The Freefolk want protection from the myriad threats of the outside world. The next attack may come at any moment, whether it’s from the endrori clawing their way up from the Deeplands, a neighboring kingdom trying to steal what they’ve built, or the arrogant fools in Agthor trying to undermine their way of life. The Freefolk have a solution to all of this, however: a powerful leader with the strength to protect them. If one pledges themselves to that leader and serves them well, that leader will keep them safe from the infinite evils of Aetaltis.
Freefolk know their role and they willingly play their part. Some are born to rule, others are born to labor, and failing to know one’s place will undermine the safety all of them are working so hard to secure. This isn’t to say they don’t occasionally feel jealous of the nobles or resentful of their labors, but they are a practical people. They understand that just be- cause they don’t like a thing doesn’t mean it isn’t for the best.
They are deeply religious, and highly suspicious of outsiders, especially fey. They are dutiful and loyal, taking seriously their responsibilities to those both above and be- low them. In this way, one gains honor, and honor is a thing never taken lightly.
Commoners live simple lives and their clothing reflects this. It is sturdy and plain, designed for work rather than show. Men and women keep their hair relatively short, never allowing it to grow past their shoulders. Head coverings usually take the form of hoods or scarves. Grooming is saved for special occasions, and outsiders likely notice the distinct odor when a Freefolk approaches.
Nobles and commoners differ in appearance only as far as the quality of their clothing. Noble clothing is made from high-quality cloth dyed in bright colors. Hoods and scarves are often embroidered with fanciful designs. They accent their clothing with ornaments and jewelry made from precious metal and gems. The nobility also places more emphasis on grooming and go to great pains to avoid any unpleasant odors about their person.
Language and Literacy
Although the Freefolk feel inexplicable pride in their mostly-human population, their language, while based on old Atlan, is heavily influenced by the old Dalelander and old Dwarven tongues. Two traits that stand out in the Freelander language are the swal- lowing of middle ‘r’ sounds and
the pronunciation of ‘ou’ sounds as ‘oo’.
Very few Freefolk read or write. These skills are limited to high-ranking members of the nobility and specialists such as scholars, clerks, and priests. Books are almost never found outside of temple libraries or the handful of schools scattered across the region.
Art and Music
Freefolk artistic expression is limited to everyday crafts. Most notable are their clay pots and fabrics. They make these with such care that the results, while simple, are beautiful in an austere way. Freefolk nobility often import art from distant lands and use exotic art pieces as status symbols.
Lute, pipe, and drum are the instruments played among Freefolk. Most songs are upbeat dance tunes written for performance on a tavern stage.
Food and Drink
Freefolk prefer simple, hearty fare capable of sustaining them over the course of a hard day’s work. Heavy stews, hard breads, and yellow cheese make up the bulk of their diet, with the addition of small servings of fruit and vegetables when in season. Ale is the drink of choice, and the Freefolk palette is not choosy about the flavor or quality. As with most things, the Freefolk nobles try to impress other nobles by importing exotic foods and drinks.
Freefolk homes are wattle and daub buildings with thick thatch roofs. The only decorations are fresh flowers in springtime and a few small ornaments, such as colorful ribbons or a crude painting mounted above the family shrine. Even the homes of the nobility are cold, drafty affairs despite the presence of ornate furniture and grand pieces of artwork.
Freefolk carry out their duties with unwavering loyalty. A promise made is a promise kept, and to do any less is to diminish one’s honor. They are highly practical and don’t let frivolous things or selfish desires get in the way of doing the work that needs to get done. They are strong, both mentally and physically, and can survive even the worst disaster.
The Freefolk dislike outsiders, whether they come from the next town over or across the Amethyst Sea. They are certain anyone from outside their borders is a threat until proven otherwise. The bigger the differences between a visitor’s cul- ture and their own, the greater the Freefolk’s distrust. When problems arise, their favored solution is violence.
The Freefolk deeply value duty and honor. For them, the two ideals go hand and hand. By fulfilling one’s duty, one achieves honor. It is a simple formula, and the Freefolk appreciate and respect these traits even in their enemies. Freefolk also value land, since the amount one owns is a symbol of a Freefolk’s status in society. Of course, only the highest-ranked nobles own any land at all, making land ownership an impossible dream for most.
Freefolk have no patience for those who bring dishonor on oneself or those they serve. Freefolk also detest liars, since dishonesty is just another path to dishonor. They have a deep dislike of fey, originating from a series of conflicts between the fey and the Atlan warlords that settled in the region after the Cataclysm. The aversion to the fey is heightened by the Freefolk’s xenophobia and general distrust of arcane magic.
Rights and Responsibilities
Freefolk are entitled to protection by those they serve. This includes protection from enemies, famine, disease, and anything else that endangers their lives and livelihoods. This earned through labor, obedience, and loyalty. A vassal may seek redress from the High Court in Hawk’s Crest if they feel their leader has not fulfilled their obligation.
To earn one’s rights, one must faithfully execute their duty. For nobles, this includes the protection of their vassals. For those who serve the noble, this means unswerving loyalty and obedience. Every member of Freefolk society must also stand ready to fight in the defense of their kingdom if ordered to arms.
Birth Among the Freefolk, birthing a child is a dangerous prospect due to inadequate medical care. Births are a fright- ening event dreaded by women and their families and have few customs associated with them. For the same reason, a successful birth is greeted with celebration and makes children highly valued in Freefolk society.
Majority When a Freefolk child reaches adulthood they are taken before the lord or lady to whom their family pledges fealty to make their own pledge of service.
Marriage Marriages are held at high summer, and all the people of the couple’s community attend.
Death When a Freefolk dies, a spiritguide is called at once. Freefolk are terribly afraid of necromancy and fear for the spirit until the last rites are performed.
Freefolk have two names. The first is their given name, given at birth by their parents. The second is their father’s family name.
Male Names Aelinar, Corsos, Corlis, Darvos, Joachim, Kynus, Rainin, Tevis, Ulmor, Melchim
Female Names Alia, Laril, Dorma, Vellea, Ania, Unyl, Malia, Cressi, Talay, Medeyl
Family Names Aranare, Duripi, Kikeru, Rusa, Yisharu
Freefolk are devoutly religious and have great respect for the holy orders. They make regular offerings to the Enaros, more out of fear of divine anger than a true sense of worship. This is a result, in part, of the draconian approach to worship and behavior imposed by the holy orders in the Free Kingdoms.
Magic is rare among Freefolk. A fear of arcane magic, a lack of education, and the fact that spellcasters are prime targets for enemies due to the danger they represent on the battle- field means few if any Freefolk learn the arcane arts. Divine casters are common among the clergy, but their duty is to the temple first and their blessings are seldom enjoyed by anyone outside the temple or its local flock.
Adventuring is one of the few ways a Freefolk person has to break free of their place in society. With their skill at arms and the treasure they find, an adventurer may carve a place for themselves among the nobility. With a bit of luck and a lot of work, they might even be able to found their own kingdom in the Free Kingdoms’ northern region.
Unusual Customs, Traditions, and Taboos
At midnight on the longest night of the year, the Freefolk raise effigies of that which they fear most and burn them atop massive bonfires. It is thought that this symbolic destruction may influence real-world outcomes. Masks are worn throughout the ceremony and warm spiced ale is served before everyone returns to their homes.
Languages Freelander
Equipment A Freefolk outfit, a shortbow, a quiver with 20 arrows, and 10 cp
Wealth Die d4