Game Information

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Jul 24, 2022 4:39 am
Game Information: House Rules, Details On How I Run My Games. This should help you make an informed decision if the games I run will be a good fit for you.
Jul 24, 2022 4:43 am
Change Spell Trappings: you may change a different trapping (damage type) for spells as long as the rest of the spell mechanic is the same. Examples: fire bolt becomes necrotic bolt, heat metal becomes freeze metal, fire ball becomes lightning ball etc... This gives you more options to customize your character.

Reskin Weapons, Armor and Equipment: you may also change what equipment, weapons and armor look like as long as the game mechanics of changed item are the same. This gives you more options to customize your character.

Natural 20 on Initiative: The player may choose to either have Advantage on the first action or may use Dash as their bonus action at the beginning of their turn.

Critical Hits: You max your normal damage dice you would roll regularly and add your damage modifier (usually Str or Dex). Then roll all of the extra dice you would get on the critical hit and add it all together. This makes the critical hit more dramatic instead of rolling ones and twos on your dice doing less damage than a normal hit. (This is not for GM run NPCs)

Critical Failure, Sometimes?: Most rolls of a 1 on a 20 sided dice will be a normal failure. There may be occasions I provide a consequence of a Critical Failure. I will let you know when the critical failure is in play and what the outcome will be prior to you rolling. If you choose to go ahead and the outcome is a critical failure, I expect that you will not argue, accept the results and we all move on. After all it was your choice to proceed at that point.

Inspiration: Every player starts with inspiration that refreshes every week on Sundays at 12:00AM Central Standard Time. This Inspiration cannot be saved or given to different player to use. This inspiration can be used for a reroll. Reason, sometimes the dice do not go your way. This gives you a little more control over rolling poorly. A Critical Failure, Sometimes? cannot be rerolled using this Inspiration.

Long Rests: You cannot take a Long Rest in a place that is not safe. Safe places will usually include: your home, party base, an inn, home of an ally etc. . . Examples of unsafe places: dungeons, wilderness, caves, in an enemies lair, city streets, inn located in dangerous areas of the city, etc . . .

Bleeding Out: When reduced to 0 Hit Points you begin to bleed out. Only the medical or magical aid of a teammate or external effect can revive you by healing 1 or more HP.

Death: occurs if
• You are reduced to -10 HP
• If you are unconscious and bleeding out for 3 rounds of play
• You fail a save against Death

No Passive Perception: I do not use Passive Perception
Jul 24, 2022 5:12 am
Game Overall Rated PG13: no sexual content, no overly graphic descriptions of violence & gore.

Play By Post (PBP) I have no issues with players posting more frequently than the minimum amount of posts per week.

Conflict Designer: I focus more on conflict design than as a storyteller. This helps to remove GM preconceived notions on how a story should go. The players drive the story through the different ways the conflicts are resolved.

Game Style: Social interactions and exploration are far more dominant. Combat is less frequent and can likely be avoided by other methods to resolve the conflict.

Leveling: is by milestone.

Magic Items: Are more common in my Eberron game than Ravenloft the other setting I run.

Rolling Dice: only when the outcome is uncertain for a meaningful consequence of success or failure.

Adventurer Competency: PCs are assumed to be competent. This means the PC maintains their gear, packs weather appropriate clothing, replenishes ammunition and rations etc... No need to track this.

Information Sharing: PCs are automatically assumed to share all information on what they observe and through skill checks etc.... with one another unless a PC specifies they are not sharing that specific information that was obtained. This helps keep the game moving along without having to ask, "Do I know that to?" Or "I'm telling everyone else." If you want to Role Play it out that's okay, if not it will be assumed the party will know regardless.

NPCs: are background characters that will only provide minor support to PCs. Most of the time NPCs will not automatically act on the PCs behalf. PCs will have to interact with NPCs and thus play the game...

Environmental Based Modifiers for NPCs:
No environmental based disadvantage or advantage modifiers granted by the GM to NPCs. The PCs will have to interact with the NPCs and/or environment to impose a penalty or bonus on NPCs.

New PCs: will be integrated into the party seamlessly. This is done so the new player and/or PC can start playing quickly and it keeps the game moving along.

Rules As Written (RAW) in core rule books and majority consensus through internet search or Reddit posts for rules not clearly stated.

Spot Rulings - If a rules search is taking too long, I will make an on-the-spot ruling and the rule will be reviewed afterwards. (I will usually try to rule in favor of the player, unless it looks like it will seriously derail the game).

*On rare occasions if a rule conflicts with the spirit of the game, then the rule is ignored.
Jul 24, 2022 5:13 am

Alignment: All intelligent creatures are not bound by a specific alignment. This means you do not know if a creature is good or evil due to their race or specific creature. Red Dragon? could be Lawful Good. Gold Dragon? could be Chaotic Evil

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