The Weight of Souls

Suddenly the howling tornado of sand and glass that had been forming a circular perimeter around them begins to abate. Humming energy like static electricity sparks around Anubis. Sand flows up from around him and forms an arm to replace his recently severed one. He plucks Sabah from his body just as she reaches his face. He flings her into the group of her fellow Mythenders, then shoots a series of sand-compacted spikes into their bodies.
5d6 - Storm Dice + Weapon Drain - (5d6+5d6)
(3 ❌3 ❌5 ✅6 ✅5 ✅) + (3 ❌5 ✅2 ❌5 ✅4 ✅) = 3
5d6 - Thunder Dice - (8d6)
(3 ❌3 ❌3 ❌1 ❌2 ❌1 ❌4 ✅1 ❌) = 1
5d6 - Bonus Thunder - (10d6)
(6 ✅5 ✅2 ❌6 ✅5 ✅1 ❌5 ✅2 ❌4 ✅1 ❌) = 6
Wound - Thunder Die - (7d6)
(2 ❌3 ❌4 ✅6 ✅4 ✅2 ❌2 ❌) = 3
As the storm of sandy spikes hurtle towards Maat, the goblet in his hand changes form. Becoming longer and sturdier. The cup is now the size of a large mace. He grabs it with both hands and tries to swat the spikes before they can reach him, as if playing a sports game, hoping to negate some of the incoming damage. One of the spikes gets through his defense and lodges itself in one of his legs. A wraith-like screech fills the air and the cup returns to its normal size.
After rallying from the wound, the dark figure, holding the chalice, starts to speak. It's a language you all recognize, but not one you've ever used. It's the language of the dead. An old, forgotten language now used only in the underworld. However, your mythender senses understand it without any problem. "Minions of the dark. I summon you to my side. Cast a plague upon this so called god. Overpower him with infestation."
At first, nothing seems to be happening, but then something falls out of Maat's chalice. It looks around, squeeks and runs towards Anubis. A rat. Just an ordinary rat. Then another one springs forth from the cup. And another... And another... With each spawn, the golden relic starts to glow brighter and brighter, almost blindingly bright. Moments later, the floor is covered in countless black rats, all heading towards Anubis and gnawing at his feet, trying to climb up his legs.
Well crap.. down to 1 thunder die again from the wound -_-
Rolling for my wound from Anubis - (4d6)
(3 ❌3 ❌6 ✅2 ❌) = 1
storm dice - (3d6)
(2 ❌1 ❌4 ✅) = 1
thunder dice - (1d6)
(1 ❌) = 0
The Blight should have 5 boxes, so that nets me five more Storm Dice, and then I get five more for the Weapon Drain
Wound - Thunder Dice 6 - (6d6)
(4 ✅4 ✅6 ✅6 ✅5 ✅3 ❌) = 5
5d6 - Storm Rating 5 + 10 - (15d6)
(5 ✅6 ✅6 ✅1 ❌3 ❌6 ✅5 ✅3 ❌5 ✅3 ❌6 ✅2 ❌6 ✅6 ✅3 ❌) = 9
5d6 - Thunder Dice 5 - (5d6)
(1 ❌4 ✅3 ❌5 ✅5 ✅) = 3
With all of his fury, he tossed the orb towards Anubis. At the angle he threw it, it managed to miss Sabah and was pinpointed at Anubis’ torso.
Thunder Die - (8d6)
(6 ✅4 ✅5 ✅1 ❌5 ✅2 ❌3 ❌3 ❌) = 4
Storm Die - (3d6)
(5 ✅4 ✅6 ✅) = 3
Thunder Dice - (14d6)
(4 ✅2 ❌2 ❌2 ❌6 ✅3 ❌2 ❌5 ✅6 ✅1 ❌2 ❌5 ✅6 ✅3 ❌) = 6
5d6 - Storm Dice + Weapon Drain - (5d6+3d6)
(6 ✅1 ❌6 ✅1 ❌1 ❌) + (6 ✅2 ❌2 ❌) = 1
5d6 - Thunder Dice - (5d6)
(3 ❌5 ✅2 ❌6 ✅2 ❌) = 2
Wound - Thunder Die - (7d6)
(2 ❌2 ❌1 ❌6 ✅1 ❌1 ❌6 ✅) = 2
Screaming in pain and rage, she pulls her shield up in front of herself and rams into the Myth's skull with her full force, using the shield as her weapon.
EDIT: Charging Generator's Blight, and I'm also draining my shield, which I forgot before!
Wound - Thunder Dice 14 - (14d6)
(3 ❌6 ✅3 ❌4 ✅1 ❌5 ✅4 ✅1 ❌1 ❌2 ❌2 ❌6 ✅2 ❌3 ❌) = 5
5d6 - Storm Rating 5 - (5d6)
(5 ✅6 ✅6 ✅1 ❌3 ❌) = 3
5d6 - Thunder Dice 3 - (3d6)
(6 ✅4 ✅1 ❌) = 2
+4 Storm Dice (Blight & Weapon) - (4D6)
(2 ❌1 ❌3 ❌4 ✅) = 1
Thunder Dice < 5 - (8d6)
(1 ❌2 ❌5 ✅2 ❌2 ❌3 ❌4 ✅5 ✅) = 3
Rolling for wound
wound - (2d6)
(4 ✅5 ✅) = 2
When it settles, Maat is standing right in front of Anubis with his goblet in his hand. He puts it down on the floor and ever so gently taps the side of it with a deformed fingernail. A soft ring emanates from the chalice. To those on Maat's side of this battle, it sounds like a song one might play at a funeral. Macabre, but not unpleasant. To Anubis and other opposers, however, it sounds like a bell tower that keeps getting louder and louder.
Some mortals, who are still alive and consider themselves on Anubis's side, put their hands on their heads to block the ear-hurting pain. Unfortunately for them, it's no use. They drop to the floor seconds later, bleeding from their ears. Maat directs the sound to Anubis. His golden, glowing eyes now turn red from pure rage. The surrounding smoke, flows into the cup he's holding as if he's giving his own life-force to strengthen the attack.
I think I don't have to pay might because I'm using a relic.
Thunder dice (my dice, drain, blight) - (2d6, 5d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (3 ❌1 ❌) = 0
5d6 : (4 ✅3 ❌1 ❌1 ❌5 ✅) = 2
2d6 : (1 ❌2 ❌) = 0
Mythic die - (1d6)
(2 ❌) = 0
Do I only get lightning from the 5 I rolled? That would be 4 tokens then. Giving me 6 total. Is that enough to damage?
I'm going to have Maat die, since he lost all his thunder dice :(