Jul 6, 2022 12:50 am
I know this is a massive curveball I am throwing at you right now, so please feel free to say this isn't to your liking :)Suddenly, Ardeth finds themself in a body that they have not seen or felt before, at least you think. But somehow, the body feels intimately connected to her, it is familiar in a strange, inexplicable way. Long, sun-elven ears gracefully flow from the sides of their head and long, curly, orange hair falls to her shoulders. The body is intensely woven in magic, adorned in magic objects and the raw magical potential of an archmage, but there is also something missing: the ability to shift shape.
She?... you, find yourself in a long and dark hallway somewhere deep within a massive labyrinth of a structure. It's a weird, out-of-body experience: you are both living it first person and viewing it through the tiniest binoculars from a million miles away. Glorious marble floors stretches before and behind you as the click clacking echoes from your elegant shoes bounce off the walls. You speak a command word and suddenly you are footsteps are silent and the shadows cling to you.
A moment later, you hear shouts coming from some hallway behind you and torchlight begins to lighten the walls behind you. But you keep moving forward, for something you have been working towards for years, no decades of your ancient elven life is just merely a few more fancy, darkened elven hallways away. You have sacrificed wealth, power, relationships, everything, for this one shot to get this item for yourself. You know you are disappointing your friends, your family, but this is all you've ever wanted. You are determined and focused. You're going to get it.
You are currently inhabiting a very powerful level 15 wizard (no need to make a character sheet or anything, you can do whatever you want), and something you have been working towards your entire life is so close to you. Guards are bearing down behind you, but you are on the precipice of getting what you want (which, it isn't clear to you what it is yet). What do you do?