The Weight of Souls

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Aug 25, 2022 12:28 am
Edited to add Sabah's attack during Anubis' post! Sorry I overlooked that.
Aug 25, 2022 12:32 am
TheGenerator says:
Here's an AI's artistic impression of what Maat looks like now
[ +- ] Maat"s Paragon form
I like it!
Aug 25, 2022 1:01 pm
End of round 4 power: Gain 10 Lightning tokens.
Under Sabah's command, tumors begin erupting from Anubis' body. Unlike fleshy tumors, these were translucent pockets of filled with flashing lights. They look like lightning-filled jellyfish. Sabah begins climbing these outgrowths, making her way to Anubis' tentacled head. Meanwhile Bomani rushes the god-being with his axe, empowered by Maat's holy grail. The glowing axe slices through Anubis' arm which thunks heavily into the sand-strewn floor. Instead of blood and bone, the stump revealed metal and fiber-optics, flashing and sparking in the sand-choked air. It seems as if Anubis' whole body, except for his head, was artificial. Anubis' glowing head-tentacles whip about in a frenzy.

Suddenly the howling tornado of sand and glass that had been forming a circular perimeter around them begins to abate. Humming energy like static electricity sparks around Anubis. Sand flows up from around him and forms an arm to replace his recently severed one. He plucks Sabah from his body just as she reaches his face. He flings her into the group of her fellow Mythenders, then shoots a series of sand-compacted spikes into their bodies.
Draining my blight for 5, paying 2 might for my gift which doubles blight thunder dice, draining my sand mastery weapon for 5 storm dice, and spending 9 lightning tokens to wound each of you.


5d6 - Storm Dice + Weapon Drain - (5d6+5d6)

(3 ❌3 ❌5 ✅6 ✅5 ✅) + (3 ❌5 ✅2 ❌5 ✅4 ✅) = 3

5d6 - Thunder Dice - (8d6)

(3 ❌3 ❌3 ❌1 ❌2 ❌1 ❌4 ✅1 ❌) = 1

5d6 - Bonus Thunder - (10d6)

(6 ✅5 ✅2 ❌6 ✅5 ✅1 ❌5 ✅2 ❌4 ✅1 ❌) = 6

Aug 25, 2022 3:26 pm
Rolling for wound. Down to 3d6 Thunder die.
Last edited Aug 25, 2022 3:26 pm


Wound - Thunder Die - (7d6)

(2 ❌3 ❌4 ✅6 ✅4 ✅2 ❌2 ❌) = 3

Aug 26, 2022 6:36 am
Maat grins when he sees the others wound Anubis. But his joy is short lived. It looks like the god isn't down and out just yet and he retaliates with great force.

As the storm of sandy spikes hurtle towards Maat, the goblet in his hand changes form. Becoming longer and sturdier. The cup is now the size of a large mace. He grabs it with both hands and tries to swat the spikes before they can reach him, as if playing a sports game, hoping to negate some of the incoming damage. One of the spikes gets through his defense and lodges itself in one of his legs. A wraith-like screech fills the air and the cup returns to its normal size.

After rallying from the wound, the dark figure, holding the chalice, starts to speak. It's a language you all recognize, but not one you've ever used. It's the language of the dead. An old, forgotten language now used only in the underworld. However, your mythender senses understand it without any problem. "Minions of the dark. I summon you to my side. Cast a plague upon this so called god. Overpower him with infestation."

At first, nothing seems to be happening, but then something falls out of Maat's chalice. It looks around, squeeks and runs towards Anubis. A rat. Just an ordinary rat. Then another one springs forth from the cup. And another... And another... With each spawn, the golden relic starts to glow brighter and brighter, almost blindingly bright. Moments later, the floor is covered in countless black rats, all heading towards Anubis and gnawing at his feet, trying to climb up his legs.
I'm charging my weapon. No attack this round.
Well crap.. down to 1 thunder die again from the wound -_-
Last edited Aug 26, 2022 6:37 am


Rolling for my wound from Anubis - (4d6)

(3 ❌3 ❌6 ✅2 ❌) = 1

storm dice - (3d6)

(2 ❌1 ❌4 ✅) = 1

thunder dice - (1d6)

(1 ❌) = 0

Aug 26, 2022 1:43 pm
Okay, I lose one Thunder Die.
Now really mad at the god for throwing her off, Sabah prepares for one, hopefully final, attack. She draws in the strange growths she created all over the tower top, then uses them to hurl herself at the Myth's face for an all-out attack.
I'm draining both my Touch of Unnatural Growth and the Blight.
The Blight should have 5 boxes, so that nets me five more Storm Dice, and then I get five more for the Weapon Drain
Last edited Aug 26, 2022 1:48 pm


Wound - Thunder Dice 6 - (6d6)

(4 ✅4 ✅6 ✅6 ✅5 ✅3 ❌) = 5

5d6 - Storm Rating 5 + 10 - (15d6)

(5 ✅6 ✅6 ✅1 ❌3 ❌6 ✅5 ✅3 ❌5 ✅3 ❌6 ✅2 ❌6 ✅6 ✅3 ❌) = 9

5d6 - Thunder Dice 5 - (5d6)

(1 ❌4 ✅3 ❌5 ✅5 ✅) = 3

Aug 27, 2022 4:05 am
After being rag-dolled by Anubis, Bomani’s rage reached the tipping point. He decided to join Sabah in one final attack. Just as before, Bomani’s hand began to fill with the Orb of Ra. This time, however, the orb was much smaller. Much more compact. Instead of a large yellow sun, it was a hot white star.

With all of his fury, he tossed the orb towards Anubis. At the angle he threw it, it managed to miss Sabah and was pinpointed at Anubis’ torso.
Paying double the wound cost and doubling down to spend 10 tokens to wound Anubis. Also draining my orb of Ra. I hope this is correct!


Thunder Die - (8d6)

(6 ✅4 ✅5 ✅1 ❌5 ✅2 ❌3 ❌3 ❌) = 4

Storm Die - (3d6)

(5 ✅4 ✅6 ✅) = 3

Aug 27, 2022 4:40 am
Rolling for wound. Anubis looses 9 thunder dice, he has 5 remaining. Bomani, go ahead and narrate the grievous damage you did.


Thunder Dice - (14d6)

(4 ✅2 ❌2 ❌2 ❌6 ✅3 ❌2 ❌5 ✅6 ✅1 ❌2 ❌5 ✅6 ✅3 ❌) = 6

Aug 27, 2022 4:59 am
As the orb made contact with Anubis began to rotate at an astronomical speed. The orb got smaller and smaller until it was only the size of a marble. During its rotation, it was melting Anubis, burying itself within the god until at the last moment it stopped. Once at the very core of Anubis, the star explodes into a supernova, leaving nothing but Anubis’ shoulders, neck and head behind, open for the final attacks.
Aug 28, 2022 10:47 am
End of round power: push Mythender corruption. Each of you should tick off your next corruption box. I believe all of you should be at your second form now.
Once again Anubis draws sand around him, pulling the grains together to make a replica body. It is much weaker than his robotic body and his grasp is somewhat tenuous now, with pieces of his sand-body losing definition then reforming, creating an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of body parts. He takes up his staff once again and begins powering it up. The scintillating multi-colored lights envelop the staff, and a concentrated red beam sweeps among the Mythenders, attempting to separate their bodies with pure heat.
Draining my single charge from Crook of Death weapon. Spending Lightning and Might to wound each of you one last time. This is your final round. Anubis has 8 Thunder dice you have to wipe out. Good luck!


5d6 - Storm Dice + Weapon Drain - (5d6+3d6)

(6 ✅1 ❌6 ✅1 ❌1 ❌) + (6 ✅2 ❌2 ❌) = 1

5d6 - Thunder Dice - (5d6)

(3 ❌5 ✅2 ❌6 ✅2 ❌) = 2

Aug 28, 2022 11:24 pm
Rolling for wound


Wound - Thunder Die - (7d6)

(2 ❌2 ❌1 ❌6 ✅1 ❌1 ❌6 ✅) = 2

Aug 29, 2022 5:43 am
Anubis' energy beam strikes Sabah mid-flight, burning her flesh away as she continues her supernatural jump towards the god's head. When her flesh reforms, Sabah has visibly changed completely. She's taller and even less human now than she had been before. Her skin is covered in scales, her eyes glowing in an angry yellow and as she flies through the air, loose leaves trail her as if falling from her pockets or the folds of her garb.

Screaming in pain and rage, she pulls her shield up in front of herself and rams into the Myth's skull with her full force, using the shield as her weapon.
Okay, from what I can tell from the very confusing rules, I don't roll to wound, I just spend the Lightning tokens. I have seven. Not sure what his wound cost is, but I'll spend as many as I need to wound him. Twice, if I can.

EDIT: Charging Generator's Blight, and I'm also draining my shield, which I forgot before!
Last edited Aug 29, 2022 7:08 am


Wound - Thunder Dice 14 - (14d6)

(3 ❌6 ✅3 ❌4 ✅1 ❌5 ✅4 ✅1 ❌1 ❌2 ❌2 ❌6 ✅2 ❌3 ❌) = 5

5d6 - Storm Rating 5 - (5d6)

(5 ✅6 ✅6 ✅1 ❌3 ❌) = 3

5d6 - Thunder Dice 3 - (3d6)

(6 ✅4 ✅1 ❌) = 2

+4 Storm Dice (Blight & Weapon) - (4D6)

(2 ❌1 ❌3 ❌4 ✅) = 1

Aug 29, 2022 6:14 am
Correct, wounds are caused by Tokens. His wound cost is 5. Others can help you pay some of the cost to make up the missing 3 for doubling down. Bomani has exactly 3 left if he wants to contribute.
Aug 29, 2022 6:30 am
Okay, that puts me at 9 Lightning Tokens, so I actually only need one contributed from someone else
Aug 29, 2022 6:32 am
OK I'll assume someone will pay at least 1 and whoever volunteers can deduct it. Rolling. Damn that sucked for him. He has 2 Thunder dice left.


Thunder Dice < 5 - (8d6)

(1 ❌2 ❌5 ✅2 ❌2 ❌3 ❌4 ✅5 ✅) = 3

Aug 29, 2022 6:52 am
I'll add a lightning token :)
Rolling for wound
Last edited Aug 29, 2022 6:53 am


wound - (2d6)

(4 ✅5 ✅) = 2

Aug 29, 2022 7:58 am
Maat was ready for the attack, this time. He concentrates, and his smoke-enveloped body briefly becomes ethereal, causing the red beam to pass through him. It hits the floor behind him, creating a large crater. Smoke, dust and debris fills the room.

When it settles, Maat is standing right in front of Anubis with his goblet in his hand. He puts it down on the floor and ever so gently taps the side of it with a deformed fingernail. A soft ring emanates from the chalice. To those on Maat's side of this battle, it sounds like a song one might play at a funeral. Macabre, but not unpleasant. To Anubis and other opposers, however, it sounds like a bell tower that keeps getting louder and louder.

Some mortals, who are still alive and consider themselves on Anubis's side, put their hands on their heads to block the ear-hurting pain. Unfortunately for them, it's no use. They drop to the floor seconds later, bleeding from their ears. Maat directs the sound to Anubis. His golden, glowing eyes now turn red from pure rage. The surrounding smoke, flows into the cup he's holding as if he's giving his own life-force to strengthen the attack.
Doing a titanic action again. Draining my weapon (+5) and the blight (+2)
I think I don't have to pay might because I'm using a relic.


Thunder dice (my dice, drain, blight) - (2d6, 5d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (3 ❌1 ❌) = 0

5d6 : (4 ✅3 ❌1 ❌1 ❌5 ✅) = 2

2d6 : (1 ❌2 ❌) = 0

Mythic die - (1d6)

(2 ❌) = 0

Aug 29, 2022 8:02 am
Once again, a very bad roll :(
Do I only get lightning from the 5 I rolled? That would be 4 tokens then. Giving me 6 total. Is that enough to damage?

I'm going to have Maat die, since he lost all his thunder dice :(
Aug 29, 2022 8:03 am
You need five tokens to do damage
Aug 29, 2022 8:14 am
bowlofspinach says:
You need five tokens to do damage
In that case, maybe I can use my Grievous Harm gift to turn it into a 6 and use all 6.
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