Jul 6, 2022 12:14 am
At some point in the night, much after the sun has set and the festivities have died down, Kailani finds herself back at the docks of the town. She is alone amongst the gentle waves and the creaking boats. The sharks have settled in for the night and the seagulls have returned to their nest. The pleasant smell of fresh salt floats along the warm breeze.
A small pod of baby turtles crest the surface of the water around her soaking feet. That familiar voice, unfathomably powerful and unendingly loving, tickles Kailani's ears as the turtles dance through the water circling her feet. "Sooo, how cool was that, huh? How is my favorite fathomless guppy doing?"
A small pod of baby turtles crest the surface of the water around her soaking feet. That familiar voice, unfathomably powerful and unendingly loving, tickles Kailani's ears as the turtles dance through the water circling her feet. "Sooo, how cool was that, huh? How is my favorite fathomless guppy doing?"