Character Discussion / OOC
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Check out this post about Guide to Gamers' Plane BBCode
And The die roller guide
If I did go Paladin is its standard deities (Melora comes to mind)? Or do you have some homebrew ones?
Non-homebrew: Bahamut and Tiamat
Homebrew: Cathrax (God of Gem Dragons), Khrainos (God of Time), and Varahosst (Recently resurrected brother god of Tiamat. Holds dominion over the 'lost' chromatic dragons)
Paladins do not require a deity though as they get their power from their conviction to uphold their oath.
In lore, the reason for there being so few gods was a massive 'civil' war wherein the draconic pantheon was cut into pieces. There's also a sort of 'big bad' for the entire setting who has done his part in culling gods and thus thinned the herd even more.
Will roll for stats and have a think. Am I being blind to a discord link, or are you still setting that up?
Edit: Okay interesting, not the best I've had but definitely not the worst. If I went for kobold would you allow the Tasha rule to swap that +2 dex to charisma (or something else), or is that set in stone?
Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (4561) = 15
4d6H3 : (1651) = 12
4d6H3 : (3154) = 12
4d6H3 : (4261) = 12
4d6H3 : (4523) = 12
4d6H3 : (5352) = 13
Let me know if that doesn't work. You could also either send me your discord name or add me (Adventurer Slayer#8117)
Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (1526) = 13
4d6H3 : (5541) = 14
4d6H3 : (4522) = 11
4d6H3 : (6644) = 16
4d6H3 : (6612) = 14
4d6H3 : (2666) = 18
Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (4536) = 15
4d6H3 : (2252) = 9
4d6H3 : (6422) = 12
4d6H3 : (6313) = 12
4d6H3 : (3345) = 12
4d6H3 : (4114) = 9
Edit: Yeah... That's a no.
Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (2263) = 11
4d6H3 : (5112) = 8
4d6H3 : (1111) = 3
4d6H3 : (1451) = 10
4d6H3 : (5341) = 12
4d6H3 : (6333) = 12
Edit: OK. I'm going point buy. :(
Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (4123) = 9
4d6H3 : (1616) = 13
4d6H3 : (1251) = 8
4d6H3 : (6362) = 15
4d6H3 : (5335) = 13
4d6H3 : (5112) = 8

He used his technical aptitude to craft himself an armour so he act like a paladin
What the adventure group is known for I don't know yet.

I might use the custom background rules to change the skill/tool/language and equipment as I don't feel that a disguise kit would really work for a Dragonborn. Do many distinguishing features

Question for GM: I would like to have the Homunculus Servant, but for that he needs to have a 100gp gem/crystal. That is a bit out of the range of the starting budget. Can we wave the initial 100gp cost? Or is this the reason why he is going treasure hunting?

He spend his free time learning new skills and abilities to help him do what no Kobold dares to - survive alone.
Keks hope that the wizard summoned him will have answers about his bloodline or knowledge of the source of his abilities...
I will suggest Bubbles as a replacement player. She is a new, but good player.
Flame is coming along fast. Male Kobold Fighter (Eldritch Knight) that is a City Inspector (Fake)/Charlatan.
Description: Flame is tall for a Kobold (2'9") and is distorted ugly. Only a mother could say he is normal. He has a smell like a wet dog with stagnant water all the time that if you're not a Kobold, it is hard to stand. Those twisted small antlers and his bulging amber eyes make him something of a spectacle to be avoided. He has very powerful Jaws and noticeable claws in its hands and feet. His dark brown scales does make him hard to see in the dark if it wasn't for his huge amber eyes. His general appearance tends to make animals shy away from him.
Appearance: Flame is head to toe in chain armor. He sports a bandolier with two handaxes and a rapier on his weapon belt. There is a pouch hanging there as well. He has a fairly filled backpack with rope and shield on it.
Personality: Flame seems studious, insensitive and harsh. As well as borderline violent. He isn't a young Kobold by any means and has had the world beat on him all his life. He doesn't do well with females and tends to be anti-social. He is an easy one to get into gambling (Which he will cheat always.) as he figures he will win. He has a dislike of anything crawling like spiders. And really doesn't care for people that are taller than him. He is prone to five fingering stuff and really has no respect for the law. He believes that someday when he gets lots of money he can have a female companion. He tends to live his life on the fly. After selling junk waters, he really still tends to do that. An easy way for coins that he used to do. He likes the con to be an inspector to do what he wants. The one thing odd about him is he will never turn on a friend. (Which he has had very few of.) Flame has always considered himself as a bit of an athlete.

Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (6246) = 16
4d6H3 : (3436) = 13
4d6H3 : (4454) = 13
4d6H3 : (1321) = 6
4d6H3 : (6411) = 11
4d6H3 : (4314) = 11
2cn & 3rd HP - (2d10)
(35) = 8
I love RPG that is a story about team of heroes finding ways to solve heavy challenges (all types of challenges, not just monsters engaging in combat with party) a a less skilled party would fail at. My desire is to PLAY this rpg and have story events to develop at a weekly basis. I want at the end of each week to be able to look back and tell what new cool things have the party done, not just "we had a wonderful conversation with the wizard or "party did other 40 miles through the wasteland facing no threats, but having wonderful dinner".
I expect world lore to be supplemental
I expect most of DM posts to describe a new challenge party has faced or narrate results of party response to previous challenge ( or both in case narrative is that previous challenge is removed/solved/eliminated/escaped/etc.)
I expect players to address challenge with every post, while adding role-play for flavor.
I wish our party could start the journey July real time. I wish DM narrate our PCs have already met at wizard tower and wizard explained us the mission and the contract and we begin with party going on the mission and facing their first challenge - be it enemies, social interaction or exploration decisions.
Intro: Flame is easy to admit he was summoned. Being well armed it is obvious that he is fighter type material in his chain armor. He never uses anything more than just "Flame" or perhaps "Inspector Flame". Mercenary does come to mind.
Case A: DM narrate (optionally describing the weather and sights) the party get to point B and lists resources they spend doing that if any. DM also list the obvious options PCs see in B and explain the environment for players to be able to do something else than the obvious.
Case B: Journey is spit into 3-7 DM posts allowing players to post their role-playing, illustrating how they spend their resources (eat, drink, pay for inn, etc.) and talk to each other as well as random NPCs along the way.
I’m excited to check this game out! I love the dragon theme.
Let me know if that doesn't work. You could also either send me your discord name or add me (Adventurer Slayer#8117)
Stats - (4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3)
4d6h3 : (4335) = 12
4d6h3 : (5525) = 15
4d6h3 : (4654) = 15
4d6h3 : (2361) = 11
4d6h3 : (5236) = 14
4d6h3 : (5523) = 13
Can I use the Fizban’s dragonborn instead?
I’m taking that spell as one of my spells, and I would love not to have to spend the time in-game to summon him in the beginning.
If you’re not good with this, then I’ll choose a different spell.