Nov 5, 2022 10:00 pm
The figure was named Auras a noble human woman who stood just shy of 6 feet. tall even among her clan and home. she was just beginning to stand casting a spell known commonly as thaumaturgy as music started playing in the air with no discernable source. as she began dancing and spining around her fire, her blue hair a mix of sky blue and deep dark ocean blue shaking and twirling with her movements. the song she started singing seemed sad yet hopeful about a friend who was gone without goodbyes being said and how they longed to see them again. how they came up from darkness but without them every day since has been in shadow.
it was after the dancing was coming to a close that auras saw she had a small audience stopping mid twirl and stumbled a little as she stopped suddenly . "oh I uh didn't know I had company." she said as she looked beyond embarrassed. as she looked down. "I suppose I looked strange and a little funny." she said sheepishly "i am auras and who might you find folks be?"
it was after the dancing was coming to a close that auras saw she had a small audience stopping mid twirl and stumbled a little as she stopped suddenly . "oh I uh didn't know I had company." she said as she looked beyond embarrassed. as she looked down. "I suppose I looked strange and a little funny." she said sheepishly "i am auras and who might you find folks be?"
performance roll feel free to ignore - (1d20+3)
(6) + 3 = 9