Jul 2, 2022 3:32 pm
At some point in the night, after spending time celebrating with the party and the rivals and the townsfolk and anyone else who happened to be there to have a good time, Tereze finds herself on the outskirts of Jigow at the small, rickety inn where she stashed her mother's thrall. The moon hangs brightly in the night sky and the streets remain crowded as she enters the small establishment and heads upstairs.
The night-shift innkeeper nodding off at the front counter doesn't notice your entry, and there doesn't seem to be anyone else within the public spaces of this building. As Tereze reaches the top of the stairs leading to the dimly-lit hallway, something feels off. Something deep inside her, some instinct, is telling her that something is wrong. It takes but a few seconds for Tereze to notice what's causing warning sirens in her head: the door to the room where her mother's thrall was staying is ever so slightly ajar, and the hall is eerily quiet.
The night-shift innkeeper nodding off at the front counter doesn't notice your entry, and there doesn't seem to be anyone else within the public spaces of this building. As Tereze reaches the top of the stairs leading to the dimly-lit hallway, something feels off. Something deep inside her, some instinct, is telling her that something is wrong. It takes but a few seconds for Tereze to notice what's causing warning sirens in her head: the door to the room where her mother's thrall was staying is ever so slightly ajar, and the hall is eerily quiet.