Chapter 3: Onwards!

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Nov 5, 2022 10:00 pm
The figure was named Auras a noble human woman who stood just shy of 6 feet. tall even among her clan and home. she was just beginning to stand casting a spell known commonly as thaumaturgy as music started playing in the air with no discernable source. as she began dancing and spining around her fire, her blue hair a mix of sky blue and deep dark ocean blue shaking and twirling with her movements. the song she started singing seemed sad yet hopeful about a friend who was gone without goodbyes being said and how they longed to see them again. how they came up from darkness but without them every day since has been in shadow.

it was after the dancing was coming to a close that auras saw she had a small audience stopping mid twirl and stumbled a little as she stopped suddenly . "oh I uh didn't know I had company." she said as she looked beyond embarrassed. as she looked down. "I suppose I looked strange and a little funny." she said sheepishly "i am auras and who might you find folks be?"


performance roll feel free to ignore - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Nov 6, 2022 10:51 am
After a night not as restful as one might hope, Faelan leads the party further down south through the barbed fields. The patrol from the day before is still fresh in his mind and so he stays even more vigilant and cautious for this part of their journey than the Rhosonian normally does.

As they reach the campsite of the blue haired woman, he stops a about ten meters before reaching her fire and shows his empty hands as a sign of peace and readiness to talk. With a smile on his dark lips, the half-drow puts a strand of loose white hair behind his slightly pointed ear as he replies: "We didn't know that we would meet someone dancing around a nice fire. So" and his smile broadens a bit: "we are a equally surprised."

Raising his hand in a formal greeting he continues: "My name is Faelan Hythenos. Pleased to make your acquaintance - Auras ... of?" Watching out if the woman reacts to the name of one of the few noble houses ruling this realm all of them are at the moment, the Kryn Dynasty, the fighter is a bit suspicious to find a lonely human in this empty, dangerous lands. Maybe a spy from the Dwendalian Empire?
Nov 6, 2022 2:18 pm
"Hythenos? you are of den Hythenos of the kryn dynasty?" auras then started rambling quoting dates and some well known important historical events of the dynasty as if she answering a pop quiz. before snapping out of it. "sorry about the rambling my mother had a thing for what she called pop quiz and would test my historical knowledge and i slip into that mode when I get nervous or embarrassed...." auras started gathering her things. on closer inspection, you notice she has feathers and all manner of trinkets and worthless baubles in her hair and on her walking stick as well as on some of her clothes. "you may be aware of my mother she is a great historian and sage on matters of history. our allies at the cobalt soul have been a boon to us in that endeavor." when a package slipped from her pack as she was lifting it up, that looked like it was wrapped by a young child. tho auras were obviously barely not a day older than 20 years old. the look on auras face was fear "oh no oh no..." as she grabbed it and started inspecting the package "please please still work" as she gently opened the wrapping propping open a lid before a music box started playing auras breathed a sigh of relief "oh thank luxon." before rewrapping it exactly as it was before and gently putting the package back. "sorry that is a gift for a friend. I was supposed t give it to her some time ago. never got the chance she left my hometown suddenly the year before my adulthood.

Auras's solid white eyes started watering "I had beautiful blue eyes then but she was a light shining in the darkness. auras then pulled out a piece of paper showing a realistic drawing her and her friend her first love a half orc and water genasi. "this picture was done by old mr clocks. he really was an artist. but if you saw her right now you could see how kind and wonderful she was. one day we will meet again." auras then put the picture away "I'm actually supposed to go to this temple for a man named Alyxian he requires my aid though i know not what i am supposed to do. still, I can not ignore a cry for help. he asked from the heart so I will answer from the heart. and do all I can to aid him." auras then was ready to leave putting out her fire last. "shall we travel together? there is strength in numbers and I have been horribly delayed so far."
Nov 6, 2022 4:49 pm
Kailani finds the tall, slender figure a welcome interruption of the dreary landscape they have been wandering since morning. Her movements seem so unburdened and light, it does not seem to quite fit in here.

The air has been heated by the sun's unforgiving rays and the seafaring woman has been chewing on a root not unlike ginger to rid herself from a pulsating headache. The group has been silent for most of the time, some of the companions focused on their immediate surroundings, some seem lost in their own thoughts. The wasteland is hard to cross and without many vistas to inspire hope. It is almost as if this land does not want any visitors.

Faelan is the first to greet the stranger. He does so in a formal manner, Kailani hasn't seen from him in a while. She peeks around his shoulders and gives the woman a once-over. She likes how the ornaments make the girl's blue hair sparkle. Kailani closes the distance and crouches down close to the fire. While inspecting the camp site, she looks for indications of magic. After last night anything might be possible. The girl - Auras - starts babbling and Kailani wonders...The music box is rescued and inspected while Kailani gets up and stands close to Auras side. She then lifts an index finger and pokes her in the shoulder twice. "Just making sure." she says and winks.

She turns on one heel and walks closer to her friends, while Auras invites herself to their group. "Who then tells you what you are supposed to do and to what end?" Kailani looks at her with a cheeky grin. "I do not think you are another mirage. Hm. How can one ask you from the heart? Are you a demon , or a spy, maybe?" Her demeanor is friendly and curious.
Nov 6, 2022 9:15 pm

After the ambush and the night in the cave it was clear the changeling was on guard. Rather than the cheerful Ardeth Dancing around and chatting everyone's ear off and occasionally shifting forms for others to give their insight, the bards form was static for their walk as the Goliath woman. Grana she'd have said her name was while like this, and whie she offered the group a couple of surprisingly soft smiles it was clear she was edge and watching out for danger.

As the others introduce themselves to the stranger she hangs back, still wary for another attack. When she starts talking about historians and the colbalt soul briefly the changeling's form wavers shrinking to the Ardeth, eager to talk about facts and stories, before snapping back to the cautious goliath.

'A pleasure to meet another person out here Auras. You can call me Grana right now. I have other names at times, they'll probably be happy to explain later. ' Her words are curt as she looks the stranger over looking for weaponry or any sign of deception.
Nov 7, 2022 4:48 pm
Tereze cautiously introduces herself. She's on guard and her demeanour doesn't hide it. Her pauldroned shoulders are tense and she stands wide-legged as if to assert dominance on the situation.

"It isn't safe to be out here alone" she says bluntly, a small fang glinting from the side of her mouth. She looks up at the sky, which had changed colour all along their day's walk. "You're either brave or stupid, but by the two moons I won't turn down a genuine request for guidance, especially as we're headed that direction anyway"

"Tereze" She introduces herself and her shoulder appear to lower as she assesses this person wasn't an immediate threat. Then, bluntly again adds, "Can you fight?". The dancing they had walked in on hadn't set Tereze's expectations very high, but appearances could be deceiving. Would this 'Auras' be dragging them down, or helping them out if they met trouble on the road?
Nov 7, 2022 5:35 pm
Auras cocked her head at the pokeing "not sure if I should be offended at being considered a mirage or not." she then looks at grana and tereze "im sure the pleasure is all mine. looks like you folks have been through a rough journey if it not too bold to say." at the question of fighting arose Auras again cocked her head to the side. "what an interesting question. tho I'm sure i haven't put on the best impression of my fighting skills I wouldn't be out here if I couldn't but i prefer to avoid fighting when possible it only leads to misery." auras pulled out her diary and opened it taking pencil from her hair and started jotting everyone names down plus her observations of them as a group and her first impression of them as individuals. for Faelan Hythenos she jotted down his name and noted he seemed polite and nice.

Kailani seems care free and a little lacking in seriousness also thinks i am a demon or spy. must find out what gives them this impression. i stick out like a sour thumb. note i would be a terrible person for spying

Grana seems nice though on the cautious side of things. says she has other names and personalities. looking forward to meeting them she sounds fascinating note must try not be a bother to her. looks like she and her friends have been through hell

tereze seems to also be cautious and very blunt has a small fang looks cute. must show her my fighting skills if possible tho i detest fighting bodies lead to problems that more trouble than they are worth. the group looks like it has been through hell and worse. hopefully, I can provide assistance and not be dead weight. Final note i keep hoping to meet my old friend i know she is out there somewhere. luxon please keep her safe. i hope she has not forgotten me for I keep dreaming of her." auras finished her writing "right then best not linger here, shall we go?"
Last edited November 7, 2022 7:00 pm
Nov 7, 2022 7:04 pm
"Sure. Mind answering my questions first?" Kailani looks at the newcomer expectantly.
Adrasthea says:

"Who then tells you what you are supposed to do and to what end?"
[...]How can one ask you from the heart? [...]"
Nov 7, 2022 7:10 pm
oh right sorry, well to be perfectly honest I'm not sure. I can only hope i can get more information when I get there. as for the asking and answering from the heart it a little more philosophical or metaphorical saying. to me if you ask with sincerity you will be answered with sincerity. leats that be my interpretation of it. though yours may be different than mine. auras smiled then said an inquisitive mind is a healthy mind. as my mother would say.
Nov 7, 2022 7:32 pm
Inclining his head for a second in recognition that this is correct, Faelan lifts an eyebrow in surprise as Auras doesn't stop speaking and rambles on about the history of his house. The smile on his face changes from surprised to flattered and then to bemused. "Very good." he commends the blue haired woman and even claps in his empty hands as a gesture of appreciation.

"Your mother is in the Cobalt Soul as well?" he asks curiously after a moment. The Order of learned monks is famous beyound the borders of the empire. "And you?" the half-drow inquires, again a bit suspicious, because he had never imagined meeting someone of them inside the Dynasty.

Noticing for the first time the solid white eyes of their interlocutor, the noble closes a few steps in to gain a better look, as the strange woman seems occupied with her wrapped music box. But he stops abruptly as she mentions Alyxian.

"Yes. Maybe we should travel a bit together..." Faelan muses aloud, while seeming in deep thoughts. Looking at the newcomer for a moment longer than fashionable before performing an inviting gesture back to the road in the direction of Bazzoxan.

All of this couldn't be a coincidence.
Nov 7, 2022 8:02 pm
well I know they have worked together on many projects but my mother is usually busy with... auras pauses seeming to chew over how to put it. "clan business and making sure everything is as it should be. tho i must admit my mother worries too much about a lot of things.
the worry gonna kill her someday.
auras half smiles. I was on my way getting prepared to join their ranks when this request came in so it is on pause for the moment. auras was no simpleton, she noticed faelan's reaction to the name. he and possibly his group knew more than they let on and put on a smile. "it would certainly be nice to have someone to talk to on the road at least.
Nov 7, 2022 10:39 pm
Tereze nods in approval and chuckles "You'll fit right in then. We are not tavern brawlers here.".

Tereze had no doubts that there would be talking on the road, Auras could probably manage that single handedly. She still felt a little wary though, not for sake of ill intent, but the distinct feeling that Auras may not be the best at keeping secrets.

"Let's open a bottle of red at out next camp, to welcome our new traveling companion" She suggests, a sign of good faith.
Nov 9, 2022 7:10 pm
"oh, a red sounds lovely. let us go then so we may enjoy each other company" Auras smiled as he made sure she was all ready to hit the road. "let us be off on our greatest adventure!" she cheered and started humming a tune as they walked.

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