Character Discussion / OOC

Check out this post about Guide to Gamers' Plane BBCode
And The die roller guide
If I did go Paladin is its standard deities (Melora comes to mind)? Or do you have some homebrew ones?
Non-homebrew: Bahamut and Tiamat
Homebrew: Cathrax (God of Gem Dragons), Khrainos (God of Time), and Varahosst (Recently resurrected brother god of Tiamat. Holds dominion over the 'lost' chromatic dragons)
Paladins do not require a deity though as they get their power from their conviction to uphold their oath.
In lore, the reason for there being so few gods was a massive 'civil' war wherein the draconic pantheon was cut into pieces. There's also a sort of 'big bad' for the entire setting who has done his part in culling gods and thus thinned the herd even more.
Will roll for stats and have a think. Am I being blind to a discord link, or are you still setting that up?
Edit: Okay interesting, not the best I've had but definitely not the worst. If I went for kobold would you allow the Tasha rule to swap that +2 dex to charisma (or something else), or is that set in stone?
Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (4561) = 15
4d6H3 : (1651) = 12
4d6H3 : (3154) = 12
4d6H3 : (4261) = 12
4d6H3 : (4523) = 12
4d6H3 : (5352) = 13
Let me know if that doesn't work. You could also either send me your discord name or add me (Adventurer Slayer#8117)
Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (1526) = 13
4d6H3 : (5541) = 14
4d6H3 : (4522) = 11
4d6H3 : (6644) = 16
4d6H3 : (6612) = 14
4d6H3 : (2666) = 18
Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (4536) = 15
4d6H3 : (2252) = 9
4d6H3 : (6422) = 12
4d6H3 : (6313) = 12
4d6H3 : (3345) = 12
4d6H3 : (4114) = 9
Edit: Yeah... That's a no.
Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (2263) = 11
4d6H3 : (5112) = 8
4d6H3 : (1111) = 3
4d6H3 : (1451) = 10
4d6H3 : (5341) = 12
4d6H3 : (6333) = 12
Edit: OK. I'm going point buy. :(
Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)
4d6H3 : (4123) = 9
4d6H3 : (1616) = 13
4d6H3 : (1251) = 8
4d6H3 : (6362) = 15
4d6H3 : (5335) = 13
4d6H3 : (5112) = 8

He used his technical aptitude to craft himself an armour so he act like a paladin
What the adventure group is known for I don't know yet.

I might use the custom background rules to change the skill/tool/language and equipment as I don't feel that a disguise kit would really work for a Dragonborn. Do many distinguishing features

Question for GM: I would like to have the Homunculus Servant, but for that he needs to have a 100gp gem/crystal. That is a bit out of the range of the starting budget. Can we wave the initial 100gp cost? Or is this the reason why he is going treasure hunting?