Airshark Character Generator

Jun 23, 2022 12:20 am
Let's make a thing!
While it might feel a little funny to us to give a name as the first thing, it does make some sense.

'First' is a strong word, though, and I would recommend doing the whole first part as a unit. So: Name; Background Skills; Where you Came From (working with the background skill choices). The name might be tied to the place you come from or what your pre-adventuring background was.

The above part is the bit where you have control, and can make choices, this defines who you were before you went out into the world.

I won't enforce 'name first' thought, if you want to save it for the end as is often more common these days. We can also shift the Background Skills around during the first Term if we find we messed up the choices and such (but this should be based on the choices not the dice, of course:).

You also don't need to ever use your given name... (except with your parents?)
Do you want to make test character or get right to the real thing?
Jun 23, 2022 1:14 am
There is no problem taking the same or similar Careers as other may already have, and it can make for interesting connections and shared in-game goals.
Jul 2, 2022 8:10 am
I'll read the rules along with the character creation.
First: roll 6 characteristics.


Characteristic - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Characteristic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Characteristic - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Characteristic - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Characteristic - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Characteristic - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Jul 2, 2022 8:36 am
For skills I'm thinking of medic, science and something else.
Maybe a son of a Nurse and a doctor who picked up some skills from his parents. Maybe had to go to ''doctor camp''.
Some kind of upper class kid.

Name: Lionel heartgrave III (goes by Lio)
Jul 2, 2022 9:24 am
I assume this is your actual character? You are not doing a test run-through of the system?
Airshark says:
Maybe a son of a Nurse and a doctor who picked up some skills from his parents. Maybe had to go to ''doctor camp''.
Might I suggest a University Education (see page 16) before you embark on your career? Or does that not fit your impression? 'picked up skills from parents' and 'had to go to doctor camp' imply a non-idea education, or am I reading too much into that? University is not required, but could help a medical career a lot.

If you do go to University, you can pick up Medic and Science there, so you can take something else from your background.

You need to know how your Characteristics are assigned to know how many Background Skills you get, though. That step needs to happen before you can do much more. Do you need help with it?
Airshark says:
Some kind of upper class kid. Name: Lionel heartgrave III
Does that mean you are aiming for high SOC (Social)? It does not have to mean that, which could be interesting as well.
Jul 2, 2022 2:03 pm
I thought these skills had to be things you picked up before you turned 18yo.
So I was searching for a way to include them without going to college (College being the next step, yes). I am going to assign the higher scores to mental abilities. I must confess I didn't read the other character threads. So if it is too much of the same, I'll find something else.

Read the pre career page. I see the skills I chose are also listed there, makes me wonder how you can get medic in an other way. I now understand your point of choosing skills that are not aquired at the University.

Yes this will be my actual character.
Jul 2, 2022 4:34 pm
You get a couple of skills from your education and from basic training in your first career. But they (almost) all start at lvl 0. So if the skills you pick to start with might be redundant if you'll also be getting those from education/career (basics)

If you don't care about taking the most optimal route, it doesn't matter.
Jul 3, 2022 3:42 am
Airshark says:
... I thought these skills had to be things you picked up before you turned 18yo. ...
While, in the fiction, the Background Skills are ones you had before you turned 18, I don't want to punish you for choosing them before thinking far enough ahead --especially if you have not read the whole chapter.

Take a look at what you will get for your intended First Career after Pre-Career Education, you normally get all the Basic Skills at level 0, so try not to double up too much on them as well.

To take an unrelated example: If you intended to go into the Navy, maybe don't take Vac Suit and Mechanic as Background Skills, they will be useful in that career, but they will also teach you those when you join. Taking Athletics before you join could make a lot of sense, if that is part of your character's reason for going to the military and is an integral part of who they are, but you can also describe them as 'athletic' but then have them learn the discipline of what real Athletics is when they join (bootcamp is hard, even for fit people). Don't let the mechanics shackle your story.

If, however, you intended to become an Entertainer, and learned those Skills as the start of your act, but you fail at that and are Drafted into the Navy, that was not a choice, the wasted duplicated Skills serve as a story about why you were sent to the Navy.
Airshark says:
... wonder how you can get medic in an other way ...
You can get Medic through a variety of Careers (Scholar makes the most sense, but you can probably roll it up randomly). But it is a Background Skill, so there are clearly ways to lean enough to become a competent EMT or something withouth going to college. As you hinted at, you may have learned it from your parents, or in school or scouts.
Airshark says:
... So I was searching for a way to include them without going to college (College being the next step, yes) ...
You can also bring them in from Background, and learn something else from University. But you can get Medic up to 1 from the start if you get into Uni, which could be desirable if that is your intended profession going forward.

If you fail your entry exams you might have a harder time getting any Medic, so think about that angle as well. Having Medic 0 as a relic of your failed attempt at being a doctor is an interesting story.
Airshark says:
... didn't read the other character threads. So if it is too much of the same, I'll find something else ...
Don't worry about that. Duplication is not a problem in this game. Play whatever interests you.

I don't believe we have any duplication though.

We also don't need a Medic --or anything else-- on the crew, we can hire NPCs to fill what we 'need', and will, logically, take on jobs that cater to your strengths and abilities (unless events and dice conspire to force you out of your comfort zones, in which case it does not matter what you picked, it would still be something else:). So make (or try to make) whatever you want to play.
Airshark says:
... Yes this will be my actual character ...
Cool. Do you have a name yet?
Jul 3, 2022 9:18 am
Airshark says:

Some kind of upper class kid.

Name: Lionel heartgrave III (goes by Lio)
Characteristics: 6 9 5 10 2 8
Soc 10 +1
Edu 9 +1
Int 8. 0
Str 2. -2
Dex 6 0
End 5 -1

Background skills: drive, science (chemistry), language (don't know yet), seafarer (youth yachting club)

Parents are famous for being inovative surgeons.
Jul 3, 2022 9:22 am
Entering university.
Dm+1 (soc 9+)


Enter uni - (2d6+1)

(63) + 1 = 10

Jul 3, 2022 9:27 am
Medic level 1
Navigation level 0
Edu+1 (will make my character sheet when I'm at home)

Rolling for graduation.
Last edited July 3, 2022 9:28 am


Graduation dm+0 - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Jul 3, 2022 9:32 am
Medic level 2
navigation level 1
Edu +1
Precareer event roll (after edit) result 10

I don't understand how I should roll a 9+ with medic skill. Is the skill level the same as a DM? What characteristic should I use?
Last edited July 4, 2022 6:16 pm


Event - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Jul 3, 2022 9:47 am
Airshark says:
Characteristics: 6 9 5 10 2 8
I believe the correct spelling is 695A28. Though I did not see any mention of UPP in the new book. :)
Airshark says:
Entering university. Dm+1 (soc 9+)
I am not sure I like the book's/system's way of indicating difficulties, but that looks a lot like you needed to roll +SOC and get a 9 or higher on the result... confusing us even more. :)
Airshark says:
Enter uni - (2d6+1)
You could have said `2d6+1+1` to have it add the DM (also a confusing term:) for you.
Airshark says:
Edu+1 (will make my character sheet when I'm at home)
No worries. Submit the character when you get a chance.
Airshark says:
Graduation dm+0 - (2d6) (4,2) = 6
At least you passed.

What happened that you just scraped through? What stopped you from getting Honours? Things to think about.

Maybe your Event has something to do with it? That should have been rolled before you left University.
Jul 3, 2022 9:47 am
Airshark says:
I don't understand how I should roll a 9+ with medic skill. Is the skill level the same as a DM? What characteristic should I use?
No Characteristic. They mean exactly what they say: Roll with Medic, so `2d6+1` (this 'Event at University' happened before you Graduated and increased that to +2).

Remember that editing does not notify us, so it is easy to miss questions asked in edits. Rather don't edit.
Jul 3, 2022 10:09 am
What is the plan now that you are out of University? Have you given any thought to Careers? (Do I sound like a parent?:)
Jul 3, 2022 10:35 am
One o them learned folks, ey? 🤔🤠
Jul 3, 2022 11:06 am
Possibly 'hoity-toity learned folk', given that SOC value. :)
Jul 3, 2022 3:14 pm
I'm still browsing the careers, ma. Chill!
I'll be in my room, what's for dinner?
Jul 3, 2022 4:38 pm
Airshark says:
I'm still browsing the careers, ma. Chill!
I'll be in my room, what's for dinner?
load next

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