The Weight of Souls

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Aug 16, 2022 1:55 pm
Woo that's a good roll! That nets you 4 thunder dice for your next turn. It also informs how "strong" your attack is this round. You don't mechanically do any damage until you spend tokens to cause wounds, but you can describe superior positioning, setting up for your next attack, minor narrative damage, etc.
Aug 16, 2022 2:03 pm
I guess the attack on the eyes was a success then? Can we say it blurred the god's vision, or something like that?
Aug 16, 2022 3:07 pm
Sure! His head is actually a technological helmet so you can say you destroyed the vision sensors or something like that.
Aug 17, 2022 2:03 pm
When the whirlwind of glass and sand surrounded the Mythenders Bomani continued to charge despite the shards of glass cutting and slashing his entire body. The growth provided by Sabah and the undead from Maat mauling Anubis granted the opportunity for Bomani to finally come within proximity of the god.

In Bomani's free hand, a small orb of light began to form. As he raised up his hand the orb began to pulse and grow larger by the second until it became a miniature sun. If there were any innocent mortals remaining they would have been scorched from being close by, however, as Anubis had annihilated them Bomani took his chance to use the gift provided by Ra.

Bomani then said to himself, "Today is the day you die, Anubis." and proceeds to toss the large orb towards the god.


Storm Dice - (3d6)

(2 ❌6 ✅4 ✅) = 2

Thunder Dice - (3d6)

(4 ✅6 ✅5 ✅) = 3

Aug 19, 2022 7:56 am
Anubis throws up a hand to shield himself from the ball of light. It explodes into a blinding radiance that fills the wide-open room and is reflected as thousands of pinpricks on the grains of golden sand. When the light dies away, Anubis is standing, one metallic arm glowing white-and-orange hot, smoke rising from several places. His hand and forearm are half-melted, misshapen.

With his good hand, still holding the metallic and luminescent crook, he sweeps it wide around the room. The grains of sand on the floor begin to vibrate. Then they group together into a large hammer made of compacted sand, and quick as a flash, it soars across the room, striking the Mythenders.
Gathering rage round 2: push Mythender corruption. I'm spending 3 Might to make each of you check off a box of corruption. Also charging my blight for 1 extra storm die.


5d6 - Storm Dice + Blight - (6d6)

(6 ✅2 ❌3 ❌6 ✅5 ✅3 ❌) = 3

5d6 - Thunder Dice - (6d6)

(4 ✅3 ❌5 ✅5 ✅1 ❌4 ✅) = 4

Aug 20, 2022 8:34 pm
Sabah raises her shield in defense, catching the sand-hammer blow. It breaks apart around her only to reform behind her and continue its attack. Sabah then uses this opportunity to charge forward. As she does so, she jumps off the fleshy growths, gaining speed with each jump as her touch makes them grow larger still. With her shield forward, she impacts Anubis at high speed, hoping to, if not break bones that she isn't even certain he has, at least make him stumble.
Charging Shield, also charging the Blight for the extra die


5d6 - Storm Rating 5 +1 Blight - (6d6)

(6 ✅5 ✅5 ✅1 ❌2 ❌1 ❌) = 3

5d6 - Thunder Dice 4 - (4d6)

(4 ✅1 ❌6 ✅4 ✅) = 3

Aug 20, 2022 9:21 pm
Maat, still connected to one of Sabah's growths, watches as the spirits claw and pull at the mechanical mask of Anubis, messing with its vision. As a result, this causes the sand hammer to miss him by just a few hairs. He sighs of relief, and cracks a smile.

Then he senses Sabah jumping towards him. When her feet touch the growth that Maat is attached to, it send a ripple of Sabah's energy through his body. Maat hones in on the spirits, seeing through their eyes and spots a weakness. "Souls of the underworld, tear this god to shreds!" he says, commanding the dark shapes to rip apart Anubis's face.
I'm going to drain my weapon (+5 thunder dice for 2 might tokens)
Do I need to roll a mythic die?
Not sure if this counts as charging the blight.


Thunder dice with drain - (10d6)

(2 ❌3 ❌2 ❌4 ✅2 ❌1 ❌6 ✅2 ❌2 ❌6 ✅) = 3

Mythic die - (1d6)

(6 ✅) = 1

Aug 20, 2022 9:22 pm
can I reroll that?
Aug 21, 2022 12:31 am
Unfortunately you can only re-roll if you have the Relentless Gift or if you get 0 successes. You can choose a Mythic action if you want to roll the Mythic die. You'll get bonus Thunder dice equal to the Mythic die result, but your corruption will also increase by 1. Don't forget you'll always be rolling your base Storm dice unless you take a Titanic action. Charging a blight is always free and available on your turn unless you are draining it.
Aug 22, 2022 2:23 pm
Bomani thought that using the Orb of Ra would certainly work against Anubis, but he is a god after all. When Anubis attacked, Bomani leaped to the stands they were previously at. He watched as the other two Mythenders continued their barrage and decided to continue to do the same. Since the undead were attacking the god's face and Sabah had impacted him with her shield, Bomani cracked the floor as he rushed Anubis to swing his axe at the uninjured arm.
Charged a blight for the one extra storm die. :)


Storm Dice + Blight - (4d6)

(4 ✅4 ✅5 ✅5 ✅) = 4

Thunder Dice - (5d6)

(2 ❌3 ❌3 ❌5 ✅6 ✅) = 2

Aug 22, 2022 3:00 pm
Nice rolls. Sabah's Blight is now fully charged. Let me know if Bomani is going to spend any Tokens to wound. I'll write a post tomorrow describing the end of round 2.

Also wow, Anubis is down to 1 thunder die... I think my gift might allow re-rolls but I'll have to check. Edit: nope, re-rolling is only for attacking lol. He is a wounded boy.


5d6 - Thunder Dice - (9d6)

(1 ❌2 ❌1 ❌3 ❌6 ✅1 ❌3 ❌3 ❌2 ❌) = 1

Aug 22, 2022 5:50 pm
With the sound of tearing metal, the shadows scratch open the eyes in Anubis's mask. Then they disappear into the holes they created, to wreak havoc inside.

At the same time, something is happening with Maat's eyes. They start to glow golden as the creatures he commands gain strength. He yells out, though it's not sure whether this is a cry of pain or a sort of battle cry. Then his back moves unnaturally, even though he has the hunch on his back, it forces him to stand up straight. The hunch detaches from the floral growth, cracks and releases black smoke that envelopes his whole body, giving Maat the look of a wraith with golden eyes.

He kneels down, and breathes heavily. The attack has taken a lot of his power. But it looks like it was at least effective.
Aug 24, 2022 1:59 pm
The souls rip apart the lenses of Anubis's mask and begin to squeeze into it. The metal and who-knows-what foreign technological material it was made of begins to vibrate as more spirits pour in. Suddenly the mask explodes in dozens of pieces like a shrapnel bomb. Anubis drops to one knee and almost falls over. Finally Anubis's face, and most likely the others of his race, is revealed. The head is a tangled mass of luminescent tentacles, a white glowing ball of worms or some hundred-headed sea anemone. The light emanating from the head pulsed in some unmeasurable rhythm. Just then, Sabah crashes into Anubis while he was vulnerable and sends him flying backwards, disappearing into a small sand dune. After a few heartbeats Anbubis regains his (it's?) emerges from the dune, grains of sand spilling off him like hourglass waterfalls. He lifts his crook-staff in his one good hand and it begins beeping and flashing light. A bright red beam of solid light flashes out and he sweeps it around the room. Any bystanders too slow to react are instantly separated from the rest of their body by a sizzling black line burned right through it.
End of round three power: gain 5 thunder dice (great timing for that lol). Charging his blight which is also fully charged now. Spending 3 lightning Tokens and 2 might to wound every mythender. Mark a wound box and roll your thunder dice. Any dice under your wound number is lost.


5d6 - Storm Dice + Blight - (6d6)

(5 ✅3 ❌1 ❌5 ✅1 ❌3 ❌) = 2

5d6 - Thunder Dice - (6d6)

(4 ✅3 ❌6 ✅5 ✅4 ✅6 ✅) = 5

Aug 24, 2022 2:13 pm
Rolling first to see what Thunder Dice I lose.

If I understand correctly, I lose 3 dice
Sabah, standing right underneath the god-creature is hit by the blast. It burns her but she ignores the pain and continues her assault on him. Using her newfound power over life and growth, she begins touching Anubis himself, forcing unnatural, cancerous growths to bulge from him, just the right size and distance to each other for her to use them as handholds in order to get up towards his face.
Charging Touch of Unnatural Growth again
Last edited Aug 24, 2022 2:14 pm


5d6 - Thunder Dice 7 - (7d6)

(1 ❌4 ✅5 ✅4 ✅2 ❌1 ❌5 ✅) = 4

5d6 - Storm Rating 5 - (5d6)

(6 ✅1 ❌1 ❌4 ✅2 ❌) = 2

5d6 - Thunder Dice 4 - (4d6)

(1 ❌1 ❌2 ❌6 ✅) = 1

Aug 24, 2022 2:16 pm
Yep lost 3, but then just gained 2 back lol.
Aug 24, 2022 2:32 pm
I'm going to roll first and see if I die or not ;)
If I die, I'll take more corruption and come back, but it'll be useful to know what happens before my IC post.

Edit: Hey, look at that. I survived :D
Last edited Aug 24, 2022 2:32 pm


Rolling thunder dice because of damage - (1d6)

(5 ✅) = 1

Aug 24, 2022 3:11 pm
Rolling for the wound. Lost 4 Thunder Die :(
Last edited Aug 24, 2022 3:12 pm


Wound - Thunder Die - (9d6)

(2 ❌4 ✅2 ❌1 ❌6 ✅4 ✅1 ❌6 ✅5 ✅) = 5

Aug 24, 2022 3:27 pm
Bomani was struck by the beam and was knocked into a pillar - shattering it completely and the debris toppled onto his body. He rose from the ground and spit blood before wiping off his lips.

"Is that all you got, you damn creature?"

From the distance he was at, Bomani saw Sabah attempting to climb Anubis to reach his face. He had to do something to make an opening for the two Mythenders to finish the job.

Bomani rushed forward towards Anubis once again and using all of his strength he used his axe to try and cut Anubis' good arm clean off.
Draining my weapon.


Thunder Die - (10d6)

(1 ❌1 ❌1 ❌6 ✅6 ✅5 ✅3 ❌4 ✅3 ❌5 ✅) = 5

Storm Die - (3d6)

(6 ✅4 ✅2 ❌) = 2

Aug 24, 2022 6:28 pm
Maat is still kneeling, gathering his strength when Anubis goes on the offensive with his beam of light. It travels across the floor, hitting sabah and Bomani, then heading straight towards him. For a moment it looks like this is the end of Maat, but then suddenly the light disappears. As if someone snuffed out a flame. All it leaves behind is a path of smoke that slowly drifts towards Maat and adds to his smokey appearance.

Through that smoke, a new light starts to flare up. Not that of a flame, but something glowing like his eyes. In his hands he is now holding a golden chalice. The chalice that was handed down in his family for generations and is the symbol of his house. It looks like the goblet just saved his life, and as a result, it glows bright with the absorbed energy of the beam.

He looks up at Anubis and sees Bomani charging. Thinking fast, he aims the golden cup at Bomani's axe. The red beam of light flashes across the room and hits it. With the added energy, the axe begins to glow red-hot just as it slices Anubis's arm.
I'm charging my own blight and also charging my weapon "The golden goblet of Arakir"
Description: Lights and flames extinguish
Created by: Maat


storm dice (+ 1 blight die) - (4d6)

(1 ❌6 ✅4 ✅4 ✅) = 3

Lightning die - (1d6)

(2 ❌) = 0

Aug 24, 2022 6:51 pm
Here's an AI's artistic impression of what Maat looks like now
[ +- ] Maat"s Paragon form
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