The Tough Dame

Jul 9, 2022 4:32 pm
The Tough Guy

You live in Providence, Rhode Island, in Ma Shanks’ Boarding House. You know everyone in the house (see notes below) but don’t care a lick about them. It’s every man and woman for themselves, with only your family to depend on in the hard times of the Depression.
You have been depending on your family a lot lately.
Neither you nor your brother Petras have had work for months now. Petras spends all of his time mooching free drinks from your oldest brother, Konstantinas, in the illegal speakeasy he works at. You spend your time with your sisters, Anikke and Dovana, when they aren’t
working in the laundry business, talking about movie stars, radio programs, and all things American. You’ve even taken to Americanizing your Lithuanian name, even though Konstaintinas does not approve.
You need to do something to bring some money in for your family. That odd bird on the third floor (you think his name is Gardiner) might be the answer. If you can work around that pesky Landlady and get some of his "orchids" (slang for expensive items), that would be the cat’s whiskers! It’s either that or get a job—but a job is for people with no ambition in life. You have ambition—you just need a lucky break.
What you do know about Gardiner is that he hides in his room all of the time. He’s British or maybe a Scottish. He has no job but seems able to pay the rent and sometimes travel. You guess he must be wealthy—just like you are going to be some day.
Today, everyone seems to be talking about Gardiner. Apparently, no one has seen him for a few days and some are getting worried. So, maybe he’s on his travels again or he could even be dead in there; either way, scoping out his room makes sense. If you can get inside and find what’s valuable, you can either snaffle it away in your pocket or break in later—you just need to know what’s there that’s worth stealing.
Jul 9, 2022 4:35 pm
Set up a new character using a Cthulhu 7ed character sheet, then add these numbers to the sheet and apply it to the game. Once applied I can help edit if you need, so don't worry if you don't understand everything. Let me know if you need anything.
Jul 9, 2022 10:00 pm
Roleplaying hooks:
• Get into Gardiner’s room.
• Case the joint, looking for high value items,
preferably portable.
• Pawn those items for cash for your family.
• Don’t take "no" from anyone.
Other tenants in the boarding house:
• The Landlady (player character) and their 11-year old son, Tommy.
• Nosy Neighbor (player character).
• Bookseller (player character); owns a local
book¬store of weird and old books.
• Business Associate (player character).
• Ma Shanks, the frail and elderly building owner.
• Mrs. Madeira, who lives across the hall from
Gardiner. Her husband died in an acci¬dent last
• Your siblings, the Skirgaila family, Lithuanian
brothers and sisters who are hard workers, with
jobs in the city. Except that drunk, Petras.
Jul 10, 2022 1:09 pm
Got it! Should I just download the sheet PDF from Chaoisum directly and copy these values? Or is there a good app/VTT I should be using?
Jul 10, 2022 4:05 pm
You can open a sheet here on the site, coc 7e is supported. Once the numbers are entered, it then allows you to select a skill for rolls during play.
Jul 10, 2022 4:11 pm
If you haven’t seen it, here are some useful videos on how the site works

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