Jul 5, 2022 8:08 pm
Good day all,
Our FFG Star Wars game has suffered some attrition and we are currently down to Gunslinger Ordinare, Plucky Droid Mechanic, Doctor of Medicine and skilled Pilot (currently on hiatus due to diapers). Would love some new voices to join our Adventures on the Edge of the Empire.
Low Key, friendly game. Posting aims for 1/day during weekdays and comes in closer to 3/week :)
Our FFG Star Wars game has suffered some attrition and we are currently down to Gunslinger Ordinare, Plucky Droid Mechanic, Doctor of Medicine and skilled Pilot (currently on hiatus due to diapers). Would love some new voices to join our Adventures on the Edge of the Empire.
Low Key, friendly game. Posting aims for 1/day during weekdays and comes in closer to 3/week :)
Last edited July 5, 2022 8:13 pm