - choose whatever picks your fancy!
Jun 24, 2022 6:46 am
Just a quick FYI: I'll be in the mountains until next Friday with unreliable cell service, but should have satellite internet where we are sleeping and I plan to continue posting. I'll try my best to keep pace with the game, but I may be incommunicado for a day or two.
Jun 26, 2022 8:36 am
Enjoy the trip!
Jun 28, 2022 1:24 pm
I'm back!
Jun 28, 2022 4:14 pm
Happy to have ya back, Orobu!
Jun 28, 2022 4:33 pm
Thanks! I'm glad I didn't miss too much, but hope everyone will bring there excitement in!
Jul 7, 2022 8:27 pm
So how are things going?
Jul 8, 2022 12:01 pm
Orobu says:
So how are things going?
@Esidrix would you like to add something or can I proceed with the game? It's totally cool if you don't want to do anything for know, just making sure!
Jul 9, 2022 9:03 pm
Absolutely, move it along. :) I'm here, but with so many characters, I don't want to post at every opportunity, since I don't know everyone's schedule.
Jul 10, 2022 2:50 pm
Esidrix says:
Absolutely, move it along. :) I'm here, but with so many characters, I don't want to post at every opportunity, since I don't know everyone's schedule.
Understandable, thanks for letting me know!

I will try to move the story a bit faster to get us into some action soon.
Jul 12, 2022 3:31 pm
Hey @Dsquid Loran was trying to talk to Kari, should I just assume she was ignored and move on?
Jul 13, 2022 9:21 pm
oh jeez, I'm cocking this up... is it 1d10 for intelligence and 1d20 for personality... or d10's or what?
Jul 14, 2022 12:49 pm
Orobu says:
oh jeez, I'm cocking this up... is it 1d10 for intelligence and 1d20 for personality... or d10's or what?
I have decided to give Victoria a 1d20 instead of 1d10 since she would be profficient in persuading people due to her background as a con artist. You can leave the rolls as they are, I have all that I need :)
Jul 14, 2022 5:33 pm
Jul 27, 2022 9:47 am
Happy to see things are finally picking up!

As for the slowish start, sorry about that, the module we are playing was not designed for play-by-post and it didn't occur to me until mid-play that it should probably be tweaked a bit! The game should have a much better pacing now.

Looking forward to see where the story takes us!
Aug 1, 2022 1:43 am
Be back tomorrow, sorry
Aug 1, 2022 10:34 am
No worries Orobu, thanks for letting us know!
Aug 1, 2022 12:55 pm
Everyone I am considering giving away untaken characters, as there is no point in me controlling them when you can have the honors. Since there are 4 characters, everybody could take 1 more character that belonged to Laura.

They are listed below:
[ +- ] Beladil - Fighting in the Attic
[ +- ] Mother Breadwife - Fighting in the Attic
[ +- ] Duri - Fighting in the Grinder Below
[ +- ] Wyna - Talking at the entrance to the Grinder Below
Taking control over these characters is purely voluntary, so feel free to pass on the opportunity should you feel like it!
Aug 1, 2022 8:11 pm
I've claimed Duri. I'll play him from here on in.
Aug 1, 2022 9:38 pm
I'll take Wyna since she's mostly with the group (location wise).
Aug 3, 2022 3:25 am
I'll take Mother Breadwife (since she is with Kari and Tiny in the attic).

Sorry if this was already covered, but quick question: Are we following strict init order while in funnel mode or are we doing players who rolled higher than monster (in any order), monster, players who rolled lower (in any order). I am completely fine with either option, just wanted to know if I should wait or roll awhile.
Aug 3, 2022 2:34 pm
@Orobu that would leave you with Beladil, assuming you want him. If not, I am perfectly happy with controlling him!
Dsquid says:
Sorry if this was already covered, but quick question: Are we following strict init order while in funnel mode or are we doing players who rolled higher than monster (in any order), monster, players who rolled lower (in any order). I am completely fine with either option, just wanted to know if I should wait or roll awhile.
Let's all roll at the same time, the fights already take long enough in PbP. All of the players go before the Curwen Demigod anyways due to his poor roll on initiative.

Also a quick heads up for everyone - it doesn't matter now, but for the future I would like to point out that you only make a single roll for Initiative in the Funnel, which is made for your character with highest Agility.
Aug 3, 2022 6:00 pm
uhhhh. sure! an elf I never remembered seeing, lol. Maybe some of these guys will die horribly soon!

okay, sorry about the initiative too.
Last edited August 3, 2022 6:00 pm
Aug 3, 2022 10:02 pm
Orobu says:
okay, sorry about the initiative too.
Actually the Initiative was rolled correctly for you! :)

As for the attack rolls, could you please reroll for both Beladil and Slim?
Each one of them should be rolling 1d20, same as all other characters in the attic, D16 is only for fighting in the tunnels of the Grinder below.

It can get a bit confusing with the group split :)
Aug 3, 2022 11:33 pm
damn... okay rerolling
Aug 8, 2022 7:16 pm
Quick clarification for the characters Upstairs - do I understand it correctly that you wish to leave the upstairs unexplored and head down to the Grinder?

I'm cool with it, just want to make sure so that I don't do a wrong transition.
Aug 13, 2022 7:16 pm
Sorry for not responding guys, I'm away from my notebook with the notes for the game. Gonna move the story tomorrow!
seifi says:
Quick clarification for the characters Upstairs - do I understand it correctly that you wish to leave the upstairs unexplored and head down to the Grinder?

I'm cool with it, just want to make sure so that I don't do a wrong transition.
@Orobu,@Redwhippet,@Dsquid do any of you have a preference about this? Do you wish to move to the Grinder or finish up Upstairs?
Aug 13, 2022 8:26 pm
We are done upstairs, because we are worried for our friends.
I was just assuming you would need to tell us when we can get there.
Sep 2, 2022 8:52 pm
I would like to say that I am completely fine with derailing the campaign and some of the characters fleeing the scene!

Wonder what would happen if the others failed to stop the Curwens? Hillkant would surely feel the consequences sooner rather than later...

Of course, the decision is up to you!

Sep 12, 2022 10:21 am
Thanks for continuing the Initiative folks! I've been out of the city for the weekend and obviously didn't put the statblocks on the cloud, so I will probably move the story some time tomorrow!
Sep 24, 2022 4:41 pm
Sorry for the delays, things got a little bit crazy and I had my thoughts focused on other things. Will do my best to post tomorrow!
Oct 13, 2022 2:27 pm
I have a trip I forgot about! I'm gone today until Monday. Sorry if that will hold things up, but I'm happy to have you swing Slim's sword.
Oct 13, 2022 5:28 pm
Happy to wait till Monday from my side.
Oct 14, 2022 10:56 am
Let's just play it by ear depending on what happens next *laughs maniacally*
Oct 20, 2022 4:07 pm
ugh... I'm back
Oct 20, 2022 4:16 pm
did I miss the end? I'm sorry. What are we from here?
Oct 21, 2022 7:38 am
Orobu says:
did I miss the end? I'm sorry. What are we from here?
Welcome back! We are slowly wrapping up.

This means I would like to make sure that you have an accord in terms of closure for the story (so far it seems the Curwen homestead is going to be burned down, Wade Curwen given to justice and the Wretches released. As for the Very Large Men... I guess nobody really cares?).

After closing in, I would like to level up your characters - you all have a bit more adventurers than expected due to inheriting some from Laura, but I don't think it should be a problem in PbP. Then onwards to new adventures!

That said, if anybody has something they would like to say about the state of the game, please fire away - as for me, I would like to change the pacing a bit in the future (this module had a bit of a sluggish start for my taste), so possibly more action earlier on!
Oct 24, 2022 10:18 am
Alright folks, congratulations on finishing up the Grinder! We will level up the characters now before proceeding onward.

I would ask you to change your character sheets to fit the following format:
[ +- ] New Character Sheet Format
This will help me orient myself a little bit better in your sheets. I will leave it to you whether you wish to keep your "Fodder" characters or create new ones for each specific adventurer.

Each character will receive 8 gold pieces and 4 silver pieces for their services to the town and from selling the alchemical ingredients of Grandfather Ike to local merchants passing through. Feel free to use these to buy equipment.

The spells of Chill touch, Comprehend languages and Find familiar can be learned by any magic using character from the books found in Ike's workshop. Other spells will be determined randomly as per Core rulebook, pg. 124.
Also don't forget about Mercurial magic! It is described on page 110.
Oct 24, 2022 5:08 pm
So we keep all surviving characters and level them up?
Not sure if I have understood that correctly?
What fodder are you referring to?

I scored two wretches! How should we run those?
Oct 24, 2022 5:23 pm
Redwhippet says:
So we keep all surviving characters and level them up?
Yes! There are a few more than expected (you pretty much rocked both bossfights and inherited the characters from Laura), but I believe we will thin those numbers in the next adventure >:)
What fodder are you referring to?
Your original characters (in your case - Hillkant Villagers persona) - I know some people prefer to keep higher level characters separated instead of grouped together. I personally don't care so you can choose either option!
I scored two wretches! How should we run those?
Oh lucky you! Universally the Wretches would be counted for as hirelings (=controlled by me, but your characters can order them), but if you are going to make a magic user from one of the characters, they could be the automatic result of the Find Familiar spell. It is your choice.

Also since you managed to get two Wretches, I am fine with just a single one of your characters being a kind of "Wretch master" while commanding both of them - this is just an idea, scrap it if it doesn't feel right!
Since I know some of you guys are new to the system, do not hesitate to fire away with any questions - I know the system can be a bit difficult to grasp in the beginning!
Oct 30, 2022 2:04 pm
I see we have a small hiatus going on. May I ask what happened?

If anybody is missing the rulebook, let me know.
Oct 30, 2022 2:22 pm
Totally missing the rulebook :)
Oct 30, 2022 4:13 pm
I'm just slow to do the character sheets. I'm going to get it done today.
Oct 30, 2022 4:53 pm
Esidrix says:
Totally missing the rulebook :)
Dude. Did you just manage to go through the whole module without knowing the rules? :D

You have my utmost respect... And my rulebook.
Oct 31, 2022 2:15 am
Yeah, got my red box D&D in 1983.... been faking it ever since. Since joining Gamersplane, I rarely have any idea about rules. So many systems, so little time.
Oct 31, 2022 2:37 am
Jasen and Josen choose the path of the warrior. Dewane, having witnessed the reality of gods/demons in this world commits to his god, Ulesh, god of peace. Dewane is committed to beating his opponents into submission. Wyna, formally a locksmith, scavenges To'mas's Thieves' tools to use in her new career as a Thief.

I think everyone is ready to adventure on!
Last edited October 31, 2022 2:52 am


Jasen current HP + d12 - (d12)

(5) = 5

Josen current HP + d12 - (d12)

(8) = 8

Dewane current HP +d8 - (d8)

(3) = 3

Wyna current HP +d6 - (d6)

(2) = 2

Nov 5, 2022 2:58 am
Hey all, kids and then myself all came down with some flu thing for a few days and took me out of all the things for awhile. Finally getting caught up with life and everyone on the mend. Apologies for the delay. Will get to my char sheets this weekend.
Nov 5, 2022 4:57 pm
Dsquid says:
Hey all, kids and then myself all came down with some flu thing for a few days and took me out of all the things for awhile. Finally getting caught up with life and everyone on the mend. Apologies for the delay. Will get to my char sheets this weekend.
Happy to hear that!
Nov 7, 2022 6:11 pm
HP for level advancements

Odric the warrior has 2 hp at level 1.....
Last edited November 7, 2022 6:11 pm


Duri - (1d10)

(8) = 8

Riffen - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Odric - (1d12)

(1) = 1

Duri - Language - (1d100)

(35) = 35

Nov 7, 2022 6:39 pm
Redwhippet says:
HP for level advancements

Odric the warrior has 2 hp at level 1.....
:D Sounds to me that Odric is going to be a Ranged warrior!
Nov 7, 2022 6:43 pm
Uncle Ike's spells are instead of the starting 4 or in addition to?
Nov 7, 2022 6:47 pm
Redwhippet says:
Uncle Ike's spells are instead of the starting 4 or in addition to?
They are instead - you either roll 1d26 and consult with the list on pg. 127 of the Core rulebook or pick some of Ike's spells and roll the rest randomly.
Nov 7, 2022 6:48 pm
Generating spells


Spells - (4d27)

(781227) = 54

27 reroll - (1d27)

(17) = 17

Nov 7, 2022 6:53 pm
Redwhippet says:
Generating spells
Redwhippet says:
Generating spells
Since you did not receive offensive spells, I am willing to let you drop one of them in favor of Chill touch!
Nov 8, 2022 4:25 pm
So I'll drop comprehend languages for chill touch
Nov 9, 2022 2:27 am
HP rolls


Kari HP roll - (1d10)

(7) = 7

Walt HP roll - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Cynwe HP roll - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Mother Breadwife HP roll - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Nov 9, 2022 2:51 am
Cynwe's spells:

Chill Touch (from Ike's workshop)


Spells - (3d27)

(26912) = 47

Mercurial Magic - Chill Touch - (1d100)

(14) = 14

Mercurial Magic - Find Familiar - (1d100)

(96) = 96

Mercurial Magic - Ekim's Mystical MAsk - (1d100)

(19) = 19

Mercurial Magic - Ward Portal - (1d100)

(62) = 62

Nov 9, 2022 10:57 am
@Dsquid Mercurial magic rolls are modified by Luck, which in Cynwe's case means they are all moved down by 10%. This means the spells have the following Mercurial magic modifiers:

Chill Touch
Health bane. Casting this spell always temporarily reduces the wizard’s Stamina by 1d3 points. This ability loss is in addition to any spellburn and is deducted before spellburn occurs

Find Familiar
Mystic twin. Casting the spell causes a fully functioning twin face to appear in the caster’s chest. The face remains for 1d3 rounds. During that time, this dual face has its own 1d20 action die under the control of the player, with which it can speak, cast spells as the caster, or spout cryptic wisdom.

Ekim's Mystical Mask
Anima drain. The wizard suffers corruption every time he casts the spell, regardless of spell check, unless he spellburns.

Ward Portal
No change. The spell manifests as standard.

If Cynwe wishes to do so, it is possible to go ahead and roll for Find familiar already as he could have summoned it during the downtime.
For Mother Breadwife, please go ahead and select the God she would serve!

It is also possible to select a new one:

Ira, the Mountain God, patron of Hillkant and some surrounding villages
Nov 9, 2022 3:59 pm
Riffen the new wizard - I was thinking somehow this deed in the grinder where he desecrated the altar has changed him.

Mercurial magic rolls at my - 10% due to luck.


Chill touch - (1d100)

(26) = 26

Detect magic - (1d100)

(64) = 64

Find familiar - (1d100)

(27) = 27

Magic shield - (1d100)

(21) = 21

Nov 10, 2022 10:43 am
Looks like Chill touch is a true necromantic spell, harming those who dare cast it!

Happy to see we've managed to do this, I will start prepping the Level 1 adventure soon! I feel it would be nice to follow up on the Curwen threat and see where that takes us!


Riffen - Wretch Familiar - HP - (1d4+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Riffen - The Guardian - HP - (1d4+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Nov 10, 2022 10:47 am
seifi sent a note to Redwhippet
Nov 10, 2022 12:38 pm
What happens to Odric? He also has a wretch....
Nov 10, 2022 3:08 pm
Redwhippet says:
What happens to Odric? He also has a wretch....
He receives Wretch as a Hireling - meaning that Wretch will follow his instructions, but Odric will not get those sweet bonuses from having him as a Familiar.
Nov 10, 2022 10:01 pm
So what happens to the wretches we freed but didn't decide to tag along... Is there a ramshackle wretch community forming on the outskirts of Hillkant?
Nov 10, 2022 11:03 pm
Esidrix says:
So what happens to the wretches we freed but didn't decide to tag along... Is there a ramshackle wretch community forming on the outskirts of Hillkant?
There is indeed!

There were 14 Wretches total, with 2 deciding to serve/follow Redwhippet's characters. The rest has assimilated into the town and the homesteads nearby, working as cheap labor - they do anything the townsfolk do not feel like doing, usually the more nasty, mundane or boring jobs. They seem incredibly grateful for any sort of affection and have amazing regenerating properties.
Nov 14, 2022 6:40 am
seifi says:

For Mother Breadwife, please go ahead and select the God she would serve!

It is also possible to select a new one:

Ira, the Mountain God, patron of Hillkant and some surrounding villages
Let go with that! I totally see Mother Breadwife being more of the hedge witch/cleric of the local village so this would make sense.
Dec 14, 2022 3:24 pm
Has Orobu dipped out?

Just realised we're missing Slim
Dec 14, 2022 3:34 pm
Yeup, offline for ages.
Dec 17, 2022 5:43 am
Shame, I liked Slim I guess that's play by post. This is my first experience of it.
Dec 17, 2022 8:35 pm
@redwhippet, this isn't a complaint, just the reality. I've started at least 10 games in the last 2 years where either most of the players or the GM ghosted 3 pages into a game. It's the weirdest thing, but it is the reality. :) I'm glad this one is still going... At least half the characters, the one's that ran, will survive for part 3 :)
Dec 18, 2022 6:38 am
I suppose I got lucky with this being my first game. I did have another one that the GM had to stop but he let everyone know. Interesting phenomenon play by post.

So thanks Seifi I'm enjoying it.
Dec 18, 2022 11:04 am
Aye, PbP tends to struggle a bit in this regard - in my 12+ years of playing like this, I have only been in 3 games that have managed to end the story successfully, others simply kind of vanished due to inactivity/some other problem. Been in 105 different games on the previous server, so the chances of having a game come to conclusion are less than slim.

I actually GMed one of the finished ones and out of the original players (8 or so if I remember correctly), only 2 managed to stay with us until the end, with one going on a few months hiatus (the game lasted about two and a half years). And I am not even counting those that have come and gone, that would be 15-20ish players.

Also happy this game is still going! We'll see how we manage to finish the Sepulcher, I was actually considering bringing on a few new players for the next adventure, running a new funnel parallel to your adventures and giving those with few surviving characters an opportunity to get some new ones!
Mar 20, 2023 4:43 pm
Folks I feel like the game has slowed down quite considerably - partly because of my own inactivity.

Are you all up for renewing it?
Mar 21, 2023 7:29 am
I'm still here and ready to continue.
Mar 21, 2023 12:15 pm
We're not dead yet.
Mar 21, 2023 4:50 pm
Esidrix says:
We're not dead yet.

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