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Jul 8, 2022 11:58 am
They take place lin the ands surrounding the Amethyst Sea. The Amethyst Sea is a roughly circular body of water around 1500 miles in diameter. In the northeast corner of the sea is a secondary smaller body called the Windsinger Sea, while to the southeast is a third body called the Pinnacle Gulf.
At the center of the sea is a collection of islands known as the Lost Coast. These islands are all that remain of the great island city of Atlanor, the capital of the Atlan Alliance before its world gate exploded, shattering the island and sinking most of it beneath the waves.

A wide variety of nations, kingdoms, and city-states surround the sea. Along the north central coast sits Agthor, a beacon of hope in a world faced with an uncertain future. To the east of this, where the Amethyst Sea meets the Windsinger Sea, lies the magocracy of Selenthea, home to one of the most respected magical colleges in the land. Far to the southeast, on the Pinnacle Gulf, one finds the city-state of Port Vale, a foul den of villains and miscreants where thieves lurk, slavers traffic in human misery, and more than one unlucky soul has met their end in the city’s gladiatorial amphitheater.

Along the southwestern shores one finds the merchant-ruled city-states of Callios, while on the northwestern coast sit the idyllic Halfling Dalelands. Wedged between the Dalelands and Agthor is the deceptively named Free Kingdoms, where countless petty warlords and would-be kings engage in an endless struggle for personal power and the only truly free people are the nobles of the ruling class.

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