Jul 15, 2022 7:08 pm
Here are a couple pages from the core rule book. (Weapons and armor are in other pages.)
Thaler, Shillings & Ortegs
The main currency is the thaler, which can be divided into shillings (10 for each thaler) and ortegs (100 for each thaler). Farmers rarely handle coins larger than a shilling, since most of their transactions are made through trade, using ortegs and shillings as change. The thaler is the coin of the merchants and then often in the form of a paper Writ of Debt rather than actual coins. The nobles’ bailiffs count in thaler as well, but usually handle them in the form of days worked or goods. At the bottom of the Ambrian society the economy consists of favors, alms, beggar's bread and lonely ortegs.
Thaler, Shillings & Ortegs
The main currency is the thaler, which can be divided into shillings (10 for each thaler) and ortegs (100 for each thaler). Farmers rarely handle coins larger than a shilling, since most of their transactions are made through trade, using ortegs and shillings as change. The thaler is the coin of the merchants and then often in the form of a paper Writ of Debt rather than actual coins. The nobles’ bailiffs count in thaler as well, but usually handle them in the form of days worked or goods. At the bottom of the Ambrian society the economy consists of favors, alms, beggar's bread and lonely ortegs.
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