[closed] 2-3 players [D&D 5e] campaign

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Jul 22, 2022 2:33 pm
✅ Dnd 5e.
✅ The Omega Zone:

A post-apocalyptic world set in some far far off future world. It is a time where the promise of technology and reason have failed and given rise to primitive brutality and superstition. Life is cheap in the Omega Zone, the last bastion of "civilization" ruled over by despotic warlords and their subjects. Outside of the Omega Zone is a hostile wasteland inhabited by mutants, beasts, outlaws, and other scavengers feeding off the carrion of the skeletal remains of a once-great world spanning civilization.

"The City" is the largest settlement in the Omega Zone, home to untold thousands of souls scrabbling for scant resources under the watchful eyes of the all powerful Overlords and their enforcers. While the masses struggle to survive inside the great walls of The City, the Overlords in their high towers want for nothing, they are masters of plenty.

On the frontier of the Omega Zone are small fortified settlements ruled by robber barons and petty despots. Though conditions are harsh for the serf classes that labor for their masters, thriving beyond the Omega Zone is an unthinkable. The wastelands are filled with dangers uncounted: sand storms that would flay the unsheltered in moments; poison rivers; ravenous beasts devour the unwary; mindless shambling hordes whose combined moans are said to drive the unprepared mad; bloodthirsty bandits raiders, and outlaws who plunder the Omega Zone's scant bounty for resources- including those unfortunate enough to be captured.

But for those brave, or foolish enough to venture beyond the relative safety of the Omega Zone, riches lay waiting to be discovered in ancient ruins guarding the most prized commodity of all: Tek.

Overlords and Robber Barons will reward adventurers who may return laden with Tek for their Teknomancers who seek to unlock the secrets of the Dark Age of Tek.

Tales also tell of artifacts of unimaginable power waiting for the bold to harness them and become Overlords themselves.

✅ Adult Content or Controversial Themes. This campaign is rated R for extreme violence, nudity, and some adult themes.

✅ ANY race, any class. This is the Omega Zone where anything is possible.

✅ You will be joining established campaign at 5th level. Posting is aspirationally at 1xday (not weekends) I have been guilty of a couple of longer spells of inactivity, but this game has been going in one form or another for 2 years, I foresee it going on at least another 2, possibly more.

✅ Game open to anyone regardless of Dnd or PbP experience.

✅ How to Apply: Because this campaign is already ongoing, I would like to have players submit character ideas. I will select 2-3 that I feel are a good fit.

✅ Standard Point Buy +1, and everyone starts with a bonus feat that has to be flavorful character driven NOT optimized. The bonus feat is subject to DM approval.

Just about any Race, Background, or Class in the standard published books is allowed.
Either take starting EQ or roll for gold.
I am looking for collaborative story telling and will look to the players to help flesh out the Omega Zone and beyond.
Think Thundar the Barbarian, Adventure Time, Mad Max, and Gamma Zone all rolled into a pastiche of the dying worlds genre.

✅ DnD is for EVERYONE as such, "This game is explicitly friendly to LGBT and any other minorities or marginalized groups."
Last edited July 23, 2022 2:10 pm
Jul 22, 2022 2:34 pm
The world is dying. Poison air, water, and soil curse the land.

Most of "humanity" now dwells in the largest settlement on the planet simply called "The City," a sprawling megalopolis with uncounted layers of crumbling hab-blocks stacked upon one another like a hive, only with none of the order or efficiency of an insect colony.

Existence for most within TC is nasty, brutish, and short. The strong rule the weak, exploiting them mercilessly. The strongest of all are the Overlords who dwell in opulence and comfort high above TC in fortified towers, their capricious will carried out by their sadistic Enforcers. The Overlords vie with one another for dominance over TC and its surroundings: embargoes, sabotage, theft, assassinations, and very occasionally open warfare erupts, their conflicts oblivious to the collateral damage inflicted upon the denizens of TC.

The Overlords monopolize the scant resources: air and water purifiers, Nutripaks, and the most important of all- Juice. Juice fuels everything and is the life-blood of TC. Some Juice is made in the upper spires on great sails that spin windmills in the turbulent air, or from PeeVees that collect Juice from the dim light of Soul, on the rare days when dust clouds part long enough to allow its weak rays to shine down. Bigger Juice factories ring the outskirts of TC, belching smoke from burning reclaimed waste. But the real deal is the massive Ar'Bem K'Nofor or RBMK4 that is the beating heart of TC. It is attended to by the Rads, the most powerful Overlords in TC. RMBK4 burns day and night consuming precious rods of deadly Youtoo Treeate. In the center of TC, there is no life at all, for RBMK4 extracts a terrible toll for the Juice it provides with a radius of obliteration that only the well shielded servants of the Rads can enter.
Jul 22, 2022 2:34 pm
Outside of TC are scattered strongholds that are the fiefdoms of the Robber Barons. They rule their outposts with iron fists, but only with the blessings of their Overlord patrons. Their fortresses guard the outskirts of the Omega Zone from the depredations of Raiders, Outlaws, and Fugitives, whose incursions are a near daily fact of life. ROFs will rob and slay all in their path as they scrabble for the few resources left in the Omega Zone. Entire caravans ferrying supplies and personnel from TC to the Robber Barons will fall prey to the larger ROF raids. The nightmare of every RB is a powerful enough ROF raid that would see a fortification breached. Though rare, it is not unknown for such attacks to succeed. A particularly ambitious ROF may see herself take command of a fort and secure the patronage of an Overlord: meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Jul 22, 2022 2:34 pm
Beyond the Omega Zone is the vast and desolate Forbidden Zone: a wasteland of flesh scouring dust storms, terrifying beasts, rivers of poison sludge, and massive herds of mindless Toxic Zombies that stretch from horizon to horizon. To even be within earshot of a TZ horde is enough to drive the unprepared mad with the deafening moaning and shrieking born of a hunger that can never be sated.

Deep within the Forbidden Zone and beyond the reach of the Robber Barons, are the few and scattered Free Settlements populated by those brave and hearty individuals who would face the dangers of the Forbidden Zone. These adventurous and bold folk carve out a tenuous existence from the wilderness accepting the trade off of freedom for almost certain death.
Jul 22, 2022 2:34 pm
The people of the Omega Zone is a diverse conglomeration of humans, mutants, and sentient machines. Some consistent mutations produced populations such as the muscular Stouts whose aptitude for mining and resistance to toxins are prized as workers for the Rads. Stange and willowy E.L.F.s, whose intellect often is used by Teknomancers to discern the ancient secrets from the past. The diminutive Genomes, clever and skilled at tinkering, as well as the child-like 1/2's who despite the misery of existence exude a cheerful disposition.

A vast array of other mutants fill the hab blocks, Teefs with their red skin and horns often playing to type as shady emissaries of the criminal underworld, Goliaths whose massive bulk often fill out the ranks of Overlord Enforcers. Large tusked and green skinned Uruks often exhibit the prevailing philosophy of 'Might is Right' and thus make up a large proportion of the ruling elite.

Rarer still are the Recessives, those mutants that don't exhibit outward signs of mutation but whose DNA is nevertheless altered with gifts or curses depending one's point of view. Shifters whose genes have been spliced with long forgotten other species and the Kalashtar whose minds are split. Recessives usually bear the Mark of the Mutant, though some slip past the notice of the Overlords.

Even rarer still are the almost one-off mutants that may have scaled skins and spit gobs of acid, or have feline heads and bear fur, or bird heads and feathered wings.

Sentient machines take many forms, though the Warforged are some of the few that look humanoid. Created in the Time Before to fight in the the endless wars that killed the world, Warfs are regarded with fear and suspicion my most, and outward hostility by some.
Jul 22, 2022 2:35 pm
TC is a polyglot of hundreds languages from the secretive codes spoken by the underworlders, to the beeps and boops of sentient machines.

The main form of communications are:

Universal, almost everyone in the Omega Zone speaks this, though much fewer read.
Spire the language of the Overlords
ROF the harsh and guttural pidgin that most of the Raiders of the Forbidden Zone speak, or at least understand
BeepBoop Machine Language: mostly written as a series of codes and statements but also spoken by Warfs and other machines.
Klik-Klak the language of the Bugs; hardly any human or mutant can speak Klik Klak
Murcan a dialect of Queen's that dominated the world in the Before Time. Many of the ancient texts and Tek manuals are written in Murcan
Dorf the language of the Stouts
Estonian The language of the E.L.Fs
Mega The rare tongue of the legendary Gigantors, it is known by a handful (and they may be making it up).
Last edited July 22, 2022 2:38 pm
Jul 22, 2022 2:35 pm
Commerce in TC and the outlaying settlements is in Units of Block Chain.

10 "peepees"
1 "geepees"
1/10 "esspees"
1/100 "ceepees"

These are locked in virtual wallets. The code protecting BC is one of the only things that remained from the Before Time. UBCs are honored throughout TC and the Omega Zone, even the Free Settlements recognize the usefulness of BCs.

Commerce is also driven by barter and trade. Anything and anyone is for sale for the right price.
Jul 22, 2022 2:35 pm
Tek is the most precious commodity. Ancient artifacts plucked from the many ruins littering the Forbidden Zone command high prices from the Overlords, their Teknomancers prying out the secrets of the Before Time.

Legends tell of Tek so powerful that any who possessed it could become an Overlord themselves.

Many an adventurer entered the Forbidden Zone in search of Lost Tek though very few ever returned, but the lure of fortunes and power is a strong one, and there is no shortage of those brave or foolhardy enough to seek untold riches and power.
Jul 22, 2022 2:47 pm
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Mad max, with extra mad
Verified player
I played in this game with SJ. It's mad bonkers fun with lots of opportunities for weird world-building reskins. If I weren't running all my games down, I'd be asking to join.
Jul 22, 2022 3:24 pm
Sounds cool. But I need to ask - is The omega Zone your creation or a converted rpg? 😳 Was looking for images to get a better idea of the setting.
Its like Dark Sun with tech?
Last edited July 22, 2022 3:37 pm
Jul 22, 2022 3:35 pm
This is a campaign setting I made up. But it's heavily based off of sci-fi post apocalyptic tropes.
Jul 22, 2022 3:50 pm
This could be interesting. and it is 5e no less. Hmmm. I'm willing to give that a shot!
Jul 22, 2022 3:57 pm
This sounds amazing! I'd love to give it a shot. Here's my idea:


Name: Bad Luck
Race: Tabaxi (Mutant human)
Class: Flexible. Depends on what's already present, Fighter, Rogue, Warlock and Ranger come to mind.
Concept: Bad Luck is a dour, smart-ass tek-hunter with a mouth as bad as his rep. Always hunting to get ahead, never caring for what he leaves behind. It's a cat eat dog world out there, you know? Good thing he spends most of his time in the wasteland so people don't have to endure his mouth too much. Oh and his name? He earned that because most of the folk he goes out there with, don't come back with him. So the tek-hunters slapped that name on the cat-man. Bad Luck himself just points out he's better than those who don't make it back, and them's the ones who caught the case of ill fortune. Who's to say? Can't be picky 'bout who you go out there with, ain't that right hunter? Yeah, thought so. Happy hunting friend.
Jul 22, 2022 4:24 pm
Setting sound super cool. I may even want to DM a similar idea one day. But for now - I would love to try (not sure if it is a good idea though) playing a barely-humanoid character utilising Simic Hybrid as playable 5e race
[ +- ] Like this
My mutated PC would have no resistance to toxins or other features usable in TC.

Nevertheless this character would need to be driven by divine force that would enforce PC to be emphatic against other humanoids in the party as well as not accepted as Overlord Enforcer. It means I want to play paladin as a class. But only if a divine classes and connection to a deity is a thing in your settings. I would work on sub-class and details based on deity.
Jul 22, 2022 11:52 pm
This is a sweet take on classic D&D races mashed up with Gamma World! I want in for the long haul!

I'm thinking of a Warf wizard specializing in gravitic and temporal manipulation (graviturgy and chronurgy). He/she/it (haven't decided yet) was found in a ruined bunker and activated by scavengers from a Free Settlement which he/she/it then lived in and helped protect. Perhaps the next step was moving through a Robber Baron stronghold onto TC. Damaged memory banks keep much of its stored knowledge inaccessible but recovery heuristics are slowly recovering vital information (when a new level is gained). In terms of personality, this Warf is intensely curious about organics and Lost Tek but is acutely aware of the dangers of both. Affinity for and trust of other Warfs and artificial intelligences may be a liability.
https://gamersplane.com/characters/avatars/18257.jpg https://i.imgur.com/NibqnXo.png
I'm also thinking this Warf could work as an arcane trickster rogue.

That's the basic idea but is there any specific area/specialty the current party is lacking that my character can provide?
Last edited July 23, 2022 5:56 am
Jul 23, 2022 2:57 am
Just today I bought "Sir Alkian's Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse". It looks like you might already have your 2 or 3 players, but in case the competition for spots is still open, let me toss out a character concept.

My concept would reskin a Githyanki Sorcerer with the Aberrant Mind origin as a mutated human psychic. She would be a classic post-apocalypse wild child. Young, no family, seemingly raised herself, having stayed alive by her wits and her powers. Maybe she has bonded with another PC, following them to adventure. Or maybe she just showed up and made herself useful to the party (safety in numbers, you know). Also, she might have read their minds and knows they're on a mission that could prove lucrative.
Jul 23, 2022 4:13 am
Ooooh this seems fun.

My first thought is a Khalastar pirate of some sort (can be a homebrew class or an official DnD class with pirate backstory or something similar) -

The Pirate, Captain Brizo, was once a Raider herself, and ran a mid-level crew for an overlord. However, her last job didn't go over so well, resulting in a decent bounty being put on Brizo's head, her crew dead, captive, or labeled as traitors (by The Captain) and a bad taste of revenge in Brizo's mouth. Now, however, she has her eyes set on being an Overlord... The only thing is, you kind of need a crew to get you there.
Jul 23, 2022 2:10 pm
Thanks everyone who expressed interest!
I’ve picked two concepts that I think will fit in the best.

If anything happens with the current players, I will reach out to you guys who expressed interest first.

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