TrailHead says:
... I picked a TL11 laser pistol ... If we go with a lower TL, ... I’ll need to downgrade my weapon ...
Not necessarily. Why did you keep this weapon? It might be very high tech and worth keeping. Maybe the Scout Services have access to TLs above everyone else? Airshark also has a TL11 Laser Pistol (from the Navy) so those might be sources of higher tech stuff than civilians can usually get?
These might also just be 'very nice examples of weapons' so they act as TL11 even if they were made by TL9 people?
TrailHead says:
... made a contact with an alien, so we need at least one alien ...
You get to tell us about that.
I think that was the only mention of 'aliens' in the Character Creation?
Maybe --and this is just me spitballing-- they are the only 'aliens' we know of, and that is why they are special enough to be mentioned? This does make them rather special, whereas having more aliens (and the
contact is what is special) makes them less significant to the story. We can decide how they fit.
Everyone should
give a little feedback on just how alien our aliens should be. Both for this Contact and for all alien interactions going forward. (might need its own thread)
TrailHead says:
... I do like the edge of charted space ... exploring the unknown ... spend some time in known space then go exploring ...
Sound good to me.
What does everyone else think? We can easily adjust this as time goes by.
TrailHead says:
... solve the mystery of Benny’s blackout ...
Did you see the offhand note I made about that being a way to get a 'free' ship? If you are interested in doing that early we can look at that more. If you want to keep it a mystery for a while longer (delaying is always a risk in PbP) we can do something else.
TrailHead says:
... I expect the game to revolve around my character ...
How's that for an out of context quote? :)
We can take it in turns being the center of the active story.