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Sep 20, 2022 12:43 am
All of these stacking conditions have me a little confused. If I understand correctly, Humphrey is blind for another round but dazed for two afterward. Will he regain his sight but then not be able to move? Additionally, He will be frightened of blindness for hours afterward which, I assume, affects him if he's in a dark room or something?
Sep 20, 2022 10:11 am
Ok the bout of madness, which caused the blindness has now worn off. The next phase of temporary insanity is an affect of some kind that lasts for hours, in your case a fear of losing your sight again. For the most part this is for role playing purposes, if you get into a situation where you face your phobia you’ll have a penalty die on rolls, but otherwise it’ll have no impact.

The song has caused you to become dazed as of this round, which has the affect of you being unable to initiate attacks and a penalty die on any actions until it wears off, at which point you make a san check . Aside from attacking, you can still act and defend yourself
Oct 6, 2022 10:42 pm
apologies for the delay in wrapping this up, been bogged down with other things. Hopefully get to it in the next day or two

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